Well, I Called....

Mar 13, 2007

...and got a voice mail....grrrrrrrr!!! 
I left a message stating my name, gave my cell phone number (which has become permanently attached at my hip) and asked them when I could expect a call to set up my appointments with the NUT and Psych, told them that I have had my papers in for 4 weeks and I emailed them 2 weeks ago, but wasnt sure if they got the message or was just to busy to reply.  Either way....I'm back to waiting, but not for long....I will call them everyday if I have to....afterall...The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Oil....right??

Hurry up and Wait!!

Mar 09, 2007

What can I say...I'm still waiting to hear from the Doctor's office.  I dont understand why its taking so long for them to call me to set up an appointment with the NUT and Psych.   I have decided that come Tuesday (March 13th), exactly 4 weeks after submitting my packet to the office and exactly 2 weeks after emailing them, with no reply, that I WILL call their office.......stay tuned!!

Still Waiting....

Feb 28, 2007

Its been over 2 weeks since I sent in my packet, and still havent heard anything from the Doctor's office....*heavy sigh*
I emailed them yesterday, so hoping to hear something from them soon.  The waiting is horrible!!

On a brighter note.....today is week 2....14 days of being smoke-free!! 
The combination of not smoking, the stress of the waiting for the Doc's office to contact me, and the excrutiating pain in my back and lower joints is causing so many mood swings....good thing my hubby is so supportive!!   I just love him!!!


Feb 17, 2007

I attended the seminar on Feb 5th, 2007, saw my PCP on the 7th
and got my letter of medical neccessity from him.  I filled out the "packet" from my surgeon and sent it back in to them, along with the letter from my PCP (after I made copies of everything!!!).  I received a postcard from the surgeon's office stating they got the information...so now I wait for them to call me.  (it was strongly suggested that I dont call them, but wait for them to call me.....grrrrrrrrr!!)  The postcard said they needed time to go over the packet....that I understand, but it also said it could be a 2-4 week "minimum" waiting period.   Now, the only thing I can do is wait..........


Jan 29, 2007

Just got off the phone with Teresa at my insurance company...no exclusions!!  Ok...deep breath....there are, however, a few things I need to send in, such as the Surgeon's report, a medical neccessity report from my PCP, a psych eval (will I fail that?? lol) and a NUT consult. (Insurance will cover all the costs of the prerequisits!) 
They determine the approval on a case by case basis....so its still up in the air....but that horizon is getting closer!!!  
So, now the ball is rolling!!

About Me
Kansas City, KS
Jan 26, 2007
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 15
3rd Times a Charm??
Another Fill...
Where Has The Time Gone?
Surgery Date!!
52 Hours and 15 Minutes....
One Word
Submitted to Insurance!!
The Waiting Game is Back On...
The Ball is Rolling!!
I Got the Oil!!
