Headed for insurance approval

Feb 11, 2010

Got word all my info was sent for insurance approval on 2/9/10.  Hopefully this goes fast.  Ive heard UHC is very responsive and turns things around quickly.

The wait...

Feb 04, 2010

My Dr has everything but my psyc results.  That was 1/25... Im a sane guy so Im sure its fine but why does it take two weeks to submit the results? ughh..

Ive been researching folks with UHC insurance and it seems they are quite responsive some Im hopefull that will go quick once they have all my paperwork ready.

I want to knock out this surgery and be back to normal by spring. 

Wonder if the wait is part of the exam??? Hmm, lets see how patient he is.  hah

Getting Started

Jan 27, 2010

Ive been debating WLS since the summer of 09.  In Sept 09 I attended a seminar and decided at the time it was probably the best choice for me to get healthy.  Im never one to make a quick decision.  It was early Dec 09 before I contacted the surgeon and setup a consult.  I was a little surprised that the first available appointment was 1/6/10!  Armed with the pre-surgery list I went ahead and started working on it.

12/30/09 - Met with the nutrisionist at the WLS center.  I really liked the idea of having monthy visits with a nutrisionist.  She explained the diet that is required and stressed the first 6 months after surgery is the time to take full advantage and be very strict with food.  Went over the phases of liquid/ purified nd solids.  Recommended a pre-op diet.  They dont require a 2 week protien diet like other surgeons.  She said Ill get in plenty of protien drinks afterwardds so they dont lay it on you beforehand.  Left with a good idea of what is ahead and actually felt a little relieved.  I can handle it!

1/6/10 - Met with the surgeon.  Before seeing him I watched a 1 hour video that he recorded.  Went over everything in great detail, even got to watch the surgery being performed.  I walked in with a list of about 10 questions and most were answered in the video.  Met the Dr again and went over expectations and additional questions.  A quick exam and I was off to the lady to help get everything together.  Already had the list... tons of lab tests, meet with the Nut, PCP approval, Upper GI scan, psycological exam, etc....

1/13/10 - Met with the PCP and got all the blood work done.  5 vials!   Its normally hard to get blood from me but only took two tries to fill them all.  My PCP was quite pleased with my decision.  We had discussed it several months ago.  I have his full suport, he knows how to treat me in the future and has over 60 happy patients who have used the same surgeon.  Very reasurring!

1/25/10 - Had my psycological exam.  Ill admit that being of very sound mind, Im really hessitant talking with psycologists.  Id been in sessions before but never for myself.  I dont need anyone analyzing me!!!  Turned out to be a good experience.  Buzzed thru all the questions on my weight, life in general and my future.  Then had a 500 question exam on a computer.  Man that got boring!  Took an hour to get thru that.  This everything is cool and he'll give his full recomendation that Im stable enough to make such a life changing decision.

1/27/10 - The upper GI!  I normally start getting anxious about tests like this but I was in a very good and calm mood.  The nurse was smoking hot so that helped!  She explained the exam and that I needed to drink some thick chalky barium stuff while getting exrays made.  Also had to drink some fizzy stuff.  I didnt really need to burp till 30 minutes later even .  The exam went very smooth and quick.  The Dr said everything looked good.  Nice to know all my kibbles and bits inside are good!

and now the wait begins.  The WLS will gather all my tests for Dr approval then send it on to insurance.  Im not worried at all for approval.  I think my case is clear with a >50 BMI.  Hopefully in March Ill hae surgery.  Its not a fast process by any means .  That is probably best.  When I think back I should have started earlier.  I really thought it wouldnt take more than a month.  If I can have surgery in March and heal up thru April... that leaves me spring and summer to start getting my body back!

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Jan 12, 2010
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