1st post as a "loser"

Mar 05, 2008

Wow what a ride it has been already. They weren't kidding when they said its a wild ride!

Ok real quick run down.
    Tuesday 2/26 at hospital at 5:30am. Wheeled into surgery around 7:30am. They came out around 11am and said surgery was done and I was in recovery. Apparently it took a little extra time to do my surgery because I had hernias before and they had to cut around the mesh and scar tissue.

    I was told that I finally got to my room around 1pm. The nurse told my family that I had a really hard time when they were waking me up. I guess I had a reaction and freaked out a little bit. All I know is I don't remember anything from that day, thank god! I was in more pain than I thought I would be in. Ugg I hate pain!
    I was finally released on Saturday. I had to stay a few extra days because of infection and I kept swelling so the meds they would give me to reduce swelling made me lose potassium so I was seriously low. But anyway I was just really really glad to be going home. You know how it is, theres no place like home!!

    I was doing ok. Feeling crappy and hurting but otherwise did ok the rest of the day on Saturday.
    Sunday came along and alot of that changed. First off I was sick in the morning when trying to take meds. Getting sick with no fluid or food in your tummy really hurts, FYI. So then a few hours later the diarrhea started. Ok thats fine, I knew to expect some of that at first. I didn't start to get worried until later that night and 5 or 6 bm's later and the fact that they were so dark. So then I started to do reading on here see if anyone else had this many, and in my book they gave me with all the info in it. Hmm didn't find anything. Ok TMI but I started to feel chunks of something coming out when I would go and since I only had liquids i knew that wasn't possible. Well call me gross but I checked it out with a flashlight and it was huge blood clots. OMG then I got scared.
Need to do something then will brb and finish this story

Tomorrow my new life starts

Feb 25, 2008

Its hard to believe but the day is just about here. It seems like it has taken years but the past few days have just flown by. I need to be at the hospital at 5:30am tomorrow and they say surgery is scheduled around 7:30 or so.
I will write and blog how I am doing when I can handle sitting at my desk. My nerves are about shot lol. I can't wait to get the "cocktail" to relax me tomorrow. I only got a few hours sleep last night and I know tonight will be even less, but actually its ok but all I will probably do for the next few days at least is sleep sleep sleep.
My life as I know it will be so different starting tomorrow. I just hope I can do this and have no major complications. I want to be healthy so bad and get rid of all these dang pills I take everyday. I want to be able to get out and do things and feel good again.
I don't know what I would do without my Scottie helping me through this. My only other wish is that his mom and my mother n law could be here to support and help us through all of this. (We lost both of our moms a year ago) Ugg I miss my mom and even if I sound like a baby I really wish she was here right now. And my MIL.

Anyway wish me luck on a speedy recovery and No complications!!
See you on the losers bench!

Moved into our new house, I love it!

Feb 01, 2008

We got the keys to our new house on January 24. Its so exciting. Its a beautiful house with a huge country kitchen. We are almost done unpacking the major things, still have alot of little things to unpack and decorating to do. We now live in a 2 story so its really showing how out of shape I am the more I go up and down the stairs. Ugg its killing me at times but I know its good exercise so its worth it. I can't wait to have surgery and start loosing so I will have more energy and simple things like going up stairs won't be so hard.

Its just 25 more days until my surgery. Its becoming more and more real for me and I am really getting excited, yet very scared at the same time. I am going to try and stay as busy as I can to keep my mind off of it during these next few weeks.

Finally got my date!!!

Jan 09, 2008

Today I made my 5% goal with 2 pounds under as well. So this afternoon Susan (patient coordinator) called me with my date which is February 26. I am really proud of myself, even though it wasn't that much weight compared to what I need to lose, but still it has been really hard and I finally did it. Now alot of stress has been taken off of me and I can concentrate on our move to our new house and getting that all done and settled in.

Another exciting thing that has happened recently is an old friend found me on this site just out of the blue. Turns out she is also going to be having surgery possibly around the time that I am. Its really nice to be going through this journey and know someone in person that is going through it all to.
Mandy your right god works in mysterious ways and glad you found me!!

Hi Santa

Nov 26, 2007


Nov 26, 2007

Wow what a relief

Nov 07, 2007

Back in April I was really sick and ended up in Hospital for 6 days for what turned out to be a really bad case of Asthma. During the time I was sick they did a CT Scan and found a small something on one of my lungs, along with that my white blood cells were really high so of course with all of this I was scared. So I had a follow up CT Scan on Monday and just found out today that the "something" that had found back in April is completely gone now! Omgosh I was so nervous these past couple of days waiting on the results. I am so happy it is gone and now I can completely concentrate on finishing things up for my surgery and the last 4 weeks of classes.

Sleep Apnea test, 1 down 1 more to go

Nov 05, 2007

So I was suppose to have my sleep apnea test done on November 5th, which is today. But last night I got a phone call around 8p.m. and the guy said "you are late for your sleep apnea test." So I explain to him not according to the lady that made my appt, blah blah blah.. So anyway I guess there was a mix up and I had to hurry and shower, pack a small bag and get over to the hospital to have my test done. I was a nervous wreck going over there because for one it was unexpected for that night and two having all those wires hooked up to me plus them watching me all night just had me plain nervous. And yes they DID watch me on video ALL NIGHT. So finally morning comes and I get up and get all those wires off of me and get to shower. One of the dr's comes in and has a graph and tries explaining the results of the testing. I do have sleep apnea, but its only mild to moderate. I guess thats a good thing huh? She explains because the 2nd half of the night is when I showed the most occurences of not breathing they need me to come back for another test, this time with the cpap machine on. I am pretty bummed about having this but I guess a little expected to. I just hope they are right and once I get use to this machine I will feel rested and more alert during the day.

The 2nd part of my day was I had to have a CT Scan. Earlier this year when I was real sick I had one and they found a small spot in one of my lower lungs so I had to have it rechecked today. This time they put an IV in with Iodine ( I think thats what it was) and hopefully the spot will be gone or at least not any bigger. My dr wont get the results until probably Wednesday and she isn't working Thursday or Friday so it might not be until next week that I get the results.. Uggg I will go nuts if I have to wait that long.  Its almost midnight so I better get to bed, only have 6 hours until I need to be up getting ready for classes.

2 more appts down, I'm getting closer

Oct 30, 2007

So last week I had my pysch eval, I hated it. But I guess I did ok because on Thursday the pysch dr called me and said that he is approving me from his end.

On Monday I had my consult with my surgeon. It seemed to go pretty good. He just went over the procedure in a more personal way and not like he did at the seminar I attended. He seems to be a really nice man and I have confidence he knows what he is doing, oh boy he better lol. He did say that he will get ahold of my PCP and see if she thinks my asthma is under control enough for surgery or should I go to a specialist. I hope my asthma won't mess anything up. So today my PCP office called and they want me to do another CT Scan. I had one around 6 months ago and it was ok except for a little spot they saw so I am hoping that it is gone now. My white blood cells were up higher than normal to but because I had been on prednisone that weren't worried. I guess prednisone makes your white blood cells go out of whack. I just hope that the CT Scan comes back normal and all is good to go. I have that test done next Monday, and later that night I do in for my sleep apnea test. Its going to be a stressful day for sure.. Ugg

On the plus side I have lost 2 of the 16lbs I need to loose before surgery. I am hoping my next weigh in will be down at least 5 more. We shall see

Signed up for the YMCA

Oct 21, 2007

Yesterday me and my family signed up for the YMCA so we can try and start getting in some exercise. We were members last year and I had actually lost around 30-40 lbs but when my mom got sick and passed away it all felt apart. I had to spend alot of time in California helping my brother and dad and staying by my moms side when she passed in November. And when I came back home we were dealing with my mother in laws sickness to and she passed away February of this year. So needless to say exercising and eating right were just not my priority anymore. And for me I find comfort in food when I'm upset or stressed so I ended up gaining back all that i lost plus lots more, of course uggg.

So now I am trying to loose the 5% I'm suppose to before I can have surgery so between cutting down on portions and watching what I eat plus exercising I should be able to do it plus some. I still don't have a date or anything so my only worry is to be able to keep the weight off till surgery and not gain any back.

Next Tuesday I see the physcologist and I am dreading that. The patient coordinator told me to read as much as I possibly could before I go in there. It was like a warning or something so I have a feeling this guy really puts us through the ringer about this surgery so please wish me luck that I say the right things and don't screw it up.

About Me
Albany, OR
Surgery Date
Aug 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 47

Latest Blog 26
Way past time to update
Just a quick update of my journey
Home from hospital uggg another surgery
Not feeling to good today.
I am a Aunt again tonight
3 months today
50 lbs gone forever
April isn't starting off to good
Con't from yesterday
