Great Vitamin Debate

Dec 22, 2009

I thought about posting a discussion topic but really didn't want cause an uproar with having to fight folks about this and that.

I created a chart of various vitamins from BA to Sams Chewable, Flinstones, GNC Solotron, Centrum Chewable.

Alright, the big deal about biotin.  No matter how much you take, you are going to loose your hair. Everyone at a different rate. Taking it, just going to create more expensive pee.  So really not worth the bother.  And they also get you by NOT putting any iron in their pills so you have to buy extra iron separately, hence spending MORE money

Selenium is listed in bariatric advantage, but look at the dose.  201 mcg - that really is 2.01 mg - is it worth  $.41 per dose to have that much more of an item we are already going to be getting in our food.  And that amount is for the daily dose of 2 tablets.  Correction - that's actually .0201 mg of selenium - now really hardly worth it.

The Bs are low on the chewables, but that doesn't matter because we are already suppose to be taking a sublingual b12 and B Complex - so that doesn't matter.

Best option Sams member's mark chewable - and Centrum Chewables.  Flintstones is missing Maganese, Chromium and Molybdenum. But really these are really low amounts your missing, and most likely be getting them covered by your food.  Don't take my word for it. Discuss this with your nutritionist. I'm just sharing with you what I learned today.

As for calcium - yup we all know that we do the citrate better than the carbonate. But guess what, we will absorb the carbonate after we are past the 3 months post op phase no longer on an acid reducer like the nexium I was put on.  She told me to go ahead and get the viativ like chews.  With that along with my cup of milk a day - my calcium will be covered.

Dang Nab it, and here I thought I was being health wise in spending money on bariatric advantage multi-vitamin and using my extra bottle of iron tablets I already have. And also getting the lemon citrate chews to help get my calcium in because the tablets hurt the pouchy. 

I'll post my chart - but it doesn't show up as well here as I'd like it too.  I created a link to google docs if you'd like to view it properly,

Vitamin Comparasion Chart

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