My name is Melissa and I live in tennessee. I am a middle child of two siblings that  I love dearly. I am the mother of two boys, a wife,  sunday school teacher and hairdresser. My story is quite simple I am overweight and have been my whole life. My mother was part of the clean you plate generation and we were not well off financially so if you put it on your plate, ate it. Me and both of my siblings are overweight and now my husband and children are to so I decided to be the front runner to make a change in my family history. My mother and I both had Lap-Band surgery 9-10-08 in hopes to reclaim some of our health. With God all things are possible and this is just one of those things. If you have any questions feel free to ask!

About Me
Sep 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 3
2 1/2 months out!
5 weeks post-op
12 days out!
