The next move

Aug 13, 2009

I've finally completed my 6 months of supervised counseling/dieting. Thank goodness cuz it was a 60mile round trip drive and killing the gas tank. LOL. I will have to complete lab work, a fitness test and gallbladder ultrasound with the next 30 days. So I'm well on my way. Still no date yet but I can feel it coming on very soon. Can't wait for my next move......

Almost there....

Aug 03, 2009

Ok. So,next tuesday is my last week of class and I thought that I'd go out with friends to jump start my celebration. I'm single, so what harm could it do. Well for starters it was a little boring and there weren't may single guys there. But the ones that were, only sought after the thin girls. Now I'm not hating on thin women(cuz I hope to be one really soon, lol) but I've never had a problem with men, even while overweight. I've gained about 30lbs in the last two years so this is my biggest weight. Nothing could prepare me for the shock of my life, I never had any doubts of feeling this way but I left the club feeling like I was the only fat chick there. I felt like that was all people saw when they took a look at me. My friend(who's also plus sized) told me that I was crazy but no one took the time to chat with her either. Maybe it's just all in my head, IDK. I just cant wait until the surgery is over. It's been a very long journey for me. And I need to be at peace with this.

3 more weeks of pre op classes

Jul 23, 2009

I have 3 more weeks of classes thru Kaiser. Then it will be approx 60 days until I have surgery. I haven't been scheduled yet but have received approval from a Kaiser physician & still need approval from Pacific Bariatric surgeon. I' m kind of getting discouraged due to different posts I read about being denied. Hopefully everthing will run smoothly with all of my pre op appt's ie: psyc & ultrasound. I'm keeping  my fingers crossed.

About Me
Surgery Date
May 30, 2009
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