Week 28 update

May 24, 2007

Hi Everyone!  Time sure is flying!  It's the end of week 28 and I'm down another 1.6 lbs. so total lost now is almost 78 lbs which brings me to about 10 lbs to goal!!!  I see a light at the end of the tunnel!  It's been a busy week here - my younger son graduated from college and today my older son graduates from law school!  My inlaws are visiting from Florida and I was working all week so I've been tired.  Off today though and Sunday we leave for a 6 day cruise!  I'm so excited about that!  Last week at our sons' grad party, many people were shocked to see me!  I had a great outfit on and had a good hair day!!!!  My closet is stocked for the spring and summer and life is good!

Almost There!

May 17, 2007

Woweee, my BMI is 26.9 today!  I weighed myself yesterday and was only down 2/10 of a pound, I was bummed because I had been at a new gym and took some classes that were very challenging - I guess my body was adjusting because I decided to weigh myself again today and was down 4lbs!!!!!!!  I'm in the 140's!!!!  This is a really happy time in our family as our two sons are graduating from college and law school!  With my loss of 4 lbs in a week, it makes the time extra special!  I went back to the consignment shop last Saturday and bought more items for my summer wardrobe!  Everything was a sizes Small, medium, 8's and 10's! 

Wow Moment The Other Day!

May 10, 2007

I am happy to report another loss of 1.6 lbs this week, I am 151.4 lbs today!  Less than 17 lbs till my personal goal for a normal BMI!  I had a wow moment the other day when I tried on size 8P pants and they fit!  I am feeling really good, my BMI is 27.6.  I am planning on joining a new gym and hired a personal trainer for a few sessions in my home starting next week!  Everyone says I am shrinking away! 

Almost at a normal BMI

May 03, 2007

I haven't posted in two weeks because last week I had my first "stall"....I was pretty bummed out about it.  I think I had too many carbs and that's what caused it.  I tried to be more diligent this week and it paid off because I was 2 lbs less this morning!  My BMI is now at 28, still overweight and I'd like to lose another 18 lbs to a normal BMI.  I know it's getting harder now and the six month mark is here.  I am very happy now at my current weight and size but I really think I need to have a BMI of 24 or less.  I see my appetite increasing and I can easily graze throughout the day which is so so bad!   I bought a really nice black cocktail dress with a beaded bodice for $16 at Penney's...also a skirtini bathing suit for my upcoming cruise!  Shopping is so much fun!  I can't believe I'm wearing size 10's!

Another 1.2 lbs gone!

Apr 19, 2007

I had another losing week....1.2 more off for week 23!  Total today, 68.4 lbs.  Size 12's are getting lose, 10's fit.  It's totally amazing!  This week I ate more carbs than normal, maybe that slowed the weight loss...I was hoping to hit the 70lbs down mark by this week.  I don't want to be over anxious, I am glad I've been losing every week.  Everyone I know keeps telling me how great I look, it's such great motivation and reconfirms that I can't even try candy, cake or cookies!  I leave for my cruise in 5 weeks, I am going bathing suit shopping this Sunday!!!!!  Woweee!


Apr 11, 2007

This past week flew by!  It was a good one for me weight wise....I lost another 2.8 lbs.  Total since 11/3/06 is 67.2lbs.  Yesterday at work I went upstairs...the girls in the office there haven't seen me in awhile.  They don't know I had RNY and all said I looked fine and didn't have to lose more.  I agreed with them but explained that I wanted a normal BMI....right now it's 28.5 - the high end of normal is 24 so I still need to lose more.  So if people say I'm getting too thin, I will talk about BMI not goal weight.   I had a few bad eating incidents so no more experimenting or trying things that will irritate my pouch.  We are having such lousy weather here in NJ, it's hard to believe it's really spring. 

In the 150's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 04, 2007

I am so happy today....the scale was kind again and I've hit the 150's!  I lost 2.8 more lbs. despite the fact that I was home and worried I was eating more than usual!  Total loss so far - 64.2 lbs!!!!  I am less than 25 lbs away from my goal weight.  Interestingly enough, the doctor told me I was going to slow down to about 7 lbs a month but according to my calculations, I lost 9.6 lbs in 4 weeks!  Also, the new meds kicked in finally and my diabetes seems to be under control!  All in all it was a good week.  I am on Spring Break and am enjoying the relaxation, staying up later and sleeping in.   Hope everyone enjoys Passover and Easter!

Too Good To Be True!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 29, 2007

Another week has flown by!  20 weeks today!  It's so hard to believe how fast time is going.  I was 162.2 lbs today, losing another 1.8 lbs last week!  I'm so shocked and happy.  I had some problems with grazing, I worry my old snacking habits will return!  I made chicken parm (Susan Maria's recipe) and a meatball dish with tomato sauce and low fat cheese, both were good and of course I ate a finger sized piece of chicken and about 1 1/2 meatballs!  I used a lb. of ground beef for the meatballs, next time I will use a 1/2 lb since it just made too many!  For all the money I'm saving on food, I'm spending on clothes!  TJ Maxx got alot of my cash!  I got some great pieces, size 12 bottoms and medium tops!  I haven't been this small in 26 years!  Next week I'm off for spring break and will really do a purging of my closet. 

19 Weeks Post Op - Still Losing!

Mar 21, 2007

Hello Everyone!
I was away last week with no access to a scale so today has been 2 weeks since I last weighed in....I'm thrilled to have lost 4 more lbs!  My BMI is 30, and I'm less than 20 lbs to the goal I've set at 135 with a BMI of 24.  I may lose more but I'm just glad I've been losing steadily every week.
Last night I made a Susan Maria recipe for Chicken Parm and it was delicious, although I ate a piece the size of a chicken finger!  
My blood sugars are still elevated and I'm now taking 3 meds for it.  A little frustrating but I may have to take meds for the rest of my life.  
I am wearing size 12's and medium tops - it's wonderful to buy regular sized clothes and my closets are becoming full again!  
As for my skin, well I've got some flab but hopefully it won't be that bad - again, thank you to the person who invented shapers!

In the 160's!!!!!!!!!

Mar 07, 2007

I am happy to report that I am in the 160's as of today!  55.6 lbs off in 17 weeks!  Of course, I'm thrilled.  This week I bought a pair of Gloria Vanderbilt black stretch jeans in a size 12 and they fit!  My blood sugar is slowly improving each day and I hope it will continue as the weeks and months go by.   I appreciate all of the nice comments from people, especially those who haven't seen me this small.  I am excited about the spring and being able to wear skimpier things, something I never would even have imagined last summer, hiding my body with overblouses!   I am going on a cruise in May and thinking of what kind of bathing suit I will wear...my thighs are still not great, jiggly and wrinkly so I'll probably get a tankini with a skirt!    Can't wait for warm weather!

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