One step closer

Oct 17, 2007

Today I met with the patient coordinator and the nutritionist. 2 appointments down in 1 day. I have to say I am getting a little nervous about all of this. I'm excited at the outcome but scared to death of the journey.
I am suppose to start my 5% weight loss this week. Will go in every 2 weeks to be weighed. It shouldn't be to hard for me I don't think. I have to loose 16 lbs before I can have surgery. The way Susan was talking (shes the patient coordinator) it will be around 3 months before I can have surgery so that is more than enough time to loose 16 lbs. I really wanted to try and have my surgery in the beginning of December due to being off from classes until January but she doesn't think that will be able to happen. I was really bummed to hear that. I'm still going to try and get all my appts done just in case theres a cancellation or something. But if I can't have it in early December I will have to cancel Winter term classes and I really didn't want to do that
Oh well it will all be worth it in the end.
I did get my appt with my surgeon so this is what I have going on next:

October 23 1st appt with phsycologist
October 29 consult with surgeon
November 5th sleep apnea test

From what I understand the biggest hurtle to get over is the phsycologist and waiting for them to send over their approval to the surgeon. Wish me luck it all goes smooth.

Met my surgeon at a seminar he gave last night

Sep 25, 2007

Last night was the 2nd informational seminar for the bariatric program I am going through. This seminar was with Dr Read speaking. It turned out to be a 2 1/2 hour meeting and was very very interesting. After he started to speak and explaining things I could tell that I really liked this guy. He wasn't just one of those dr's that seem to be into this profession for the money. You could tell that he really cared about his patients and helping them. I felt really comfortable with my surgeon choice. My man and a couple other family members went with us so they could get a good understanding of the changes that will be happening in my life. It felt really good that they cared enough to want to go and understand it all.
I am getting more and more excited out this huge change in my life but scared at the same time. I will be so glad when everything is done and I am healed from surgery and those pounds are just melting off of me!!

I started by to college yesterday. I don't think I have ever been this out of shape in my life. By the end of today after being on campus for 7 1/2 hours all I could do was get home, undress and get straight into bed. I was so tired I was in tears. I would give anything to have energy to get through some of these days its just so pathetic. Tomorrows another day, hopefully my energy level will pick up once I'm use to my new schedule. Ugg I hope so lol

Oh my gosh I will be able to have surgery afterall

Sep 23, 2007

Ok so a few weeks ago I was denied by my insurance company Grrr...(Sept10th) But have been working on another way I can pay for this surgery ( I will do anything at this point) So I found out today that I WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE THIS SURGERY AFTERALL!!! I have some really amazing family members that are going to help me with this. I am soooooo excited! I was so over whelmed that I instantly got a huge migraine and couldn't really enjoy the thought of this life changing event until now ( finally got some relief on my headache )

I am sooooooo excited but also so scared. I'm sure alot of you understand that one! Tomorrow I go to a seminar that the surgeon I want is giving and I will get the ball rolling and start setting up appts. I am hoping to have this surgery in early December so I can hopefully get back to classes in Jan (I am back in college getting a 2 year degree.. yea!! ) I already have a sleep apnea test for Nov. 4th that my PCP wants me to have so that will be done.

Thanks for listening (oops I mean reading lol) If I had the energy I would jump up and down (can't wait until I loose enough to really do that lol silly huh? )


1st referral was received on Aug 31

Sep 06, 2007

Had another appt with my PCP today. It was to talk about blood test results. I have diabetes so every 3 months she does blood workup on me. She is raising my a couple of my diabetes meds and now adding another med for my thyroid. I guess its not working right now. Ugg all these pills drive me insane. There is about 18 or 19 different meds I take everyday. My PCP said that if I loose 150# she will cut at least half of them down. I cannot wait for that.

So I also checked to see if she had sent my referral to my insurance so I can go to Samaritan Bariatric Clinic so I can get started with all the appts I will need to do for me to have surgery. She sent that referral out Aug. 29 so I called my insurance when I got home and they received it on the 31st and have 2 weeks to make a decision. So by the 14th I should know. Ugg I am really no good at waiting for something like this. Its driving me crazy not knowing.

I need this surgery so bad. Please cross your fingers for me that I get approved. Ok time for a quick nap before my sons football game. Hes playing on JV this year and his first game is tonight. It should be a great game!!

1st Informational meeting, very interesting

Aug 29, 2007

I went to my first meeting last night. It lasted about 2 hours and I was so relieved to see there were quite a few people there. It just reminds me I'm not alone in all of this.

My biggest worry is of course insurance. I have to have my PCP send a prior authorization to my insurance then get a referral to the Samaritan Bariatric Clinic. When I called my insurance I was a little encouraged when the lady on the phone said that there is a big list of criteria to get this but to me thats ok because she didn't flat out say it was impossible for my insurance to pay for it. For the weight I have to loose and my health issues I am almost certain I will qualify for this.

Gawd I hope so! I want to loose this weight and start feeling better sooooooooo bad.

The journey begins

Aug 25, 2007

On Tuesday I go to my 1st Informational Meeting at a Bariatric Clinic. I am anxious to go and hear all about the different options that are out there and all the steps it will take to get a surgery date and approval.

I have recently quit smoking and I have put on more weight and I feel absolutely miserable. I know more and more each day how much I want and need this surgery to loose this weight and to start feeling better. My health is getting worse, my diabetes is way out of whack and just overall health isn't very good.

I just hope I can go through all the steps and get insurance approval or I don't know what I will do.

About Me
Albany, OR
Surgery Date
Aug 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 47

Latest Blog 26
Way past time to update
Just a quick update of my journey
Home from hospital uggg another surgery
Not feeling to good today.
I am a Aunt again tonight
3 months today
50 lbs gone forever
April isn't starting off to good
Con't from yesterday
