post plastics

Nov 10, 2010

Omg, I cannot believe this is me.  I have a 15 year old's  body.  Not mine..  Perky boobs, and a flat tummy.  I will never be tiny, but omg

One Year-- I made it

Oct 22, 2009

Wow, a whole year had gone by.  I am soooo proud of myself.  I am down to 153 lbs form a start of 281.  That's  128 lbs baby.  Here's the measurments:
                      Start              Now
Waist              56                 38
Bust                55                41
Chest             47                36                 Look, a shape is emerging from the block.
Hip                  55                41
Thigh              24                18
Upper arm    16                 12  

This difference is awesome.  Not just in my shape, but my whole out look.
I fit where i didn't fit,
I can do things I couldn't do. 
Almost anything, actually.  There are so many things I want to try.  Skiing is on the top of my list.  Maybe skating,
I love my treadmill.  Excercise is so much easier than I thought,  I always dreaded and avoided it before.

I saw the nutritionist yeasterday, She wants me to slow down even more than I have in my weight loss.  She feels 150 is a realistic goal for my age and height.  But she also want me to ask the plastics guys for his opinion.  I still think I'd like to aim for 140, so I'll stay on course, and loose a lb or so a month.
I've been eating about 1000 - 1200 calaries a day. and trying to keep the balance at 40% protein, 30%carbs, 30% fat.  I find this to be difficult  I always end up with too much protein and carbs, and not enough fat.  This has affected my bowels, in ways most of you know about.  So back to preplanning my days for a while till I get the mix right.

My new life style has opened my eyes to many of the things that go on in my life that I just chose to ignor for the sake of peace before. Well now I'm fighting back a bit and those around me are a little shocked.  Well, they will have to suck it up.  My confidence grows by the day, and changes will be made.

I love being an advocat for this surgery.  Any who asks how I did this, gets all the details, and the OH web site and the MIS group web site if they want it. 
Dr. Starr has been amazing.  I see him next week and know in advance that he will be proud of me.

Mexico, 2008October 2009
So for anyone new out there, this is the opportunity of your life.  Take it an run with it.  You will never regret it.  I love my RNY


8 Months out

Jun 28, 2009

Hi Haven't been on much lately.  DH has pinched a nerve in his neck and is being a suck.
But... On the weekend I went on our annual Sip and Spin wine tour in Niagara on the Lake.  For the late 4 years I have followed the riders in the chase car, carrying the purchases and picking up tired riders.  This year I rode for the very first time.  I did 34 kms.  Yay me. 
I am eight months out and about 22 lbs from goal.  I have never felt better or more energenic in my life.  I love my RNY
This is me at 280 lbs

An me now at 162lbs

We had a blast.  One group went on to do another 10 KM.  My goal for next year is to be able to do the 45 km ride.

On a different note, my weight loss has come to screeching halt. I can eat more and do.  I can eat carbs and try not to, but don't always win that battle.  I find I am hungry more often.  I am going back to work tommorow, after a nine week lay off.  I am hoping that getting back into a routine will help me to get back on track and get the loss moving again.  
I'm not worried about it.  At eight months out, I have only 22 lbs left to loose, so no worries.  It'll be gone.
1 comment

Three months and a bit.

Feb 08, 2009

Well,  I've been really busy enjoying this new life. I've dropped below 200 lbs, for the first time in 23 years.  My clothes are too big, and my saggy skin is like my badge of honour. 
My hungar has returned, so I have to be carefull not to snack too much.  Or at least snack on the right stuff, light yogurt, cottage cheese, protein bars, and lots of water.  Water has been my biggest challange lately.  I can seem to remember to drink enough,  I am working on it though.  I have to be really care about carbs, cause they go down so easy, and are usually readily available in my house.
My other challange has been to take my suppliments.  I've tried several ways to remind myself, I just have to get there.
My hubby and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas for 6 days. 
We drove to Miami and back.  The total time out was 12 days.  We actually fought very little, and managed to have a great time.
Terry had decided not to drink to much, so that helped alot.  He stayed sober most of the time.
Since we came home it has been different story.  But I've learned to cope somewhat, and ignor him mostly when he has been drinking.
The problem is that I have not worked in 8 moths due to an injury.  Terry works from home as an unsuccessful real estate agent.  So we are together 24/7.  It's not that he isn't a good agent, when he gets a client, but that he can't seem to come up with a system to get new clients.  He took a trucking job in Oct. to help me pay the bills, but got laid off just before our trip,  He seems to be refusing to get another job. Just wants to real estate full time.  But it doesn't pay if you don't sell, and he had to pay the brokerage even if he doesn't see anything.
It's a really expensive hobby, as far as I am concerned.
Well, the weight is coming off and I'm gaining more confidence every day.  I have so many new friends through OH.  I love all of them.  We are all so diffent but we have our obesity as a common bond, and the challanges that go with it.  I go to as many coffee groups and support meetings as I can.  I would go to more of it were possible. 
I love what my RNY has allowed to do. I would do it again in a heart beat.

2 Months out

Dec 21, 2008

I heard from my son, the swelling in his shoulder is going down so the doctor is calling it an infection.  He says its getting better every day.  What a relief.  Ironically, he is underweight and needs to put on about 20 lbs.  Before he left I bought him a jug of work out protein powder. This stuff is 2200 calories per serving.  He is actually built exactly like his paternal grandfather.  Long and lean.  How He came from my short, fat family is still a mystery.
Well I'm doing something that takes me out of the norm for my family.  I losing weight rapidly with my WLS.
My new measurements:
Waist 56" - 53 - 46
Bust 55" - 51 - 49
Chest 47" - 42 - 42
Hips 55" - 53 - 50
Upper Arm Lft 16" - 16 - 15
Elbow 12.5" - 12.5 - 11
Thigh 24" - 22 - 21
Calf 18" - 16 - 16
Ankle 10" - 10 - 8.5
Neck 17" - 16.5 - 16.5
That's 35" over my whole body.  Whoo-Hoo.  Go Me. 
My weight is now 208, down from my all time high of 281.
That's 73lbs.  I am down 34 since surgery, in just 8 weeks.
My clothes are really baggy.  I am hoping for some gift certificates for Christmas.
For the first time, I weigh less than my husband.  I just have to rub it in a little.  He is calling me little one.  I am not little yet, but I'm working on it.
The only real problem I've encountered has been constipation.  I have never had so much pain in my life.  Like giving birth out the wrong spot.
Seems to occur when I don't get enough water, or drink anything caffeinated.  Agian with the slow learning curve. I've upped my water intake and am drinking decafe.
Christmas is just a few days away.  It's a challange.  I have not done the usual and bought lots of chocolate and candy to "have it in".  I always ate most of it.  i'm going to have to really pace myself and chew carefully at dinner.  I can still only get about 2-3 tblsps in at a meal.  I don't want to have to leave the table to throw up that one bite too many. 
Everything is wrapped and ready to go.  I have to get through 4 big dinners.  Good luck to me.  I know I can't eat much, so I just have to remember it.


Not such a great day. Seven weeks out

Dec 09, 2008

My son called tonight from Calgary.  He was in the hospital all day having a lump on his shoulder investigated.  They sent him home to watch the lump for two weeks.  They think it may be lymphoma.  Yes, that is cancer.  How am I suppose to wait 2 weeks to find out if my  20 year old son is dealing with cancer or an infection.
I am not the most maternal mom in town, not really huggy, kissy at all.  Never have been, but I love my kids.  He is so far away. 
I told him that if it is cancer, he will need to come home.  His alberta health has not kicked in yet, so he is relying on OHIP to cover any bills. 
 I have to keep myself from jumping on the airplane to Calgary.  I know I have to let him and his girlfriend deal with this, for now.  I'll just keep telling myself that it's just an infection.  It should be gone in two weeks.  The doc felt that due to his age and life style, he is not a really likely candidate for this cancer. 
the waiting is going to kill me. 
In my past life, I would be consuming everything not nailed down in the kitchen.  Now I don't really want to do this, but need a way to pass the time.

Six weeks out

Dec 06, 2008

Here I am at six weeks post op and struggling to eat anything solid.  I can't seem to remember to chew, chew, chew, and put at least 2 minutes between bites.  I have a very slow learning curve I suppose.  I am stuck in the cottage cheese, yogurt, chili, protein shake phase.    I am starting to miss quantities of food.  I try something I love, and miss having a huge portion. So I take one bite to many, and up it comes.  My mind is playing games with me. 
I am almost finished my christmas shopping.  The decorations are up, and I am feeling very little christmas spirit.  I guess I am really missing my son.  He has been in Calgary since Thanksgiving.  He's doing ok, but I worry. 
Need to get my mind back on my own health, and start eating slowly and mindfully.

One Month post op

Nov 18, 2008

Well I'm into the last strech of pureed foods.  Next week i get to try soft, but somewhat normal foods.
I have lost 30 lbs, and am actually feeling stronger, and smaller.  So I decided to do my measurements this morning;
Waist 56" - 53
Bust 55" - 51
Chest 47" - 42
Hips 55" - 53
Upper Arm Lft 16" - 16
Elbow 12.5" - 12.5
Thigh 24" - 22
Calf 18" - 16
Ankle 10" - 10
Neck 17" - 16.5
That's 16.5" over my whole body.  Whoo-Hoo.  Go Me.

3 Weeks Post Op

Nov 12, 2008

The weight is slowly starting to drop. I'm down to 230, thats 12 lbs from surgery or 27 since pre opti-fast.
Today was great. The ladies at the bank noticed that I'm loosing weight, my physio therapist noticed, even my husband commented.  So I did some quick measurments, I am definatly loosing inches.  So, good for me.
If only my home stress levels would settle down so I could start to really enjoy the ride. 

2 weeks post op

Nov 09, 2008

I am two weeks post op. and feeling really good.  I lost 15 lbs on optifast, and and now down another 10 lbs.  That's 25 lbs in 4 weeks.  Who would have ever imagined.  I know when the lbs are dropping, cause I get cold.  Really bone chilled cold.  It's worth it to put on a sweater.  I'm never cold, I'm usually a furnace, I haven't had a really sweaty period since my surgery.  Another bonus, I seem to have skipped a period.  This is something I didn't expect.  I had heard that the sugery can make your body go into hormone overdrive. 

I absolutely love the control I suddenly have over food.  I don't feel hungry.  I don't feel munchie.  I actually have to remind myself to eat my three small meals a day.  No probs getting my protein in either.

While everything is great on the surgery front, my household is falling apart around my ears.  My 16 year old had suddenly becoime a self righteous little witch.  Everything has to center around her and her friends.  I have already done this with her two older sibs, so not a total surprise.  Just bad timing.
My husband started a new job the week I had my surgery.  He is working nights driving a big rig.  And he's not happy about it.  But with me on WSIB for 10 months, and now the surgery, We need the money.  He has been doing Real Estate for three years, and as we all know, the market has done a really bad down turn.  As a result, he is in a foul mood and drinking more than ever. I understand, he feels that he has failed at the business, but  I have had to learn to deal with the emotions following surgery, and his crap as well. Some how I have gotten forgotten in the crunch.  

I am going to go to more WLS support group meeting.  Just to get out with like minded people.  I just love my OH friends.  They can always be counted on.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 152

Latest Blog 14
Not such a great day. Seven weeks out
Six weeks out
One Month post op
3 Weeks Post Op
2 weeks post op
