13 wk post-op (3 months) - Reality is... and a small shout out!

Feb 07, 2010

OK, so i know that i had said i would update regularly; not only for those who want to follow my personal journey but also because i felt that if i "reported" myself then i would stay motivated.

Fact is... I didn't keep up with my side of the bargain. There really is no excuse as to why i didn't blog because i was actually really excited about blogging during my first few weeks. I guess you can kinda say i hit a bump on the road.

This is what has happen during my time away from OH:

I was in Mexico for 3 weeks (Dec 27th-Jan 20th). During this time i had limited acess to OH because i didn't have internet connection. I hit ONEDERLAND at some point while i was on vacation, although i don't know when exactly because i didn't have a scale with me. My family in Mexico did notice the change in me, especially in my pants because they kept falling. So i guess thats a PLUS.

I have started my Junior Spring semester in college. I changed my major once again and now i am majoring in Spanish with a concentration in Language. This has kept me kinda busy because i have to catch up on all my requirements for my major. Also, i have started looking into Graduate School so thats a little stressful.

My cousin graduated from boot camp and is now a Marine. His graduation was at Parris Island, South Carolina and i am very proud of him. <3 Sadly, he leaves again tomorrow (Monday) and that makes me a little sad but i know that it's his dream and i can only support him.

I've gone from a size 17/18 in jeans to 13/14
I've gone from a size 2xx in shirts to a Large.
I've been stalling at 190-193 during the past two weeks =(
I de-railed from the appropriate "healthy foods" (including protein drinks)

Need to do List:
Start drinking my protein shakes again!!
Continue drinking all my pills and get my monthly B12 shots.
Go back to healthy foods (no more ice cream even if its no sugar, low fat)
Drink atleast 40 ounces of water
Start excercing again!!!
Blog atleast once a week

So as you guys can see, i started to go down the wrong path and believed that weight loss would be easy. I have to remind myself everyday that WLS is a tool not a solution and i still need to put some effort into this because its for my benefit.

I know that i de-railed very early on in my post-op stage but i recongnize this is a mistake and i am going to do my best to succeed and make the right choice.

I also know that some of you, those who follow my blogs, would have expected more from me and you guys are right. I should have done better. There is no excuse so i won't even try to make them. But this is my reality so i figured i would write it in a blog because that way i will have a constant reminder that i have to try my very best and nothing less.

I also want to give a special shout-out to AHEALTHYME for sending me msgs because that really does encourage me to come back and update. So thank you very much for keeping me motivated =)

In conclusion:
So to conclude, I promise to write another blog this week. I will write about whether i have done some of my "need to do" items and maybe report on more weight loss. Hopefully.

Once again, thanks to everyone who encourages me and looks forward to my blogs. Once in a while, send a msg my way so that i can remain motivated and i will do the same.


