One week out

Mar 13, 2012

So it's been 6 days since my sleeve gastrectomy, and I'm feeling really good. I drove myself this morning to a dermatology appointment -I felt pretty normal! My surgeon told me I could drive when I felt ready and when I was off narcotics. I've found that Tylenol seems to working fine in the last 2 days -it seems my discomfort level has rapidly improved since then. I think a lot of it was how distended, bloated, and puffy I was after surgery -I felt 9 months pregnant AND as though I'd just had Thanksgiving dinner! They warned me I could GAIN 10-20 lbs in the hospital after surgery, due to the bloating, fluid retention, and gas, and I ONLY gained 7, but I still felt so puffy and uncomfortable! Even my face was puffy, around my eyes and chin! And I couldn't put my rings back on until today. But now the 7 is gone, plus two more, so I feel more like myself. I'm actually getting kind of bored being at home -I'm finding myself looking forward to going back to work! I'm also bored with the liquid diet already -I'm trying to add a lot of variety to the shakes, yogurt, soups, etc., but I find that I really miss crunching and chewing! Well, if all goes well, then in 10 days I can start Stage 4 and have some meats, cheeses, and fruit, and even Saltines! Yay!


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 06, 2012
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