Second Barium Swallow Test

Jun 24, 2009

So I went back to the GI doc on Friday, cause even though things were good after the upper endoscopy for several days, once again I'm having difficulties eating and drinking. He ordered another barium swallow and set up an appointment for a second Upper Endoscopy to presumably dialate the opening still further.

The Barium swallow was this morning, and thankfully they could see that the liquid was going into the pouch and bypassing the intestinal tract as it should. Only towards the end of the series of xrays did they see a little going into the old stomach, taking the normal route, through the fistula. So it seems that the fistula/ulcer is healing, even though its only been 2 weeks. This is the exact opposite of what they saw 2 weeks ago with this test, where everything was going into the stomach and taking the 'normal' route through the intestine.

This doesn't explain to me why I am getting nausceus and throwing up when I eat and drink...but I suppose if the stricture is narrowing again, or isn't large enough that would explain it. So hopefully on the 30th it will be opened enough...once and for all!


About Me
Mamaroneck, NY
Surgery Date
Jun 14, 2008
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