16th Wk post-op (4 months) - excercise, blood results & life =/

Mar 04, 2010

Hello everyone, 

well i hope you are all still enjoying you're weightloss cause mine has definetly SLOWED down but i'm honestly ok with it because i realize i kant just expect the weight to come off with me doing nothing about it soo....

I have started excercising, my plan is excercise 6 times a week, usually keeping sunday free. So far i have excercised 4 days straight and i must confess that after the first day, i wanted to give up. I was in pain! but i know that its because i hadnt excercised in a loooooong time. Today, i actually feel so much better and i have realized that i have more energy after i excercise so yey.

Also, i am keeping a closer look at the amount of calories i am consuming and the protein intake. Usually i take about almost 800 cals which im not sure if it may be a little low or just right but i am going to call my doc and see what he says. As for my protein intake, i take in about 40g of protein which is low because i should be getting about 70g but im kind of afraid to take more protein because that means i will have to increase calories and i fear my weight loss will slow down even more!

So recently (during last week), i started realizing i wasnt eating and i am going to tell you how i realized. I came home on a Saturday from visiting my family. I got home a bit late and had alot of studying to do for my midterms in school so i got down to studying and fixing things up in my house. Well it wasn't til Sunday night that my housemate asked me if i wanted dinner and i politely declined so she asked me what i had eaten and i started thinking so i could tell her (she trys to act like a mom to me lol). Then i realized, I HADNT EATEN SINCE FRIDAY EVENING!!! So i basically went two full days without eating. Honestly though, i was never hungry during this time. Honeymoon stage? maybe. So after that, i (and my housemate) made it a point to make sure i ate my meals but then something happened, i only craved salads. Here where i live, a salad bought at my school cost about $8 and that is alot for a salad but i craved it so bad (and they are big ) that i paid $8 for 5 days straight and ate salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I'm finally eating different things now but i am getting full alot more quicker, quicker then usual. =/


I got back the results from my blood test and.... I'M LOW...in EVERYTHING. This doesnt shock me though because i was already anemic (low iron), had a low vit. D and Vit Bs since pre-op. I have been given more prescribtions and will be double dosing on the iron and vit c. (this was recommended by my doctor so i am playing it safe... dont worry). I do have to make an appointment with my Primary Care Physician to address my low Vit D. because it's still low and i'm lactose intolorant so i dont consume dairy products at all (except cheese in small doses).
So basically i take 2 Vits C, 2 Iron Pills, 1 Prenatal, 1 Vit D, 1 Calcium, and 1 Thiamine a day. Along with a B12 shot every month...this kinda sucks but its a small price to pay for the incredible changes that are taking place in my body , mind and soul =)

Arggg, life should come with a pause button. Seriously. I've just been so busy lately. I'm trying to keep the relationship with my "husband/boyfriend" working but the distance is proving to be a total BITCH (excuse my language). Especially cause we both have individual lives so it's kind of hard to find a time when we can video chat or talk on the phone without having to worry about anything but us. ::Deep breathe:: 

Also, recently, there have been some changes with my family so my mother has been a little down and that bothers me a little because i don't want to see her sad. I'm trying to be strong for her and for everyone else in my family but right now, she is more of a concern so i've been trying to set time apart to call her everyday.

On another note, college is kicking my ass! I'm trying really hard but the closer graduation gets (1 more year to go), the harder it seems to reach my goal. And the professors are not all nice! Nor can they all teach but apparently, the students are not qualified to make that decicion. Ehhh, i'll stick it out, its for my good. 

My friends; they are great. Some of the best. But really, i can only handle them in small doses aswell. I have become everybody's emergency hotline so i have been hearing alot of drama lately. And that is draining! 

So i will end it here, i'm going to bed now, still a size 11 in jeans and Large in shirts. Also still stuck on 185-187 but it will get moving soon. I am determined. =)

Everyone keep up the good work and stay focused...(its 3am here so im going to bed...i think i might suffer from insomia since i can NEVER go to sleep before 3 or 4am and i only sleep 4 or 5 hours)... Good night...

