2 1/2 months out!

Nov 24, 2008

Well the last few weeks have been a bit frustrating for me. I am still trying to find the "sweet spot" with this band and I am still not there just yet. I have had three adjustments so far. The nurse practitioner reassured me that it is not even half full yet so that sure makes me feel better. I have lost 34 lbs so far and that means I have 57 to go! Whoo-hoo! FOCUS......Melissa..........FOCUS!!

5 weeks post-op

Oct 13, 2008

well as of today I am almost 5 weeks out and I have lost about 23 lbs! I am so excited about the possibility of huge weight loss success! I have come to realize that the lap-band does help me feel full but that is about it. I still have to make a choice to eat healthy food and exercise or there are NO results. That is good and bad for me at the very same time. I  experienced dumping syndrome for the first time today and Whoa! I don't want to go there again....EVER! I was trying to get in my daily protein and completely forgot that I had eaten about 20 minutes before that and I drank 2 cups of skim milk and I was in the bathroom every ten minutes for two hours. I took a bath to ease the nausea but it was just an honest mistake. I had rather lose it that way than with vomiting though. Knock on wood I have not had any obstuctions or even scares for that matter no nothing coming back up. I am pleased with my choice for lap band at this time. 60 lbs to go!!!

12 days out!

Sep 21, 2008

Well, I must say that the first few days post-op I thought oh! crap! what have I done. The pain from the gas and on my left side was unbelievable! Much more than I prepared myself for. After the 4th day post-op I was feeling much better and everyday thereafter has seemed much better than the one before. I had to lose weight pre-op and so I was able to lose 9 lbs before the surgery going from 226 to 217 and since have lost down to 210! I am super excited about what the future holds for me. All to often I find myself hung up on the idea of not losing enough fast enough but with this surgery I knew that was would be the case. Still I am down 16 lbs in less than 3 weeks! YAY!   

About Me
Sep 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 3
2 1/2 months out!
5 weeks post-op
12 days out!
