12 years out ...

Jul 07, 2014

********If you are reading my journal for the first time, let me warn you, it is pretty extensive. I hope that I do not bore anyone, but it was very helpful to write beforehand, when I was so excited about this possibility, I just needed an outlet. Now I write periodically, when something important happens like a doctor's appointment or when I wanted to just make a small update. I try to write an entry at least once a month. Now that I am LIVING my life, instead of waiting for it to begin, it is more of an effort to remember to write. I love this site and am so thankful for it. If you are considering this surgery, my only recommendation is that you research it thoroughly. If you think you have researched enough, look some more. It is so very important that you enter into this with your eyes WIDE open. This is a very serious step and you need to make sure that it is your last resort.************
*****because there seems to be a limit in the number of characters, in order to update I had to delete all the comments prior to this one - I have them saved elsewhere, but it makes me sad that they could not be included here.  If I figure out how to add/archive them I will do so.  Latest entry near the bottom.  7/7/14

December 19, 2004

I guess it is not a bad idea to update. I know I always wanted to know about those people who had the surgery so long ago.

I pretty much stayed under 260 pounds through Christmas last year. It seemed acceptable at the time, but once the new year arrived I immediately put on 15 pounds. I mean like in a month. By the end of January, I was 274. Throughout the year I fluxuated between 271 and 278 pounds. I joined curves in March and have exercised on and off over the year, I did their diet (Atkins like) and I lost some of the weight, but not much and it was very hard to stay on so I gained it right back. I seem to have tried all types of diets and just can't seem to stay on any of them. Currently I am on Weight Watcher's. I figured it was a tried and true company and I really just need to eat right, not do the faddish type diet. I am currently at 258, which is about where I was last Christmas. I actually am looking at it as a success (to be where I was a year ago, instead of up - the direction I was heading).

Well, the bottom line that I see is that YOU HAVE TO EXERCISE. Find something you like to do and do it. That is my downfall. My eating has improved, but I just don't exercise consistently enough. I know for a fact that I would be loosing more weight if I were exercising.

If you are thinking about surgery, just had it or already had it. Please don't fool yourself, like I did. Exercise is definitely the key to success with the gastric bypass. The gastric bypass just gets you to a weight where you CAN actually exercise.

I still feel pretty good, but I know I could feel better. Here's to a new year and continued weight loss.

Happy New Year's everyone. I'll update next year.

February 27, 2006

Wow! It has been A LONG time since I posted. I have still been struggling with the weight and even was as high as 282 again, but I am still working on it. Back down to 256# and hit a plateau. As I said before exercise is the key, and I just don't get enough of it. I do exercise and my eating has improved a hundred fold, but it just doesn't seem to be enough. I don't blame anything or anyone but myself. I had an incredible opportunity and in some ways I wasted it. I am a person with a positive outlook though and can totally see the benefits that I have reaped over the last 3 1/2 years. I am sooooo much healthier. I can do so much more. When I was a size 34/36 (very hard to find in stores), all I could dream about was being a size 22 and I am so there. Now I am dreaming of being a size 16/18 and I will just have to work at it. Good luck to anyone at any stage of this process. Remember it still takes a lot of work on your part, but stick with it.

Best to you,

May 30, 2010

I could totally just repeat what I wrote in the last two posts.  It ALL is still true, except that I hung in the 280's for the last two years and actually saw 290.  That was a terrible day for me.  Am back on Weight Watcher's and down to 277.  I keep telling myself "this time I'll make it a lifestyle change".  I have been on Weight Watcher's twice since the last post and Nutrisystem once.  It is just not easy folks.  Still fairly healthy, but starting to "feel" older (knees and back aches).  Just had physical and everything bloodwork wise was really good.  Good luck to all of you out there.  Keep working at it.  I know it is attainable, even if I haven't quite gotten there yet.


Repeat, repeat, repeat...    In the midst of trying the 5-day pouch test.  I do snack, graze and drink water during meals - all taboo.  Need to knock out the carbs and not drink during meals. 

Best to you,

5/22/02 365 lbs 0 BMI 64.7
5/30/02 371 lbs +6 6 gained
6/6/02 326 lbs -45 39 lost
6/18 322 lbs -4 43 lost
7/22 310 lbs -12 55 lost BMI 54.9
8/18 298 lbs -12 67 lost BMI 52.8 under 300 lbs **YEAH**
9/22 283 lbs -15 82 lost BMI 50.5
10/22 275 lbs -8 90 lost BMI 48.7 under 50 BMI **YEAH**
11/20 265 lbs -10 100 lost BMI 46.9 made the 100 pound club!!! two days shy of my 6 month anniv
12/22 258 lbs -7 107 lost BMI 45.7
1/22/03 254 -4 111 lost BMI 45.0
2/22/03 250 -4 115 lost BMI 44.3
3/26/03 248 -2 117 lost BMI 43.9
4/28/03 250 +2 115 lost BMI 44.3
7/06/03 245 -5 120 lost BMI 43.4
12/29/03 248 +3 117 lost BMI
12/19/04 258 +10 107 lost BMI 44.3
gained 3/4 inches in height with weight loss :)
03/27/06 256 -2 109 lost (still struggling with up and down numbers)
05/30/10 277 +21    lost 88 (STILL struggling with up and down numbers) BMI 47.5

07/07/14 282 +5  lost 83 (STILL struggling) starting the 5-day pouch test - with fingers crossed  BMI 48.4


About Me
Colorado Springs, CO
Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2002
Member Since

Latest Blog 1
