
Sep 09, 2009

IT'S ALIVE!!!... Sort of....

Yeah, so needless to say I've not been around. I got back from Europe in July and literally haven't had a moment to myself until today. A few things of note have happened:

#1 - I went to see my doc to talk about my weight. I brought up the subject but chickened out when it came to actually talking about surgery. He's big into exercise being the only real solution. Plus I haven't gone to see him since high school, so I feel as though showing up out of the blue asking for him to consider it was just going to get me blown off. Now that I actually live int he same city as he does I'll make more appointments to see him regularly and then hopefully I'll grow a pair.

#2 - Europe was FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC! I loved just about every second over there. It has created a small problem though... I am no undoubtedly unsatisfied with living this domestic, fuzzy, "safe" life that just seems to excrete from every nook in the Maritimes. I need adventure... I really do... Though I'm not sure how to actually go about it. Especially with a post-graduate debt load...

#3 - Me = Unemployed. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Joy. Where I live doesn't exactly provide me with a butt load of opportunities either. Mum is still trying to convince me that the whole teaching thing will work out. I keep telling her that no. It won't. I don't blame her for trying though. She saw me put a lot of time and effort into this and doesn't want to see me struggling. That being said, I don't think I've ever struggled with anything like this before. She's always taken care of it for me in one way or another. So really, I think I just need to struggle... Even if it means living in her basement for the next year.


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Mar 07, 2009
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