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Jun 21, 2011

I can't beleive it has been that long before I posted on here.  I am down to 140 libs, and into a size 4-6.  It feels like  a dream sometimes.
Yesterday I had a tummy tuck to remove all this extra skin.  I saw my new tummy this morning when the nurse chsnges my basdages. 
Even with some swelling, I couldnt be happier!

4 Months Post Op

Jul 15, 2010

Wow, its been over 4 months since my surgery.  I'm still losing weight, but slowly.  I have only been in once for a fill, so I am planning on going back next week for another fill.  I fill like the amount I can eat has increased dramatically and I tend to want to snack in between meals.  My biggest issue is hair loss!  I use to have nice thick hair, and now it is falling out every day.  I talked to the doctor, nurse, and dietician and got conflicting answers why.  One said iron deficiency, one said protein defeciency, and one said to take biotin, whcih I did.  I can't imagine it can be any deficeincy because I am eating a variety of things and take my vitamins.  My good friend who is also a dietician said she thinks it is just rapid weight loss in general. Has anyone expereinced this?  What helped??? 
Anyway, I am down approximately 57 lbs since I first weighed in 9 months ago.  Quite a journey!

I have been duped and I bet you have too

Jun 05, 2010

I've lost 30 lbs since surgery, and with the 20 before surgery, I am down 50 lbs.  I am wearing a size 14 now, which is amazing. I started at a size 18 or 20.  My journey has been smooth, I'm introducing foods back into my diet slowly.  I started salads, which I am grateful.  I stayed so constipated from all the protein!  Anyway, right after my surgery I had very low blood pressure, and it took at least a wek for it to stabilize.  I came off all my blood pressure meds until I saw my regular physician that next week, and I never was put back on.  Wow!  I felt successful! After all, that is what my surgeon and my insurance company deems as success.  Coming off my meds.  My first visit with my surgeon we talked extensively about my meds, I'm a diabetic and I have high cholesteral and at that time, I was on the high blood pressure meds as well.  Success to him was the coming off all my meds, and I couldn't wait.  The support groups I attend are filled with patients who state they are off their meds... wow, I can't believe it, I'm so looking forward to being off all this medication. .
With 50 lbs off, I felt like it was time to bring this up to my internist. What about me coming off my meds?  My A1C has been at 6 for the last year, my insulin levels within manageable levels.  ??  I met with her last Thursday.
That's when it happened.  I feel like I got duped.  She said diabetes is an incurable disease.  My cholesterol is hereditary.  Even the thinnest of persons can high cholesterol she says.  Coming off my diabetes medication is not wise, I am at risk for developing all the effects that diabetes can ravage upon your body without my meds, including damage to my eyes, my circulation, my kidneys.  I started crying.  Maybe I am a failure.  What will my surgeon say?  I am not a success.  My internist was not happy.  She advised me to tell my surgeon he is treating me for my weight and SHE is treating me for my chronic conditions such as my diabetes.  She then began to tell me that insurance companies would never approve a surgery that was just for weight loss, that there has to be a carrot to dangle.  The carrot in this case is the medications I will be coming off.  The cure of all my diseases.  OMG- it's so not true.   I was duped, and if you were duped too, better to know now than later.  Diabetes is an incurable disease, you may can manage it BETTER wth weight loss and exercise, but it will never go away!!!! High cholesterol may can be managed with proper diet, but if it is hereditary (I had two brothers die in their 40's from heart disease) like mine, medication is the only answer!!!   I was duped, and I can't beleive I fell for it.

1st Post-Op Apt with Surgeon

Apr 01, 2010

Today was my 4 week follow-up visit with my surgeon.  I had assumed I would get my 1st fill.  However, after a very rewarding and educational chat with the doc, I was sent away without a fill.  But wait... it's because I am doing so well!  I have lost approximately 13 lbs since surgery, and another 18 lbs prior to surgery for a total weight loss of 31 lbs.  He made me feel so proud of my accomplishment! Because I am being successful at this point with just the band in place and no restriction, he wanted to continue on this path.  He explained that finding that "sweet spot" is the ultimate goal- and it is constantly changing.  So in 2 weeks, I may need a fill if my weight loss stalls.  Isn't that amazing?  Also, I learned one other amazing thing.  I asked him why I could eat soft "liquidy"  foods like pudding, soup, creamed potatoes, etc  and it seems like I could eat enormous amounts.  I have to stop myself and remind myself that 1 serving is plenty.  That is why I went in today convinced that I needed a fill.  I also told him that more solid foods (I started on soft but solid foods Sunday) like chicken and vegetables seem to be more filling and I can't eat as much.  He called the first set of foods I described as  "slider foods" because they slide down so easily.  These can be dangerous to weight loss because we tend to overeat.  He commended me for noticing the differenc,e, and being so "intune" with my body,  especially this early in my journey (he also said even long term veterans have never made that connection, and encouraged me to eat more of the 2nd set of foods I described as it is less in volume and gives better results.  I wanted to share that with everyone... so be warned of those terrible slider foods.  LOL
Also after the dietician came in, I learned one additional  thing.  As you may have surmised by now, I absolutely love learning something new, as it puts me more in control of my weight loss jouney (never felt this before).  I asked about protein drinks and supplements, as I thought I was not doing as I was suppose to by not having these as part of my diet.  Especailly since everyone has a favorite protein supplement to share....She said no!  It was much better to get the protein from food, and not supplements.  So I am doing somethng right!  WooHoo!   It was a good visit. 

19 Days Post Op

Mar 27, 2010

I have lost 7-8 lbs since surgery, for a total of  26 lbs total since I started this journey.  I feel better, and so far I am off my blood pressure meds.  My BP dropped alarmingly low right after surgery, which I understand can be a side effect of the anesthesia.  As a precaution, I was instructed to not take any of my meds until I could see my primary care physician.  After 1 week my BP was normal, and again for a recheck 2 weeks post-op, still normal.  So, still off my meds, and I have a follow-up again in 2 weeks.  I hope I get to stay off.  That would be a wonderful gift! 
Anyway, I am doing really well.  I am surprisingly not hungry and am eating a fraction of what I was eating pre-op. I worked a full week this past week, and have been exercising on the treadmill at least 3-5 times per week.  I see Dr. Scott again on April 1, and I hope I can get my first fill, and jump start this weight loss even more. 


10 Days Post Op

Mar 18, 2010

Today I finished up my first week back at work.  I was able to get 31 hours in.  It was a rought start.  Monday I came home tired and barely able to concentrate.  Although I thought I was doing great at home, working at actually performing tasks and getting things accomplished was such a huge deal!  Tuesday, not much better, and by Wednesday my back was hurting me so bad that I literally crawled in the bed with a heating pad when I arrived home.  Today, it was walking.  Every hour I got up from my desk and walked around our office building, and it made such the difference. 
I called my doctor's office and spoke to the nurse yesterday about my port site.  It is this huge bulging site on my stomach that hurts so bad!  It feels like a baseball is under my skin.  She didn't seemed too concerned as it wasn't red, oozy, or hot.  Of course she said if it changed to call back.  But, I hate this!  Will it always be like this?  I can feel the port, and it feels disgusting.  Will it go down, will it stick out and be so obvious?  My other incisions have healed up nicely, and if it wasn't for this huge thing I would be perfect.  Anyway...  I'm eating everything somewhat pureed.  Although I can take soft soups and mush them enough that everything goes down fine.  I do worry that I can eat more and more each day.  I don't see the dr. again for my first fill for 1 month from surgery date.  I hope I do ok.  I have lost weight, although nothing grand, it has been about 5-6 lbs since surgery.  Oh, I ate out with my co-workers at lunch today.  We went to Panera Bread where I got some cream of chicken with wild rice soup.  It was served with their delicious bread- but I didn't dare attempt that.  But I did eat out, and I didn't cry this time!  Yah! 

6 Days Post Op

Mar 14, 2010

It's been 6 days post-op since my surgery for lapband.  I spent the weekend getting out of the house and walking around shopping centers and malls with my husband.  I was tired, but I kept up the pace.  Yesterday, I got hungry and although Jeff did not want to go eat for fear of eating of front of me, I convinced him there would be something I could eat off the menu.  I chose chicken noodle soup and a side order of mashed potatoes.  As I sat there and tried my best to puree the soup with my fork, I watched Jeff eat his chicken sandwich.  I started feeling sorry for myself, realizing how hard this was.  I started crying, right there in the restaurant.   That made Jeff feel worse and he said he would not do this again- eating in front of me.  I told him it was me, just feling gloomy and missing the good times we had when we went out to eat, trying new restaurtants and new food.  I finally got through it, but reminder to self:  restaurant eating is too hard and this stage. 
Today, I have been feeling so good!  I cleaned my house and not once have I been tired.  So... I think I will try going back to work tomorrow.  I may not work a full day, but at least I may get some time in and get a few things accomplished. 
I have a dr. apt in the afternoon with my regular physician to re-do the bloodwork on my kidney function that showed up weak during my pre-op.,  Also I was taken off my BP meds while in the hospital because my BP dropped so dangerously low.  I guess she will need to determine if I can stay off permanently or start them back again.  Oh well, I look forwad to the day when I can come off some of my meds for good... as I currently am on meds for High BP, cholesterol, depression, and Diabetes.
That's what I'm looking forward to among many other things!!!
Oh, I forgot to mention.... Friday night I went to the senior citizen center with my college study group.  Our job was to write about what seniors do to keep busy in our community.  They were ball room dancing!  And one of the gentlemen asked me to dance.  I tried to tell him I couldn't dance because I just had surgery... but he was hard of hearing and the music was loud.  Before I knew it, he was giving me a lesson on ballroom dancing- 5 days post-op.  I uploaded a picture, if I can figure out how to get the video on here, I will do that as well.  LOL.  It was fun!!

Day One, I'm Home from hospital

Mar 08, 2010

Wow.  First of all, Karrie thankyou!  You are truly and angel from heaven.  I remember being in a semi conscious state and my husband taking your calls.  And to know you are on a big time difference from Georgia, and you set your alarm to reach me that early.  Your kindness and sweetness touched me in a profound way- as well as all these wonderful comments and messages from all my OH friends.
I am home.  I took a shower,  My mother-in-law is here helping me today.  The soreness and pain was a little surprising but I am managing it very well.  I slept for 6 hours straight last night, then dozed off some more after I got up and walked.  The swelling in my stomach from the gas is alarming, it looks like I am 5 months pregnant. 
I had superb care while in the hospital.  Dr. Scott places all his patients in the Palentine Suites which is 9 rooms on the 6th floor of Floyd Medical Center in Rome.  First of all, it is not like a hospital, but a first class hotel with awesome service.  I had the sweetest and most caring nurse assigned to me, and couldn't have asked for a better experience.  By the time I left, I hugged her and felt like she was a friend. 
Making it home and into the recliner, I waited for my husband to go get my pain meds fromn the pharmacy.  All I can say, is that was the longest 45 minutes of my life.  I was like a drug addict that had to have a fix!  I snapped at Jeff for taking so long, I was in so much pain!  Afterwards I settled down, and was ashamed of my actions.  Oh well, I am getting through this one hour at a time.
I ate some cheese grits and Greek yogurt this morning.  I will work on the fluids all day, but I am so surprised at how little I can actually consume.  To think of food in terms of tablespoons is a novel experience for me.  But its happening.  Again, thankyou everyone for all those beautiul comments and well wishes, and a special thank you to my wonderful angel, Karrie Massotti!!!! 

The night before surgery

Mar 07, 2010

My bag is packed.  I've checked off everything I'm suppose to bring.  I hope I sleep tonight!  I have to be at hospital at 6 am in the morning.  I'm at peace with my decision.  All the wonderful comments my OH friends have sent me- thank you. 
My family does not know except my husband and mother-in-law and my 16 year old daughter.  I chose to do that because I can't bear to hear their comments or anything negative.  I will post on here again when I can. 

The weekend before Monday's surgery

Mar 05, 2010

The liquid diet seems like it flew by.  It was hard to get use to it on day 1, but by day 2, I was adding fruit and ice and blenderizing it to a slush.  I could tolerate it then.  Monday at 6 am I need to be at the hospital.  My surgery is suppose to be the first one at 7:30 am.  Today the nurse at the hospital called and told me my pre-op labs showed some concern.  Apparently my kidney function was down, indicating I was possibly dehrydated.  She said she had already spoken to Dr. Scott and would not let this interupt my scheduled surgery but instructed me to drink losts of water this weekend and stay hydrated.  I guess its the combination of this high protein diet I am on, combined with the diuretic I take for my high blood pressure. 
The phone woke me up.  I kept trying to wake up this morning, but it was as if I was unable to open my eyes.  It was 11 o'clock when the phone forced me to open my eyes.  When I was talking to the nurse on my cell phone, the house phone was ringing as well.  A message was left, and it was the hospital again, but this time a different person.  Already upset at the first call, I called the second number back.  It was the hospital telling me I would need to bring $500 with me on the morning of my surgery to act as a payment toward what the insurance may not pay.  She said, "no one told you this already?"  Of course they hadn't.  By the time I got out of bed I was crying hysterically.  A combination of low blood sugar from sleeping so late, dehrydration, and frustration just spilled out as I sobbed uncontrollably.  My husband found me in this state.  I sobbed on his shoulder and he was asking me if I have had second thoughts about the surgery.
After a protein shake (I could barely make it, due to lack of concentration, and my sobbing) I finally felt better.  OMG.  This has been such an ordeal for me.  I am hopeful for the surgery to go ok, and worried like crazy all at once.  What will be different about eating?  This is such a HUGE decision making process.  I am literally changing a major part of my life, and I am so scared.  As I read all the success stories on here, and receive support from all my OH friends, I am encouraged.  Thank you everyone for your kind wordsand encouragment.,  It means more to me than you will ever know. 


About Me
Cave Spring, GA
Surgery Date
Feb 03, 2010
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