Wow...It's been awhile again----6 months down

Jul 16, 2009

Wow...I can't believe it's been 6 months. The time has flow by. I am doing good and feeling great. I am down about 88-90 lbs ( I have hit a stall the last week or so) and I am in a size 12 which was my dream size so I am HAPPY! I am also training for my dream. I may have mentioned before that I have always wanted to be a runner. Well now I am doing. And I decided while I am doing something good for myself I might as well do good for others as well. So I have team up with Team In Training!!! I am soooo excited. I am training to run the Walt Disney World Half Marathon in Jan 2010 while raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. If you are interested in learining more about Team In Training and the LLS or if you would like to support me in my efforts as well as the LLS in finding a cure please visit my website at

I am also getting ready for my 1st Disney vacation since loosing all my weight...I am sooo excited!!! 2 weeks from tomorrow I will be leaving town!! 



WOW...It's been a long time

May 01, 2009

It's been forever since I have updated my page. And I promised my self I would keep up with it. Well a quick update on what's happened so far. I had my surgery on 1/12. I was the first surgery of the morning and had to be at the hospital at 5:00 AM. I was scared as could be!! I was in the holding area and I met the anesthesiaologist and CRNA. They were both very nice and he even gave me a little something to calm my nerves. Before I know it I was in the OR and they were telling me to move onto the table. I just remember it being VERY bright in there and they seemed to be tons of very busy people in there. My CRNA told me he was going to give me a little something else to relax me and next thing I knew I woke up in recovery. I was very confused and trying to think if I had already had surgery or was still waiting. A little movement told my surgery was over and I had woken up this was all I had wanted, was to wake-up from surgery. I had the biggest grin on my face I know my post-op nurse probably thought I was crazy. The rest of the day was great. I had the pump but never really had to use it, I was feeling great (when I could keep my eyes open) I thought WOW this is pretty easy. The next morning they took the pump away and I went to liquid Loratab.  And then it hit, the pain ........ OoooooooWwwweeeeee I thought I was dying!!! I don't really know how to explain it, it wasn't like pain I had from other surgeries (pain like you had been cut) it was HORRIBLE period cramps on top of feeling like you were hit by a truck. I keep the nurse busy bringing pain meds as soon as it was time. Dr.Kuhn didn't make rounds until pretty late so I stayed another night. Wednesday morning I was ready to go, I was still feeling HORRIBLE but I wanted home, I wanted to see my son, and I wanted away from my NURSE. I can't remember her name all I remember was her jabbing that shot right in my stomach, everyone else had been sooo gentle. Not her....I begged my mom to get ahold of Dr.Kuhn ASAP so he could get those orders over before time for my next shot. Whewww it happened and I was on my way home. Thank goodness. The ride home was not fun. I felt horrible but I got home and daily it got better. After about 1 week I was feeling good enough. 

Fast Forward----6 Week Check-Up
Everything looked good and I was feeling pretty good. My appointment was on a Friday. I had waken up about 1 AM with horrible back pain but I laid on the heating pad and felt better and went back to sleep. That morning I felt fine so thought nothing of it. Lisa (PA) said I was doing great and sent me for labs which all came back OK. We came on back to Abilene because my son had a soccer game the next day. The game on Saturday was FREEZING. It was soooo cold!! I came home from the game shaking and shivering I could not get warm. I got tons on blankets and laid on the couch for a nap. I could feel it come on in my sleep. I felt like CRAP! I hurt all over especially my back and I was running fever. I was also very neasous. Sunday was even worse and by Monday I just knew I was dying. I went to my regular doctor because I knew for sure I had the flu. He did the test and no flu...he did more test and it turns out I had a kidney infection...great this is #3 and both times before I had to go into the hospital for IV antibiotics because the other stuff didn't work. Well since he has been my doctor since I was about 8 he knew this but the hospital was FULL and there was a long waiting list. He decided to give me a shot of antibiotics and send me home with instructions to come back the next day for another shot. I was MISERABLE. I couldn't keep anything (not even water) down. I went back the next day (Tuesday) another shot and a hang in there it will get better. On Wednesday he called to check on me and I was feeling much better so he just called in a rx for Cipro. It was capsules and I just broke it open and mixed it in with food or something. So I felt much better by Wednesday evening and decided I was going back to work and everything. I broke open my pill, mixed it with yogurt and OMG it was HORRIBLE...I ran to the bathroom and thew up! YUCK! But I kept throwing up it started something and it wouldn't stop. Finally around 10:00 pm it stopped and I went to sleep. Around midnight I was awaken with horrible horrible back pain....Why me??? I thought I was better. Then the throwing up started again. Ok this is it, I can't take this anymore. Off to the ER I go. It's about 1 AM. I get there and it doesn't look too crowded thank goodness because I once again swear I am dying. I tell the nurse I have a kidney infection and now I feel like I have a kidney stone. She looks at my like I am crazy and tells me to go to the wating room and someone will call me. I have had 2 stones in the past so I know what they feel like and this is how I feel. I am not crazy!! I can't stay sitting down I am in so much pain. I just walk in circles around the ER (thank goodness it's empty) between trips to the bathroom to throw-up. At 4 AM (yes 3 hours later) they finally call me back. My nurse is really nice and they do a urnie sample and lots of blood work. He says he usually can go on and do the stone work up before a docotor sees me but that my urine was sooo bad he couldn't. Well yeah I told you I have a kidney infection. He also said I was very dehydrated and he got the IV flowing fast. The doctor comes in quickly and talks about all the blood in my urine and how bad it looks and says they will do a CT scan and X-ray to look for stones. All that happens quickly too, finally things are moving! Well it tunrs out I have 2 stones on top of this horrible infection, that explains why I felt like I was dying. On their own they are painful but combined  So the ER doctor calls my regular doctor to come in and see me and decide what they want to do but he is pretty sure I will be admitted. My doctor shows up and yes I am being admitted and also a urologist is called in for consult. Finally everyone is done seeing me, the test are all done, the IV is flowing and the nurse gives me something for pain. I don't know what it was but I could feel it making me loopy and I was knocked out. When I woke up it was around 2 PM. My nurse told me we were still waiting on a room to come open. Finally around 4 I was taken to my room. Around 6:00 the urologist came in and to my suprise he told me I would be having surgery the next day to place some stents into my ureters. What SURGERY??? Ok I was not expecting this. Well the surgery went well and Saturday afternoon I got to go home. The stents were very uncomfortable! They were on placed on the left side because the stone on the right was still in the kidney and you can't do anything for it until it passes into the ureters. The 3 weeks can't pass quick enough, I want this out. FInally March 26th comes and I go in for pre-op. I feel like crap I was in pain and pretty sure the stone on the right was doing something now because that side hurt. I have my surgery on the 27th to remove the stent and stone on the left. It was just outpatient. I could feel the nusea coming on in recovery so I was tying to get the nurse to hurry up and let me go ( if I was going to get sick  I wanted it to be in the comforts of my home) thank goodness I got to go and I made it home before I got sick. I was sick all evening (anesthesia always does that to me) but the next day I was better. I was still in pain on the right side but a few days later it stoped and my MRI showed no stones so I guess I passed it on my own and that explains all the pain. Wheww thank goodness this is all over!! 

Fast foward again to today----I feel great. I am finally to where I am glad I had the gastric, before I wasn't so sure what the heck I had done. I am right around 202 and ONDERLAND is soo close I can taste it. I start a fitness bootcamp Monday at 0400 AM ...Yes I have lost it. I am really excited though, It's 6 weeks long and I am hoping it will help me tone up some of this flab and I am also hoping it will convice me that exercise is fun!! Wish me Luck! 

Almost Time

Jan 10, 2009

I can't believe surgery is only about 33 hours away!! I have wanted this for so long and now it's finally happening. It almost seems surreal. Thank goodness I only have 1 more day on my pre-op liquid diet. I am so tired of broth and Boost !! It has been fairly easy, the 1st 3 days were a breeze. On Thursday I felt the hunger pains!! I know it is because I am not doing the 5 Boost a day like I am supposed to but I just can not stomach that much!! I have been trying to drink plenty so I do not get dehydrated though. Tomorrow my mother and I are driving down to Dallas since we have to be at the hospital about 4:30 AM on Monday. I am excited and still nervous. I am not nervous about the pain, what to expect afterwards, the loss of food, etc...I just don't want to die! However I have faith in the man upstairs and hopefully he wants me on this earth quite a bit longer Please keep my in your prayers and I will see you soon from "the other side".
1 comment


Jan 06, 2009

Well I completed all of my pre-op yesterday and boy was it a long day! I drove down the Ft.Worth on Sunday and stayed with my brother so I wouldn't have to get up so early to drive to Baylor. Well turns out I was up at the crack of dawn anyway! Due to the weather (ice) I was on my way to Baylor at 5:50 for a 8:30 appointment The weather man said things would start getting bad around 7:00 AM so they advised you to start your commute early if possible and I did not want to miss my appointment so on my way I went. I got to Baylor at 6:30 and as soon as I got in the parking lot the storm started. I waited on the car about 15 minutes for the rain to let up and then I went into the cafe area and pick up some pamplets and read for awhile. It really sucked because everyone around me was eating breakfast and I could not eat. About 7:30 I was tired of sitting and decided I would walk around the hospital. Before I knew it it was time for my 8:30 at Dr.Kuhns office. The time did go by pretty fast. I met with the NUT and got all of my pre-op diet info which would start that day and then all my post op info. I have done my research so she wans't telling me anything I didn't already know. I was just glad to see he wasn't one of the drs that keeps you on liquids FOREVER ! After I met with her I went and had a sono of my gallbladder and my legs checked for blood clots...YAY everything looked good there. Then I went to meet with the lady who goes over everything else but it was 9:30 at this time and my Upper GI was scheduled for 10:00 so off I went to do that and pre-admit then I could go back to Dr.Kuhns. The upper gi went smoothly and I didn't have to wait very long for that. Then it was off to pre-admit....OK word of advice for anyone using Baylor Dallas .. MAKE SURE YOUR HAVE AN APPOINTMENT FOR THIS! I thought I did but I didn't and I waited 70 minutes before they called me back. Then after that paperwork I had to see the nurse and that was another 30+ minutes. After I talked to her I had to have blood drawn, chest x-ray, and EKG. All that went VERY fast. By this time it was about 2:00 and I hadn't had anything to eat or drink (other then the nasty barium from the upper GI and a sip of water) since about 7:00 PM the night before. My head hurt, I was cranky, irratible, and I wanted FOOD ! But unfortunately only Boost for me. Back to Dr.Kuhns office I went where I got all of my instructions, my rx, and paid my co-insurance. Guess I am done with all that until 5:00 AM Monday morning ! Wheww what a long day....


Dec 31, 2008

WOW....I finally have my date and it's less then two weeks away. I wasn't expecitng it to be so soon so I am kinda freaking out. It's getting better though. I have pre-op on Jan 5th and surgery is the 12th. I have soo many emotions right now. Happy, scared, exited, name it I am feeling it. I just have to keep reminding myself why I am doing it and leave it in God's hands.  
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Wow....I sure wish everything would be this easy!

Dec 21, 2008

So I made it through the weekend. No sodas, or actually no caffine, carbonation, or sugar drinks at all. I had the bad headache on Friday but that's it !!! I can't believe how easy this has been, I am just waiting for something to happen, don't know what but something, I really didn't think it would be this easy. Yay Me !!!  Ok now I just need my date.

Wish Me Luck!

Dec 18, 2008

I just had my last diet dr.pepper.   I am going cold turkey as of now. I hope I make it through the weekend, I get horrible headaches if I haven't had my caffine by noon. I want to kick this habit prior to my liquid diet which hopefully I will be starting in the next couple of weeks. Wish Me Luck! 
1 comment


Dec 17, 2008

I found out Monday 12/15 that I am approved for my RNY. I originally applied for approval at the end of Oct and was denied. Thanks to the awesome Kelly at Dr.Kuhns office I went in for one more visit with my PCP because BCBS didn't like the notes on one of my visits. That was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. That Monday she had already sent all of my stuff to BCBS. I called on 12/15 and found out it had been approved. Now all I need is the letter to get things rolling. I am soo excited and nervous at the same time. I know I am ready for it but of course I worry about something going wrong. I have faith though and I know all this is happening for a reason and eveything will be ok.

About Me
Abilene, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2008
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