Back on again

Feb 21, 2013

So, I've been consistent with maintaining my weight loss. Cudos to me! :) I'm at 141lbs... Still wanna drop a few more lbs but not overly worried if I don't. I'm beyond happy with my success thus far. Looking into skin reduction surgery now. It's not necessary honestly, but I didn't go through all of this to keep my body covered still! I wanna wear a bikini and NOT be worried about a little skin issue. Ah, the joys of weight loss!



I'm back!

Sep 20, 2011

yeah, so... I've been gone for a bit. Kind of taken the summer off and just enjoyed my new life! I couldn't be happier with my results. I'm down to 156 lbs as of this morning. That's a great feeling! Not much else is going on... just really busy with everything. I've slacked on the eating but, really it's not so bad. I am honestly in love with myself now... LOL! oh boy! :)

New love I found this morning... Cinnamon Bun Protein Bars. Yeah, it's good! It's real good!!

But, other than that... I am starting weight training and hope to be a buff babe soon! 

1 year surgiversary!

May 10, 2011

Yesterday was the big day. My one year surgiversary! I had been looking forward to this day for 364 days!! I am still at 164 pounds and I'm pretty sure that's where I'm gonna stay. But, I'm SO happy with that even though I wanted to get to 150 pounds but, I'm sure once I hit 150 I'd be asking to be 140 and then 130 and so on.  Reflecting on all that happened in the last year, I am truly overwhelmed at how far I've come. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. I don't feel like the same person. At all. It's very unfamiliar. I am confident in how I look, I am at peace with my appearance and I'm just loving the fact that I can buy clothes at regular stores and not in plus sized only shops or sections. I'm even happy with how I feel at grocery stores and restaurants. I don't worry about what I am getting in fear of being judged. I love that I can fit in seats at doctor offices or movie theaters or wherever! I am just all around in general very happy with my life and where it's going. I feel incredible! Absolutely incredible!
1 comment

April update

Apr 18, 2011

So, I'm back from another surgery. I had to have a hysterectomy this time with exterior & interior reconstruction. Recovery sucked but wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm weighing in around 164-167lbs. I kind of bounce really really. I am hoping desperately to hit 150 before my surgiversary. That's coming up soon... May 10th. Not looking too good though. My weight loss has slowed way down...almost to a stop. I figure I'm pretty darned successful with this surgery. My surgeon told me from day 1 to figure my ending weight loss to be around 200lbs. Life is good, I feel great! I can tolerate a lot of sugar so, that's kind of good because I feel very normal. Kind of bad because, well... if I tolerate it, I eat it.  But, hey... I'm gonna live my life and not be bound anymore! Summer is coming and I am SO excited! I can't wait to wear tanks and shorts! 

oh the dreaded stall continues

Jan 25, 2011

So, I've lost a couple of more pounds. Not many. And I'm stalled out again. This is killing me! I've started C25K training today in hopes that helps jump my weight loss into gear again. I'm happy with where I am but, JEEZ! I just wanna get to 150lbs!


Jan 11, 2011

So, I've recently past my 8th month surgiversary. I'm told by my nurse that I won't be losing any more weight. That sucks. I was really... REALLY ... hoping to get to 150lbs. I'm gonna keep trying though. I've decided to start a blogging website for recipes and such. I'm real excited about it actually!  So, that's all I have for now.

broke free!

Dec 14, 2010

So I broke the stall... and dropped more! I've met my personal goal weight... passing my surgeon's goal by 20lbs. I've set a new goal of 150lbs and then on to maintenance. phew! What a journey this has been. I feel incredible! Words seriously cannot describe how good it feels to accomplish such a large task and to feel comfortable with how I look. AMAZING! I'm on cloud 9 and just climbing higher and higher! 
1 comment


Dec 02, 2010

So, looks like I won't be hitting my goal before my birthday (tomorrow). I've been stuck in this stall for almost 1 full month. I actually gained 1 pound but, I blame that on Thanksgiving.

I really hope to God I can lose these last 2 1/2 pounds before my 7 month surgiversary. That will put me at 100pounds lost forever!

almost to goal!

Nov 10, 2010

So, I have 6lbs to go to get to my goal. I set this specific number as a goal because back in High School when I was 16yrs. old that was my weight. And I looked good! For being 5ft. 9in. 180 is sexy! Not too skinny, but slightly curvey. Well, it's fast approaching and I am looking to drop my goal to 150lbs. once I get there. Looks a little tricky, but I think I can do it! This journey has been remarkable. Absolute blessing no doubt! I'm so happy I did this. I have confidence that I never had! I have recently decided to write a cook book for WLS patients. There isn't a whole lot out there for people like us to find a good recipe so, I figured I'd be the one to make it. I do love to cook!

I'm jumped off track...but, I'm getting back on!

Oct 12, 2010

So, I've noticed lately...that my eating habits aren't quite what they used to be. For example... today I ate 2 slices of homemade apple pie. As wonderful as it was to eat them... I thought DAMN! I could eat some more! Then, the light bulb clicked on. All I ate today was that pie! Here it is 11pm and all I ate all day was 2 slices of pie. I'll throw in half of a glass of milk cause, well you know.. sweets are so great without milk to flush them down with! BAM! Another problem! I shouldn't be drinking while eating! 

So, realizing this I reflected on my past week of eating habits. Honestly I had to hang my head in shame! AND I hadn't bothered to take ANY vitamins, supplements, extra protein, ant-acid meds or even birth control this week either! 


I'll tell what happened... I got comfortable! That's what happened! See how easy it is to loose track!? 

This is my solemn vow to get my butt in gear... eat right, drink my liquids (when appropriate), take pills, meds, supplements, whatever, and get this fat ass to a gym! I pay enough money for it... USE IT, LIZ!

About Me
Corning, NY
Surgery Date
Jun 04, 2010
Member Since

Friends 30

Latest Blog 17
