Sitting, Waiting, Wishing....

Oct 08, 2012

 just on here reading everyone's thoughts and dreams coming true, some will soon be in MTY and some are now in the recovery stage. Oh how i wish it was my turn. I can't wait until i go back to my cardiologist at the end of the month, normally it isnt an issue and i never worry about it but now i can't get the echo techs words out of my head....i have all these what if's and can't seem to quit wondering if i won't be stuck with my loose skin an sagging breast forever because of heart problems. i was born with a heart murmur but havent had anyone detect that since i was a child, i do have palpitations though and now it seems i am having some PVC's i just keep praying that it's going to be nothing and i will be able to go through with my own transformation. i have never been blessed with wonderful breast and want them badly (my hubby does too for that matter) lol but they are more for my own sanity than anything, to feel like a woman would be a dream come true. i can see the MTY caverns now and smell the iodine....sigh, i want to find a wishing well and make use of it. i love the fact that my kids can now tell me that i am soooo skinny and wrap there little arms around me, it feels like a dream come true and my grandfather whom is 84 years old is proud of me as well. i'm loving how life is right now and just ready to get the rest of my transformation over with.

size 14 and counting down

Sep 24, 2012

 i havent been in this size in years, i only have a few ounces past 39 pounds to be at my goal weight, the last time i weighed what i weigh now was before i had my oldest son, that was over 10 years ago. i am so happy at what i have accomplished so far and to have the wonderful friends i have here on the OH and such wonderful motivationers. the friends i have made here really do keep me going. the WL Journey really is a touch cookie to handle but definitely worth it nin the long run, my main goal for doing this was to add a few years onto my life, my auntie started this journey with me as well and she has lost just as good as me, i am so happy for her and me. really happy with where i am in life right now, such wonderful friends and everything just feels right for once.

irritating loose skin

Sep 03, 2012

 one of the worst things about the weight loss is when laying on my side, for example all the skin and still a bit of fat as i have 48 more pounds to go still is quite depressing. even though i know a lot of it is just skin i cant help but feel fat with it all just pondering there at my midsection. ugh what a drag, thank goodness for great plastic surgeons, cant wait til i reach that point.
