9 Years after GBP

Jan 29, 2015

Well, it's now 9 years since my surgery.  I had a little set back but not to bad of one.  The past year my knees have been so painful.  The cortisone shots were not working any longer and could hardly walk without pain, I couldn't work without pain,  I couldn't sleep without pain, I couldn't smile due to pain.  So in September of 2014 I had bilateral (both) knee replacements.  It was difficult getting them both done at the same time but if I did them one at a time it was a 3 to 4 month recovery for each knee so I went for it and had them both done at the same time.  It is now 4 months later and I am so happy I had them done.  No more pain and I am smiling again.  Of course this all had to do with the weight I carried long before my GBP surgery.  I knew eventually my weight was going to ruin my knees.  It took 9 years after surgery so I did pretty good.  Now my goal is to take off the 20 lbs I gained (give or take depending on what scale I get on) and start exercising again. My pain was to great to even do some simple walking.  I will have to take it easy.  Total recovery takes a year to 18 months but I can start slow.  I never ever want to undo what I worked so hard to accomplish.  I never want to go back to the days and years before surgery.  So my new knees should get me back in shape and continue on this wonderful journey that started over 9 years ago.  Those of you just preparing for GBP surgery . . . GOOD LUCK AND PRAYERS.

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Feb 27, 2014

Hi Everyone . . .  The other day I got a friend request and said WOW  nobody has viewed my blog for years.  It was great, which leads me to this post.  December 2013 it has been 8 years since my Gastric Bypass Surgery.  I am proud to say I have kept almost all of the weight off all except about 20 lbs.  At this point it is all about be careful as to what and when I eat. At times just a little meal fills me up and at times I can eat more.  Don't know why this happens but it does.  So I must be very very careful as this can lead to undoing all I have accomplished.  After 8 years I feel great other than my knees which I destroyed when I was overweight.  One knee definitely needs a Knee Replacement and the other is getting there as well.  Cortisone shots keep the pain away but nothing can help the weakness in the knees.  But at least I am healthy and still remain off of all the prescriptions I was on and all my diseases and illnesses are still gone.  So I am blessed to have gone this far with my surgery.  I don't want to ever go back to where I was.  So caution when eating and discipline will keep me on the right track. 

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Catching up . . .4 years after surgery

Feb 14, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I have not neglected this site just some very positive life changes for me have happened.  December 2009 was my 4 year anniversary for my GBP surgery.  I am still doing great and feeling great.  As my weight came off a little at a time (after the initial whooping weight loss after surgery) and I started feeling better and better with more and more energy I kept making positive decisions in my life.  I know I have mentioned before about going to College in February 2008.  Well, with working and going to school it didn't leave much time for me to do anything else.  But without surgery I could not have done it.  It takes much energy to keep up with school, work and personal responsibilities.  Anyhow . . . in June of this year I will be graduating as a Pharmacy Technician ! ! !  It has been a long 2 1/2 years but so worth it.  Before my surgery I could not function well and was very depressed.  It was hard to work and I got myself into some financial difficulties.  Due to the loss of my husband (cancer) I could not keep up mentally or physically.  Because of my GBP surgery I am a new person making new life for myself.

AS FOR MY WEIGHT LOSS . . . I have kept all my weight off after 4 years.  I feel great and have much energy and I am in good spirits.  My decision to have this surgery was the best decision I ever made in my life.  It has made a difference as to how I face life and now I am able to deal with life with a more positive attitude.  It seems like my post are once a year now but at least I am posting.  I will never forget where I've been before surgery and what I have accomplished after surgery. But I also will never forget that I could not have done this without the help of God and the faith I have put in Him to see me through my rough times and where He is leading me now.

My best to all of you who have had surgery and those who may be deciding to have surgery.   

Hi Everyone

Jan 27, 2009

Well, I think I am done losing.  I have stayed the same now for several months or more.  I don't get on the scale as much as I use to.  I fluctuate 5 lbs. at a lose of 130/135 lbs.  I still don't eat much and choose protein foods first.  Beef still does not agree with me and makes me sick.  Every once in a while I get hungry for it and try it but no change.  So I stay away from hamburgers and steaks.  I can eat beef stew, must be the way the beef is prepare and its texture.  I am close to completing a year of my on line education.  It is amazing what you didn't know or even think about.  I am enjoying the knowledge even though some of the courses don't interest me but must take.  But I do learn interesting things even in those courses.  My job is going well.  I am on my feet for 8 hours (except for breaks and lunch) and walk so much.  Wow, I think how I could never have done this job before surgery.  I am now unstoppable and it is good exercise.  I use to exercise 3 days a week but had to give it up when I took on a new job and school all in the same week.  I had no time to exercise but my job does help with that. 

I hope everyone is doing well.  It is great to talk to others who have had surgery and help those who are preparing for surgery.  If there is anything I can do to prepare them for surgery or help them post-op I am here.

Take care and stay safe and warm. Spring is just around the corner and we can enjoy being outside once again.  I use to just look at what I could do outside but couldn't do anything without a struggle.  The past several summers have been enjoyable and I am looking forward to doing it again this spring/summer. 

Keep in touch everyone.



My 3 year anniversary ! ! ! 12/12/08

Jan 07, 2009

Hi everybody,

     It has been a while since I have posted but a lot has been happening with me.  I started a new job that I could never have done 3 years ago.  It required a lot of energy and walking in the retail business.  It has been a year since my employment and I have already received a promotion.  It feels so good to have so much energy and perform my duties.  I never thought I would be where I am today.  Gastric Bypass Surgery made the world of difference for me.  I have lost 135 lbs. - - - from a size 26w to a 10.  Last February I decided to go to school.  I enrolled in an online college and I am enjoying it immensely.  I am holding a 3.56 average but it takes much of my time.  Once again, I could not have done this unless I was healthy enough to take on the challenge.

   I had many challenges in my life. The worst, losing my  husband and raising teenage boys on my own, my biggest challenge of all.  Weight gain had only made it worse and harder to cope with.  Now I am able to deal better with situation that arise.  I can now enjoy my adult sons and be a more active part of their lives as well as the rest of my family and friends.

Gastric Bypass has changed my life and made me more aware of how blessed I am to have had another chance to appreciate all that I have. 

Never give up hope.  Have faith and perservere. 


July 7, 2008

Jul 07, 2008

Oops,  it's been more than a month since my last post.  I am so busy.  I have entered the retail chain and I work as much as they allow me to and walk miles a day.  I could never do this before my surgery.  I am also in my second semester of school.  It is exciting and challenging at the same time.  I am holding a 3.58 GPA.  My mind and body is constantly beiing challenged.  Due to my Gastric Bypass I can meet my challenges.   The Relay for LIfe cancer walk went well.  My son, Rick and his girlfriend even came to walk with me.  It is the first walk I have done in years.  I walked with no pain and I walked a long time with a smile on my face.  It was wonderful to be a part of this cause.  It may not have been beneficial to my husband but it was and will continue to benefit others.  

My weight loss is 130 lbs. 

May 27, 2008

May 27, 2008

I'm back. This site helped me make adjustments and now I can post again.  Everything is still going well for me.  I have lost 126 lbs. and feeling great.  This weekend I will be walking in the "Relay for Life"  cancer walk.  I haven't been able to do this for 9 years. I can once again walk for all of those that are dealing with cancer and to honor my husband ( and others) that lost their lives to cancer.  I am looking forward to it.  I have a new job now that 2 years and 5 months ago I could never have had.  I am on my feet all day and walk mmmmmmiles a day.  I am also in school.  It is all online but takes up a lot of my time.  It is very demanding but when I have completed my credits I will be a Pharmacy Technician.  I could never have done this before surgery.  The pain I was in every day and the lack of energy was all I could handle.  A day never goes by without me remembering where I was and how blessed I am to be able to enjoy life with my family and friends again.  

Have a great summer and I will see you back here next month.

February 17, 2008

Feb 17, 2008

I am having trouble getting a large amount of info on my site. I have so much to tell you but until I figure this out it will have to wait.  I think it is full.  But I'm still here. 120 lbs. and 6 sizes down.  Love ya all.

March 12, 2007

Dec 12, 2007

Wow, 15 months since my surgery.  I feel great.  I know I keep saying that but I can still remember how I felt before and will never forget it.  It was a very sad and painful struggle every day.  Anyhow, my weight has stayed the same but like I said that is ok with me.  The rest will come off when it is ready again.  I did something to help it along.  I JOINED CURVES ! ! !  Hi Mindy.  She has a smile on her face every day and so does everyone else there. It's a fun place to be.  Thank you to my angel, Mary Ann and Dee for exercising with me.  It is nice to see my good friends 3 days a week now.  It really feels good to work those muscles and tone up.  I can't wait to get measured.  So if the weight is at a standstill this will help.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY to  my son, Rick who was 23 on the 10th of March.  I  love you."

Hope all you Gastric Bypass LOSERS are doing well.

Hi Debbie.  It has been a long time since we talked.  We need to get together and see each other in person.

It's my 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ! ! !

Dec 09, 2007

Wow, 2 years.  And positive ones.

About Me
Natrona Heights, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 25, 2005
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 54
July 7, 2008
May 27, 2008
February 17, 2008
March 12, 2007
It's my 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ! ! !
