No loss this week

Oct 20, 2009

Hmm, things have really been slowing down.  I'm at 21 weeks today and a total loss of 59 lbs and I have a feeling that I'm not getting any farther.  Which is a total bummer because my goal was a 75 lb loss.  What is a real bummer is that  I didn't lose anything this week and I've been running 1.5 miles every other day for the past 2 weeks.  I thought that would help my weight loss, but maybe not.  Well, my goal was to hit goal (75 lbs lost) by X-mas.... I really hope I make it!

Still my husband tells me all the time how great I look now and if I don't lose another lb it is still great....which deep down I know, but......sometimes I feel great and think I look good and other times I don't feel like I've lost much of anything.  (though I would go through it all again in a heartbeat-even the pain)  Just have to get used to it I guess.  It doesn't help that I gain a lot of my weight in my face, but of course that is going to be the LAST place I lose it from.  So in pictures, I feel like I still look fat because I still have a very round face and multiple chins.  Even though my pant size has gone from a 20-22 to a 14-12, my face is still chubby.  That makes it really hard to look in the mirror and feel like there's been much of a change. 

People say that if you get WLS you will have that "skeletal" look to your face for awhile before you fill back out - I WISH!!  lol  I'm still waiting for that to happen. 
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Wow Shopping Moment

Sep 29, 2009

I had my first Wow! shopping moment this past Friday, 9-25-09.  I was shopping with my hubby and decided that the size 16 jeans I was currently wearing were too baggy.  So I picked out some 14's to try on (hoping they'd fit) and I grabbed a couple of 12 just for fun.  OMG!  In the "skinny" style jeans I fit the 14, but in the normal jeans I fit the 12!!!  I can't remember the last time I was in a size 12!  Something about that number made me so happy!  I was so excited I could hardly contain myself.  I usually always hate shopping for jeans because nothing usually fits.  I had to immediately call my mom to tell her-the lady who has had 5 kids and still weighs 125 (geez, why could I get her genes?).  She was happy for me, though she has no idea what-so-ever what if feels like!

Take Care,

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17 Weeks out

Sep 24, 2009

Wow-17 weeks already!  Seems to have flown by.  I swear it feels like I just had surgery last month not 4 months ago!  I have lost a total of 54 pounds so far.  Which is good, I know, but I'm still a good 21-36 llbs from where I'd like to end up.  My general doctor said that if I don't lose another pound and if I can keep the weight off, then he considers it the a success.  Me on the other hand-I am HAPPY where I am now, but I'd really like to get to goal.  My goal is a loss of at least 75 lbs.  I'd really like a loss of more like 85-90 lbs.  And I don't see why that should be so remarkable.  I see the "before & after" photos of people on this site all the time and they started out the same or higher then me and ended up where I want to be or even lower.  So I'm hoping I will make it too. 

I didn't lose (or gain) anything last week (I think it was that time of the month-I had a hysterectomy so I'm guessing) but it still gets me down.  What if I'm not going to lose any more?  I know it's silly, but in my mind I'm so amazed I made it this far, I can't see myself getting any smaller.  I would love it if I would....but it's something I can't even fathom. 

I will say, I do not regret having surgery AT ALL!  I feel so much better all the time.  It's just the little things that get you.  Like when I'm sitting at my desk I used to get terrible back aches after just a couple of hours, now it's the end of the day and I have no back aches!  YEAH!  We went Halloween shopping last night, and my husband wanted me to try on a few of those "sexy" costumes - - I didn't think it would fit - but it did!!!  It was still a size XL, but you know how small those costumes run!  That was fun!  And I really don't mind the food restrictions.  It's worth it to me. 

I do not eat more than 9 grams of sugar in ANYTHING.  I haven't had more than about 7 grams of sugar at once since the surgery.  I haven't had ANYTHING deep fried!  I still haven't had any bread, either.  I know, some people are like, you should try it-it might not bother you.  Or ease it back into your diet.  Why should I?  If I can handle not eating it now, why would I want to risk putting that back into my diet and ending up where I was at before?  So I'm just not touching it. Which is probably why I haven't gotten sick or had any dumping since the surgery.  And I want to keep it that way.  I'll just stay away from sugar and deep fried junk (bread & pop, haven't had that either)!

Okay, enough of my venting.  Have a great weekend everyone!

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50 Pounds GONE!

Sep 01, 2009

OMG! I can’t believe it! I am in the 170’s again!!! I have lost 50 lbs in 18 weeks! I’ve not lost as much as most of the people that had surgery on the same day I did, but I have to remind myself that I started at a lower point than most. I would see how much someone lost and I’d be like “How come I haven’t lost that much?” And my husband or doctor would say “Well, you didn’t have as much to lose, so the weight will come off slower.” It makes sense….but it’s still hard to see everyone else up in the 60-80 lbs lost when I’m just at 50. Wow-that sounds terrible, doesn’t it? I know, just a hang-up I have to get over. I am happy that I’ve lost any weight at all!  

I took a whole pile of pants that were too big for me to the 2nd hand store-that was fun!! I actually started trying on some pants in my “size 14” pile (I have piles of 16, 14, & 12) thinking that they wouldn’t fit, but about ½ of the pile fit!! Just goes to show that you have to try things on because one company's 14 is not the same as another. If I ever get down to the 12 pile I will freak!  

A big WOW moment came for me today at about 8:15 this morning. I was walking into work in the parking lot and I saw one of my co-workers drives up, so I stopped and helped her in the building with her things. She told me that when she first saw me, she didn’t know who I was from behind because I had lost soo much weight. She thought I was one of the public trying to get into the “employee” entrance!! That was the sweetest thing she could have said!  

Now, what’s my biggest concern so far? EXERCISE!!! Or the lack of it. I am not getting out and walking like I should be. I KNOW this!! The one thing I thought this surgery might help with is my migraines. The Dr’s think that when my weight is down, the frequency and severity will go down, but while I’m losing the weight, my migraines have actually gotten worse! The Dr said that’s because my body is undergoing the “trauma” of losing all this weight. What does that mean? It means that I get bad headaches/migraines almost every day! If not, every other. It’s a fight to get through work, and then when I get home I just want to take my meds and rest. Which means no walk. And then my meds make me even more tired than I was already. So it’s a vicious circle!! And I know it’s just an excuse, but I HAVE been busy! I have a full-time and two part-time jobs, then 2 pre-teen girls----it seems like some nights I don’t get home for the day until 9:30-10:00 which is my bedtime!!   I know, I know, it’s terrible and I’ve got to find a way to fit this into my day. I’m pretty sure that if I was getting regular exercise I would be losing even more weight-faster!! Okay, enough moaning and groaning today – tonight I go the American Idol’s LIVE concert in Minneapolis!  I’m so excited!!!

Keep the faith Everyone!   ~Marion
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Week 10 Post-op

Aug 04, 2009

Well, it's been 10 weeks and I'm down 41 pounds!  It's really been stalling lately - I actually went a week with no loss at all.  I know my problem is exercise.  I really have to find the time to get moving more.  My food intake is still really good - I still cannot eat much at one sitting - which is fine. 

The one frustrating thing is that even though I'm down 41 lbs...I went down immediately from my size 22 pants to my 18...but I haven't gotten any lower since that 2nd week.  I'm stuck in these 18's!  What's the deal with that.  I went through all my skinny clothes, so I have a huge pile of 16's, 14's, and yes, even 12's!!  It's hard to believe that when I started my job (10 years ago) I actually wore 12's!!   If I can EVER get back into those, I will be blessed!  (personally, I don't think I'll get down to that point, but time will tell.)

Here's to exercising more and getting into those darn 16's!!!

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2 Month Post-op

Jul 24, 2009

Well, I'm two months post-op and I FEEL GREAT!  I've lost 40 lbs and I am 1/2 way to my weight loss goal!  I am hoping to get to my goal my Christmas and if this keeps up that shouldn't be a problem.  When you have a bad week just DON'T give up and don't be too hard on yourself!  Last week I only lost a pound and now I've lost 5 lbs in like 4 days!  You never know when you're body will speed up or slow down. 

Dr. Kelly said everything looks great.  I don't have to see him for another 2 months.  My platelet count is now up to 63,000. I'm not yet cleared for "active duty" on the road (being a cop is my 2nd job).  He wants me to be at 100,000, though he said he would settle for 75,000.  So I'll go get checked in another 3-4 weeks and see if my level has gone up.  He did say that although my platelet count is down, it seems that what little platelets I have are very good, hardworking ones.  He's just afraid that I'll get hit in the head and develop and intracrannial bleed - which does not sound too good to me either!

I went to take more measurements - I was going to do that every month.....but I can't find the sheet that has my original & 1st month measurements on it!!!  I am SO bummed!!!!  I will start taking them again, but that won't tell me how far I've come from the very beginning! 

Have a great weekend everyone!  Marion


1st Comments

Jul 20, 2009

Well, I have gotten my first "I can tell you've lost weight" comments yesterday.  It was from my mom, but she is teenie tiny and is one of my biggest critics at times.  She said she can tell in my face and that from across the room she could really tell in my butt and legs.  Well, I'm glad someone can tell, because I CAN'T!!  35 lbs lost and I really can't tell the difference. 

I am becoming a bit obsessive with the scale.  I was jumping on it every morning - which I know is bad - and I would get really bummed when it didn't go down (like this week) so I'm really concentrating on just getting on once a week. 

Went to see the Harry Potter movie at the Mall of America this weekend (it's only 40 min from my house) and we ate dinner at the mall.  I didn't think I would have anything to eat at the food court while I watched my husband eat Arby's and my kids eat Taco Bell - BUT I found that for $1.60 you can order a side order of Pinto beans (refried beans) with cheddar cheese!!  That saved the day.  It's a small order, but I still didn't finish it.  I'm used to not finishing my food now.  That was such a relief - it was bad enough to sit next to them through the movie with their buttered popcorn, pop, and candy!

Catch ya all later!    Marion
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Jul 07, 2009

Hey - it's 6 weeks today!  Down 30 lbs.  So now I can go swimming!!  Yeah! It's getting hot out there!

I did an "oops" today.  I just went for a walk outside and when I got back in I was soo hot and thirsty that I grabbed my water and accidentally took in a chug!  Not a good idea.  Now I feel awful.  I'm not going to throw-up or anything, but my stomach is definitely upset!

My stomach actually feels pretty good now.  The only kind of pain I feel is more like a side ache, or the pain you feel when you've done a lot of ab work.  NOTHING compared to what it used to be like.  I can handle this no problem.  My scars are healing up quite nicely - not that I'd ever where a bikini again (can you say 2 kids and stretch marks!). 

My diet is still pretty much the same.  Cottage cheese, mac & cheese, string cheese, protein drinks/shakes, and thinly sliced deli meat.  It doesn't change too much.  No more yogurt or pudding for awhile because milk products (except for cheese) upset my stomach lately and that's just not worth it. 

I've had some tougher last night when I was watching my husband and kids eat that was tough.  I just wanted even ONE bite - but I didn't.  I know the grease alone would've made me sick.  We went camping this past weekend.  I didn't mind watching them eat s'mores, but watching them eat brats and cheeseburgers was tough.  I know, I know, I have to get used to it, but it's still tough sometimes. 

Only lost 1.5 lbs this week (again!!!).  I'm hoping that now that I'm walking more the weight will start to come off faster.  We shall see!


Bless the tape measure!

Jun 29, 2009

I was getting kind of bummed, because after my big loss the first week, the weight loss has been going pretty slowly.  So I thought to myself that I would measure myself and see how things have been progressing.  I took measurements 2 days before surgery and now I took them at about 4.5 weeks.  I took measurements ALL over.  I lost a total of 28.5 inches!!  5.5 of those inches came from my stomach alone!  Not too shabby!

I am feeling much better these days.  I still can get tired, but my stomach no longer hurts.  It seems like I am hungry all the time, but I can't each much.  Here is what a day looks like:

8am - 1/3 cup cottage cheese
10 am - MyoPlex Light Protein drink
12pm - 3 slices turkey lunch meat & 1 piece string cheese (sometimes I can eat the whole piece!)
4pm - 1/3 cup (maybe) tuna w/light mayo
5pm - 8 oz skim milk or a sugar free fudgsicle (they are AWESOME)

I have found that I can't eat meat except for lunch meat.  No matter how moist it is, it just does not sit well, and I end up sick.  One time after some chicken I was sick for 3 hours.  I didn't throw up, but I felt like I was going to die!  Now, I've noticed that skim milk is starting to upset my stomach, which is a bummer cause I LOVE milk.

It's hard when we are out and about and have to catch a meal on-the-go.  We usually drive through KFC so I can get a small side order of mashed potatoes (which I only eat a fraction of). 

This journey is harder than I anticipated.  It's like I just realized how much pleasure I got from planning and eating food.  And now that pleasure is gone and will always be gone.  Because I had a rou-en-y I can't have sugar and probably never will be able (which is a good thing) but it is a loss none-the-less.  I no longer derive pleasure from eating. 

But I'm sure this will get easier with time and when I'm able to slink back into my "skinny" clothes!!  Tomorrow's my "weigh day" keeping my fingers crossed for a loss! 
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The Scale

Jun 19, 2009

The dreaded scale!  I had to tell my husband to take the scale and put it in the basement.  It was becoming an obsession with me to weigh myself every day and I KNOW that is not good!  It is truly frustrating when you see a gain from one day to the next.  You think, "What the!  I just had freaking surgery, I should be losing!"

It's tough, I lost 20 lbs the first week.  Yeah, me.  But the 2nd week I only lost 1.5 lbs and last week I only lost 1.5 lbs.  What's up with that?  So that makes me feel like I'm not eating like I should.  Maybe I'm eating too much, blah, blah, blah.  It's become a real obsession for me to control, control, control.  When I went to my 2 week check up he told me that they tell people NOT to count calories, to just have 3 small meals.  I try that, but it's not seeming to work for me.  If I only lose 1 lbs this week (which is what it looks like it'll be) I think I'm gonna SCREAM!!

I know it will help when I start walking, but this is my first week back to work and I tell you, by the time I get home at night (even though I'm at a desk job) I am totally wiped!  For those of you 3+ weeks out and getting your walks in - Bravo!! You are have much more energy than I do! 

So, I know I need to calm down and just let the surgery do it's's just hard.  When you've been through all that, you can't help but want to see something happen!  I'm gonna try to stay off the scale and try not to obsess about what I'm putting into my mouth!!



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Hammond, WI
Surgery Date
Mar 11, 2009
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