44 days and counting until my rebirth......

Jul 11, 2009

I've got a date August 25th 2009 will be my new Birthday.  This journey been so challenging and eye opening and I've only just begun.  My story is no different then most.  I've been heavy my entire life and have been on just about every diet known to man.  With little to no success I've ballooned up to at my highest 380 lbs  ( I was pregnant at the time).  I'm currently weighing in at 334 as of this morning.  I am so tired of being Obese, Morbidly Obese, and now right at Super Morbidly Obese.  I'm ready for normal I'll even take overweight I'm not picky.  Through this process I've really discovered so much about myself both good and bad.  I've learned that there is really some room for improvement.  I want to succeed at this I want to make it to goal and stay there forever.  I'm going to work the hell out of my tool!


About Me
Oct 06, 2008
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