Almost 1 month post op

Apr 21, 2006

4/22/06 294.5!!!! I haven't been below 300 in over3 years. WHOOT!!! I have been on pureed for a week, on mushies for the last 2 days. Next Thursday I get to start phasing in "real" food again.

My Dr. Kim is very conservative. I have to wait 12 weeks for my first fill. That is July!! At first I was a little disappointed, but now I am glad. He wants to make sure all swelling is gone and that there is no soreness or tenderness around the incision. I am still losing so no big deal. We will see how it goes once I start food again.

I still have my restriction from the surgery. I can only eat maybe 3/4 a cup and I am full. And I am staying satisfied in between meals. I am drinking at least half a bottle of Isopure a day. Some days I have to drink a whole one to get in all my protein. And I am STILL having trouble with getting in all the water. It is getting better. My pee isn't anywhere near as dark as it was the first couple weeks. But I still aint getting 64oz. I get around 40-50. And that includes drinking in the middle of the night. I keep a bottle on my night stand. If I wake up in the night, I drink.

I can feel my clothes getting looser, too. I don't think I have dropped a size yet though. That is one of the things that I would always get discouraged about on WW. I have to lose A LOT of weight before I drop a size. Most people 10-20 lbs. Me - I have lost over 40 lbs and I am not down a size yet. GRRRRR.

Tomorrow we are starting back to the gym. I don't think I will be able to do very long, but I am going to try. I have a pretty bad cough still from bronchitis at 2 1/2 weeks post op. So if I do too much, I start hacking up a lung.


Apr 08, 2006

4/2/06 Feeling better each day. I am still sore, especially on the left side, which is my port side. Last night I finally slept all the way through. I had been sleeping for about 3-4 hours and then I would have to get up and sit in a chair for a couple of hours, then back to bed. I still can't sleep on my side or stomach. That will be heaven, I am not a back sleeper. I am having trouble drinking enough water. I am not really interested in the soups much either. I am basically living off the Unjury protein shakes. With an occasional SF Popsicle. But I can tell I am feeling better every day. Went to Walmart yesterday to get in my required walking time. I don't know how long we were there, but when we got home I napped for 2 hours!

In other news: my oldest daughter (17) went to the gyn for a sonogram last week. She has been having a problem with fever, sick to her stomach, cramps, every month when having her period. After her initial exam the dr didn't have any ideas. So he ordered her a complete hormone/blood work up-which all came back normal. Then he ordered a sonagram. She has fluid around one of her ovaries and a growth on her uterus. She is going in for a biopsy and closer scoping on 4/7.

4/9/06 Good and bad news regarding my daughter. Good news: no biopsy was needed. There was no growth. Bad news: Her cervix isn't formed properly. That is what the dr. was seeing on the sonogram that he thought was a growth. She has no ovary or fallopian tube on one side. She does have fluid around the one ovary. For now he is going to monitor it. Also, her uterus is fused to her abdominal wall. He had pictures of it all and everything. Bottom line is she can't have kids. I am just thankful there was no growth!

I am doing good. I had one bad day when I felt completely barfy, low fever, and just felt like crap. It took me almost 3 hours to drink my morning protein shake! I called the dr and the nurse told me that it was just because my body was adjusting and to call back if I actually started barfing. I had thought they might want to give me something to keep me from starting to barf, but whatever. I ended up just taking some Tylenol and sleeping almost the whole day. And then I felt better. I guess I just had a bug.

But I tell you what, I am so sick of those protein shake! Just looking at it makes me want to puke. Thank goodness for the boards - someone told me about Isopure. Protein Water of the gods. I bought 5 different flavors and drink half of one in the morning and half of a different one at night. 40 grams of protein in a 20oz bottle. I still am having a hard time getting in enough water. But I get so full feeling from the littlest bit. But I am trying.

And can I just send a shout out for Souper!Salad!. I had never been to one until yesterday. Boy have I been missing out! I wish I had known about them 3 weeks ago! They have the best soups. I had Shrimp gumbo, and Shrimp creole (a tad too spicy for me), Seafood Bisque, New England Clam Chowder. All strained of course. Until Thursday!!! Then mushies!! I can't frigging wait.

I did a bad thing on got on the scale the other day. I had told myself that I wasn't going to weigh until my doctor appointment (tomorrow), but I just could not wait. My clothes were getting a little loose. Down to 302!! That is down 36 lbs from the begining of the year. WooHoo. And I KNOW I am going to gain some when I start eating again. I keep telling myself that. So I won't be upset when it happens. But of course I will be anyway!!


Mar 29, 2006

3/30/06 I AM HOME AND I AM BANDED!! I went to the hospital (3/29) at 7am. They didn't have a room ready in out patient. So my DH and I sat in the waiting room for about 1 1/2 hours. Then began the torture of the IV. Apparently, the older I get the worse my veins are! 10 sticks people- TEN- to get my IV and draw one tube of blood. They finally ended up putting my IV in my WRIST. And let me tell you, if you have never had an IV in your wrist, you don't want one! It really HURTS! A couple of times I looked over at my DH and told him I had changed my mind and could he take me home and order a pizza. He just kissed me and said if I thought you ment that, I would, but you don't. They took me to the OR about 10:45. I woke up in recovery around 12:30, then at 1:45, then at 2:30. Then the took me to the out patient post op room where I was joined by my DH and my sister.
Oh, before I left recovery, my left eye felt scratchy. Like there was something under the lid, and whenever I blinked it rubbed up and down my eyeball. I mentioned it too the nurse because it was starting to burn from the scratching. I figured they would just, I don't know, flush it out or something. But she was all "I will call the anesthiologist (I probably spelled that wrong - the "go to sleep doctor").
I was pretty much awake when I got to the post op room. And I felt pretty good. Sore, but nothing I'd call actual pain, other than the IV in my wrist! So we just hung out. I walked, I talked to the nutritionist, the bariatric coordinator came by a couple of times, the nurses were very attentive. It was a great experience. A couple little pains of gas in my shoulder. Nothing bad. I did the chicken flap a couple of times that someone mentioned. Got a laugh from everyone and they serrenaded me with the "Chicken Dance".
The "go to sleep doctor" came down and looked at my eye. He didn't see anything in it. He asked if I had long nails and I showed him my hand (a little long- just enough for a good back scratching) and he said I probably rubbed at my eye when I was waking up and scratched it with a nail. So he prescribed some antibiotic ointment that I have to put on the inside of my lower eyelid and blink it all over my eyeball. Which will make my vision blurry so I have to wear an eyepatch. I get to be a pirate for a week. YARRR! AVAST ME MATEYS!!!
So I spent the afternoon, breathing in my little machine, I eventually got to drink, I peed, I walked. They declared me fit, around 8pm and I was sprung. We stopped by the pharmacy and picked up the pain meds, and some disolving Prevacid that I have to take for 3 months.
I took a dose of the pain med before bed to help me sleep, I am not a back sleeper and new it would be hard. I slept a solid 3 hours then was up for 2. I managed to prop with pillows and blankets and get half on my right side.
All in all not bad. I will probably not need the pain meds, just Tylenol should be enough.
Oh, and I don't know what size band I got. I didnt see the surgeon after. My DH did, but he forgot to ask. And the bariatric person could not find it in my chart notes. Not that it matters at this point. I was just curious. I will find out in 2 weeks when I go for my check up.

Counting Down

Mar 14, 2006

3/15/06 I start my liquid diet today. 2 weeks. Then surgery and another 2 weeks of liquids, then mushies. I get to eat "normal" food again around May. Big sigh. I weighed 324.5 this morning. That is up 5.5 lbs. Too much "last supper syndrome" over the weekend. I read one lady say she gained about 40 doing the last suppers. So I guess 5.5 isn't too bad. The bathrooms at work are out of order today. And I started a liquid diet. Hmmm-is someone trying to be funny??

3/17/06 I had my last appointment with the psychologist yesterday. She gave me my letter of approval. WooHoo. Liquid diet going ok. They have a lot more flavors of cream soup then they used to. Kroger had a huge variety: chicken, chicken with herb, tomato, potato (all the regulars), PLUS celery, onion, shrimp, chicken verde and more! I had the Chicken Verde today for lunch. It taste just like the sauce on a chicken enchillada. YUMMY! Scale this morning: 319. 2 days of liquids and I lost that extra 5.5 I had put back on. I am really glad I had started dieting at the first of the year. If I had gone on the liquids, from the way I used to eat, I'd be starving to death! Surprisingly not overly hungry. That Unjury unflavored protein powder is great. I put it in my lunch soup and I go the rest of the work day without starving.

3/24/06 Down to 313. That is down 11.5 since I started liquids and 25 total. I have had a couple of bad hungry times. My sweet husband was a rock and helped keep me from caving. I had all my pre-op stuff yesterday. And unless I hear different, it is a go for the 29th. Found another soup I love: Bear Creek - Cheesy potato. Yummy!

3/28/06 Tomorrows the day. I can't believe I survived that preop diet! My poor family having to put up with me. Being hungry makes me very grouchy. Of course, I have to do ANOTHER 2 weeks of liquid after the surgery. But I am hoping it will be an easier 2 weeks. After my gall bladder surgery, I was just not the least bit interested in food for almost a week and a half. I am hoping this will be similar. Then come the mushies/puree for 2 weeks. Right before Easter. I will be taking my little food processor with me to the in-laws. Pureed fried turkey!!

I think I am ready for this. Everyone keeps asking me how I feel. Am I excited, scared, nervous, or what? I just smile and say yep, all of the above. I don't know for sure if this is the right thing. But I know I have to do something, and from past experience, nothing else has worked. I WILL BE HEALTHY!


Mar 08, 2006

3/9/06 I saw the nutrionist. It went fine. She didn't have a lot to tell me that I didn't already know. She looked at my food journal I have been keeping. I am not eating enough calories during the week -about 1200-1400- and too much on the weekends. I told her that was from being hungry all week, by the weekend I can't stand it anymore and I over eat. Thus my weight problem and my need for the Lap-band!

The surgeon's coordinator called me a few days ago and asked if I could change my date to 3/22 instead of 3/29. I was crushed! I had just the day before arranged my vacation time off work and my husband had submitted his time off. Plus that is my anniversary date! So I said not really. Well they called someone else scheduled on that day and they jumped at the chance to be moved up, so I got to keep my date! I have my pre-op stuff on the 23rd. I see the surgeon on the 22nd, I see my psych one more time the 16th and I start my liquid diet on the 15th.

And I can't wait. Even for the liquid diet. I think if they called and said I had to climb a mountain barefoot, in the winter, I would do it with a smile.

I have ordered a bunch of protein powder from unjury. I have bought a bunch of soup and jello and broth. I tried V8 for the first time and it aint half bad. It tasted like cold tomato soup with a hint of celery.


Mar 01, 2006

3/2/06 I never did get around to calling the insurance company again. And now I don't have to!! I got my letter today! I am APPROVED!!!!!! I will call the doc tomorrow and set up my appointment with him. YIPPEE!


Feb 21, 2006

2/22/06 Psych eval went ok I think. She wants me to come back for a couple of more visits. I was a little concerned about that, but then found out my insurance automatically sends approval for 3 sessions. So of course she wants me to use all 3. Ok by me as long as she says I am a good candidate. I still haven't heard anything from the insurance. I think I am going to have to call them tomorrow. I REALLY want to keep 3/29 as my surgery date. It made me not as scared when they gave me that date. I am practicing my bandster rules. Not drinking when you eat is hard to do!!
2/28/06 Saw my PCP yesterday for a blood pressure recheck. It is down. Plus - I had lost 6 lbs from my visit 4 weeks ago! I see the nutritionist on 3/3, and back for more psych eval on 3/7. Still haven't heard anything from the insurance. I tried to call them last week, but of course their system was down and they couldn't tell me anything. I will try again today.

Moving Along

Feb 07, 2006

2/8/06 I FINALLY heard from the coordinator. They are sending the info to my insurance (UHC-Choice Plus (POS)), they are contacting the dietician to have them schedule me an appointment, and I contacted someone for my psych evaluation. They gave me a tentative surgery date of 3/29. That is the day of my wedding anniversary! There must be some cosmic significance of that day for me, and starting a new life! I hope I get to keep that date. I will be scheduled for my consultation as soon as they hear back from the insurance company. There should not be any problems with that. I have spoken to them a couple of times myself, and I have heard nothing but good things about UHC and wls. YIPPEE! Things are moving along!
2/16/06 I have appointments for my psych eval (2/21) and with a nutritionist (3/2). Still no letter from my insurance. I won't have my surgeon consult until they officially approve. I hope it is soon. I have a list of questions to ask him. I keep thinking it is a long way off, but then I look at the calendar and it is really only about 5 weeks away. I have started to get some stuff at the store that I have read about on the boards. I love the Papaya Enzyme! They taste just like Pez. I ordered some sample packs of protein drinks from Unjury, but I haven't tasted them yet.


Feb 01, 2006

2/2/06 I still have not heard from the coordinator yet. I am trying to be patient. I know how things get piled up when your on vacation. But the waiting is killing me! I saw my PCP yesterday and talked to him a little bit about the surgery. He sounded like he likes the RNY better than the Lap Band. I just don't think I could ever bring myself to do the RNY. Oh, and now I am on blood pressure medicine. I asked him about waiting until after the surgery and see if once my weight goes down, maybe I won't need it. He didn't think it was a good idea. It could be hereditary and not weight related, having surgery with high blood pressure isn't great, and it could be MONTHS until I start to lose. Hmph. So I am just waiting. Reading the boards and waiting. Writing up a list of questions for Dr. Kim and waiting. Taking notes on things to get and waiting.


Jan 09, 2006

1/10/06 I will be attending the seminar tomorrow night at North Hills Hospital Bariatric Surgery Center. I have been reading the forums for about 2 weeks now and I have not read anything that makes me think this is a bad idea. I am looking forward to tomorrow night.
1/12/06 The seminar was great. Dr. Kim is so nice! The best part was some of his previous patients stayed and shared their stories with everyone. 1 person had a Lap Band and the other 6 had RNY. They had their before pictures too. Incredible! I shared all the info with my husband and we watched the presentation that came in the info packet I got. I am 98% convinced that I need to do this. My husband is going to support whatever I decide.
1/19/06 My information packet has been submitted, along with a five year weight history from my PCP. Ugh. I called my insurance UHC Choice Plus (POS) to find out what exactly they require for approval. I know some insurance make you go through a medically supervised diet program for 6 months before they will approve! Well apparently UHC doesn't require anything like that if your BMI is over 40. Mine is over 50. So I was expecting a pretty quick approval and surgery date. I found out today though that the nurse coordinator is on vacation in Hawaii until after the end of January! I guess I won't be hearing anything for quite a while. Darn. Since I have finally made the decision, I wanted it done and over quickly. Oh well.

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N Richland Hills, TX
Surgery Date
Dec 27, 2005
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