Weights not going anywhere fast...

Jun 11, 2011

So my weight is not moving very rapidly, but I had my 6 week check up with my surgeon and he seemed happy with my progress. He recommended I weigh AND measure weekly, he says as long as something is changing then I dont need to worry. So I did this as it has been a few weeks since I measured. I found out I am down 40 pounds from where I started and less then 100 pounds from my goal weight, so that was exciting to think of it that way! I also found that I have lost a total of 36.5 inches! I was pretty stoked about that. Guess thats why Im constantly pulling my pants up! I found out also that my surgeon is leaving the state. He will be moving to phoenix I guess... This is kind of concerning to me, but he did say he would be sending letters to the PCP so they know what blood work to watch and when to check etc. They are supposed to bring a new surgeon to take his place I guess. I meet with him one more time before he leaves which will be on july 11th. So hopefully we will know more then! The weight is slow moving but I do feel better every day! 


Im at a Stall... GRRRRRR

May 21, 2011

Im at a dang stall and it pisses me off. I know, its nothing to get pissed at and its nothing I wasnt expecting because I did afterall just hit 3 weeks out a few days ago, but its still frustrating, especially because now Im getting in all my protein and fluid for the first time! The scal hasnt moved more then a few tenths of a pound in 5 days now. I have been walking, eating all my protein, and drinking all my water. I know it will pass but it doesnt make it any less frustrating while its here. Especially with my friends and family who ask me almost every day how much I have lost now... I just hope this ends soon!
1 comment

Now Sleeved!!!

May 05, 2011

Its official, I am sleeved and back home. I actually got home yesterday but was too tired to post anything. I was advised by my surgeon that I should not weigh myself as with all the fluids they gave me while in the hospital I had probably gained about 15 pounds. According to my scale it was 10 pounds, I had to weigh myself anyways lol So far I am doing ok. I was in quite a bit more pain then I expected to be. I kind of felt like nobody talked about the pain, so I guess I just didnt expect it. I am home and getting around ok now. I do stay on top of the pain medicine! Hopefully this bloated and swelling feeling goes away soon! I am expecting about a week or so more! I cant thank everyone enough because this site has left me feeling pretty prepared for the journey to come!

Counting Down!

Apr 30, 2011

53 hours till I am due at the hospital! Im a little nervous though, I had my potassium show so low at my preop appointment that had my surgery been that day they would have canceled it. They have me on prescription potassium and my surgeon gave me the go ahead to eat some fruits and vegetables high in potassium but need to make sure I continue losing weight if possible. I have to admit definitely has me freaking out a little bit! I dont know enough about Potassium to know if it will come up that fast or what? I just keep trying to tell myself everything happens for a reason and if I am meant to have the surgery on Tuesday then I will get to where I need to be! Im trying to stay positive! I need to do a little shopping but I am mostly ready to go! Here goes to the longest 52 and a half hours of my life! 

Getting closer!

Apr 19, 2011

My surgery is only two weeks away... Im pretty excited! And scared shitless... Lets be honest this is the biggest thing I have ever done for myself in my whole life. For some reason my emotions have been going crazy recently. I was on the verge of crying all day at work yesterday. When I stopped to think about it the only thing I could figure out is I feel like I have nothing to look forward to on a daily basis. I am sad to say it, but apparently food really was something I looked forward to every day. I have been on this ridiculous liquid diet for about 12 days now, I have lost 11 pounds, and I should be happy with that, but I feel like I have given up everything. I quit smoking, I havent drank in I dont know how long, and I havent got to eat much. Not to mention shopping. I have not gone shopping for clothes since I started this whole process. I love shopping but the sensible side of me cant waste money on clothes that I will only be able to wear for like a month max. I broke down and cried last night and I feel a little better today. So I am hoping the next two weeks fly by and looking forward to my surgery gets me through the nothing to look forward to on a daily basis.


Apr 08, 2011

I got the call today-- just a little late for a birthday present, but I got a date! My surgery will be on May 3rd! Im so excited I can hardly contain myself!  I could literally dance Im so happy! I also started liquids today... Bleh is all I can say. I think I can totally see how people lose weight during this liquid diet portion... I just hope I can make it the whole 24 days without eating food food... I can do it, I want this bad enough I know I can. I HAVE to! 


Apr 04, 2011

My appointment today went completely different then I expected... After talking to the surgeon he changed his mind on what surgery is best for me. So now I am no longer doing the Gastric bypass, I am now  doing the sleeve. Im just not sure what to think of it. I have only had a few hours to process. I feel like I need to start researching and stuff all over again. So I guess Ill be looking for the sleeve people to get some guidance!


Apr 03, 2011

I am pretty new to this site and really joined for support and the place to blog where the people reading would understand what I was talking about. So here I am about a week later and finally writing my first blog. I meet with my surgeon tomorrow well technically later this afternoon since its 1am. I have completed the requirments from insurance and Im not really sure what to expect. I am hoping for a surgery date or at least an approval notice... But not sure exactly what to expect. I am terrified that I will have to go through an additional length of time for diet and exercise requirments as that is what I had to do last time. It wouldnt be so terrifying if my job were more stable feeling. I have been there for over 7 years, now there is talk of a buy out and firings all over the place, possible lay offs. Its a mess and so stressful and I have been trying to hold on and think positive but its just so hard sometimes. Its like hope for the best and prepare for the worst... Blah.  Here goes for hoping for the best tomorrow! 


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2011
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