So nervous

Jul 06, 2009

Well, my surgery date is a little over two weeks away, and I'm really getting nervous.  The other day I stumbled upon the "regrets" forum on here, and kind of wish that I hadn't.  I know that there are risks involved in any surgery, and that things can go wrong, but reading people's personal stories who have had such a hard time that they regret having the surgery makes me worried.  I've done a lot of research online, read books, and felt I was making an informed decision -- I felt at peace with my choice to take a proactive role in improving my health and quality of life.  But now I'm questioning myself.  Maybe it's just pre-op jitters and is normal to feel this way.  I don't know.  I have my pre-op appt. with the surgeon on Wed. and I'll be asking her a lot of questions, and hopefully her answers will put my mind at ease.

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Rockford, IL
Surgery Date
Jul 01, 2009
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