The Weighting Game

Apr 11, 2010

It takes a lot to bring you to the decision to have weight loss surgery, and when you finally get there and have set your mind on wait.  Now, I've only been in this process for a month, but, that's where I am...waiting.  If I am honest with myself, I can see the value in it, even though I feel impatient.  I have certainly been doing my research, learning from reading all of the discussions in the various forums on the OH site, meeting with wonderful new OH friends, and have also made some important decisions about my health in the interm.  Tomorrow I have a follow up appointment with my doctor.  I think I will ask him to send me to a bariatric specialist that he previously suggested.  It will be good for me to further investigate the emotional component to my eating problem, and I think he will have a lot of valuable information to help me prepare for all of this. Waiting has it's merrits (though ask me in 4 months and I just might say it sucks).  Patience is a virtue- so I wait.....


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Mar 16, 2010
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