8 months Post op, Phew.. Who wudda thunk it?

Jun 10, 2009

 It seems like just yesterday I was stressed out with no sleep waiting for 8am to hit so that I could go to the Hospital to have my WLS.
I really don't know where the time has gone. What I do know is that I feel better, I look better (I think) and I can move better. It amazing the little things that you appreciate after losing weight. I remember Pre WLS, It would take me a few minutes just to roll out of bed, then I had to wait for the pain to go away after stepping to my feet to stand. Even sleeping was painful if I slept on my back too long.
And Driving, Well. That was a whole nutha story. Im not sure at what point I stopped fitting in my car. I think it was 4 years ago. Now.. I can sit, bend over and get out with no struggle at all. Its nice to put on a seatbelt... Especially on planes, woohoo. !! I will never have to ask for a seatbelt extender ever, ever again.
On a sad note, I buried my Granny last monday. This put a curve in my health. I was very sad, and forgot to eat many days at a time. This, I am sure, Did not help my Weight loss journey. I am back on track. Going back to the gym on Saturday. Wish me luck. I wish you all the same.


About Me
Long Beach , CA
May 11, 2009
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