Tammy K. 21 years, 4 months ago

Good luck with your upcoming surgery and God bless for an uneventful recovery!! We are all pulling for you!!

Helenjean P. 21 years, 4 months ago

Micci, I am here for you if you need me, you know that. My sister is going through this too, so I am in the same sort of mode! I won't post a long spiel, just know I am here. Anytime, just get in touch, OK?? {{HUGS}}Helen

Cyndi C. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Micci! I'm so sorry about what you're dealing with on top of trying to have your WLS. I too was cheated on, but the second I found out, he was GONE FOR GOOD and I never looked back. Dr Phil (I love him) says we teach people how to treat us. Don't let him treat you less than you deserve for even one second longer. I think you should go forward with your WLS WITHOUT his help, even though you may desperately need it...once you let him back in, it will be harder to let him go again. Plus, how strong will you feel knowing you went thru this on your own?! The other good side is, by concentrating on your WLS, you won't have time to play the "what if" game about your relationship. Trust me, after the surgery, you're going to wonder why you wasted so much time and emotion on him to begin with! As for your kids, you're setting a much better example by taking care of yourself rather than letting someone treat you badly! Sorry for the long post, but this hit close to home for me! Good luck to you, and let us know how you're doing...STAY STRONG!! IT'S A GOOD LIFE!

1800Bev 21 years, 4 months ago

Micci, I just read your post about your cheating husband and I wanted to send you a {{HUG}} and pray that you have an easy surgery free of complications. As a MO person with an ex who cheated on me, I know all to well the pain you are feeling. We allow them to do this to us because we suffer from low self esteem. We think no one will love us cause we are fat. I hope you can make other arrangements for child care while you are in the hospital and don't let him deter you from your Journey. Do it for yourself and your children. Kick that cheating SOB to the curb and let his girlfriend have him. You deserve better.

Debbie M. 21 years, 4 months ago

Micci - I wish I could give you a huge hug right now!! I understand exactly how you feel!! I went through the same thing with my husband and it HURTS SO much!! No matter what happens, just do what is best for you and your children. Concentrate on you for a while and what is best for your health. Do not let this situation get in the way of your surgery. Now more than ever you will need to be healthy and strong for yourself and your precious children. I will pray for you and if you need a shoulder to cry on, I am here for you!!

Chrisy D. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Micci What stress you must be under at this time. Try to foucs on yourself and you getting better after this surgery and not your husband. I know easier said than done but I too have been where you are. (Cheating husband) Don't make andy drastic decisions right now foucs only on your goal. Let the rest go until you are over this and on your road to new you. Take from him what you need and stop the anger and hurt until after your recovery when you are stronger to deal with it. Use him for now. If you need someone to talk or come see you in the hospital call me i live in Louisville and will be there for you. Go to my profile and e mail me and I will give you my number LOL Chrisy D

Jamie M. 21 years, 4 months ago

Micci. What an ordeal to be handling at such a time. If I where there I'd hug you! You know what is needed but if he can't help himself then you got to do what is right for you. STICK TO YOUR GUNS! Maybe that will help see there IS a problem...Anyway don't let this hinder you going thru with making YOUR plans. THis is YOUR life! God bless and best of wishes for you. Jamie

Julie D. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Micci, I am sorry to hear of all the stuff you are going through with your husband. It is really sad, and I can imagine just how awful it must be for you. The most important thing is that you are taking charge of your life. You are taking care of yourself and your children. That is the most important thing. Best of luck to you for your surgery. You will begin a brand new life - a year of changes. I wish you luck and happiness in the future. If you ever want to talk I would love to hear from you.

Mrs. Rich 21 years, 4 months ago

Micci-- above all else, remember to breathe. I mean that literally and figuratively. You are taking a big step at controlling your life by letting someone else take charge (at least for a short time.) Day by day, things will get better. For now, you focus on what you need to do - get in your walks, drink your water, heal your body and above all, breathe! As for that no-good, cheating rat bastard of yours: let him go. Trust me, life on the other side will lead to love and romance! Best of luck. --Jen, RnY 11/12/02

Dorothy G. 21 years, 4 months ago

I wish you the very best on the surgery, and I will pray for you so it will be free of any complications. I go in tomorrow, and I am a nervous wreck. It seems the closer it gets, the more we have second thoughts. Just hang in there, soon it will be over, and we will regain our health and our lives back. I will keep all of our WLS sisters and brothers in my prayers.
About Me
Jeffersonville, IN
Surgery Date
Jun 15, 2002
Member Since
