On my way.

Feb 26, 2008

I can't wait.  I keep having this dream that I won't weigh enough and my insurance denies me the surgery.     I am so at their mercy.
I look at the before and after pic's and think "That could be me, I can do it"  I just can't wait to feel better, physically, mentally...emotionally.  

Keep me in your prayers everyone.

AAHHHHHH!!!! I got my first appointment date!!!

Feb 19, 2008

My first appoinment date is 3-3-08 for blood work, weight and other stuff.  Wish me luck!  My second appointment date with the psych dr and physical therapist is 3-11-08.

Second time around

Feb 06, 2008

This is my second go at trying to get approved for the lap band surgery.  The first time I tried to do this my insurance denied me because at 236, (BMI of 36) I didn't weigh enough.

I appealed their decision twice then gave up.  My insurance rules say that if my BMI is 35 to 39 I need to have diabeits to be eligible.  I could have a BMI of 40 and be eligible with my back pain, depression and family history of diabetis.

I then looked into surgery in Mexico. My cousin did it, my co workers did it.  Why couldn't I.  Well, the money part is hard to come up with and my family was freaking.  "Surgery in Mexico? Are you crazy?"

So, I thought, "if I could just gain 20 pounds I'll be in."  Does that sound desperate or what?  Gaining weight just goes against the grain and it's killing me, I feel like total crap and my back hurts worse.

However, I now weigh enough for my insurance to cover the surgery. 
I have gone to my seminar and sent in my application.  Now I just have to wait for my appointments.
