3/2 My Fist Fill

Mar 01, 2007


And I am phobic of needles (or was).

This has been such a blessing!
I have lost 29 lbs since 1/14
I AM UNDER 260 AND SOON UNDER 255!!!!!!!!

Not too bad!!!!!!!

Glory be to God!

One Month Out!!!! -26.5 Glory Be to God!

Feb 26, 2007

I am very happy so far, just waiting for my 1st fill on Friday!

Today I LOVE my band! 2/21

Feb 21, 2007

I lost the weight I had gained after surgery. So I am back at 260.5 a total of 25.5 lbs gone. The secret is not to eat late at night. After 7PM only tea!!!! Soon I will post pictures other than incisions...


Feb 20, 2007

Hi If I haven't updated, it is because things are hard. I gained 2 lbs already from my lowest. I have not had a fill yet, that comes next week (3/2). II can eat anything, and have. I eed to go back to understanding that this is just a tool. I need to do all the work. I am just ready for my fill. I wish things could be easier, but they never are... On a better note, I got an amazing deal with Sovereign Bank to pay for my surgery. If you are self pay, concider a home Equity line with them!


Feb 11, 2007

Tomorrow is my 35th Bday!
I have a lot to look for this 35th year of my life and I am very greatful to God for all of them!
I have not lost any weight but I am trusting the precess...

God is Good!

Pain!!! 2/6

Feb 06, 2007

I did not feel this level of pain during the surgery process, All I can say is that I feel a little better, and please!!!! drink you liquids! 

Less constipated;

Very personal 2/5/07

Feb 05, 2007

I am doing well and on a very personal note, I have the worst case of constipation! I need to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I cannot!!!!!

February 4th

Feb 04, 2007

Today I went to my friend's sons birthday party, last year I was on Weight watchers and by the end of the party was eating all but the kitchen table.

Today I was on postop full liquid diet.
Here is where this will work the best, I now answer to my band, not my hunger.

Praise God for LAPBAND!!!!!!!


Feb 02, 2007

I decided to post my Post LapBand goals: 
To be under 280 – DONE! 
To be under 270 – DONE! 
To be under 260 – 
To be under 250 – 
To be under 240 – 
To be under 230 – 
To be under 220 – 
To be under 210 – 
To be under 200 – 
To be under 180 – 
To be under 160 – 
To be under 150 – 
Goal to be 145! –



1st Visit

Jan 27, 2007

I had my 1st week visit, and everything is ok, tomorrow I go to full liquid. I cannot wait!

About Me
Bridgeport, CT
May 02, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
9 years after lap band (-100) 2 years after GB(-30) - total -130lbs

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