Jun 14, 2009

Funny story, go to my photos. Post op month 6, start with picture #7...then go forward....



May 18, 2009


101 LBS 23 WEEKS!!!

Apr 28, 2009



Apr 25, 2009

...TRYIN' TO MAKE 100 B/C 99 AND A HALF WONT DO!!!!! I have lost 99.5 pounds since my journey began. 84 since surgery. Im pushing it!!!! I'm going to be in the century club and will post my Lady Blue Weight Loss Dance for the occassion on youtube..........see you next week!


Apr 11, 2009

A really awesome question was posed to me so i figured i'd answer it and post it!

Hi. I hope to have surgery soon. I read you go to the gym regularly. What type of exercise do you do and how do you keep from getting bored? You've done so well!

Well, my gym is great and has every kind of cardio machine you can think of and get this: each one has a tv on it! I schedule my workout around my favorite tv shows in the evenings..usually law and order. Every 3 months, I put aside $160 to pay for 4 sessions with my personal trainer. He changes my weight lifting/core exercise routine every 3 months adding new machines and techniques each time. then i do that routine for 3 months before I see him again. ON the days i really dont feel like working out, I shorten my cardio and shorten my lifting, but i still do it. I usually alternate 1 day i'll only do cardio, the next day ill do cardio and lift. I make sure i get at least 45 minutes of cardio on my cardio only days: 

15-20 mins on the treadmill with varying speeds, running 1:15 at the very beginning and 1:00 3 mins before the end also varying the incline from1.0 to 6.0. Listening to Tye Tribbett!

5-10 mins on the regular elliptical forward and backward.

15-20 mins on the recumbant bike (where you sit down with your legs out in front of you) starting at a 9 finishing at around 10-11 for the force. As you get used to it increase it 1 week at a time. When i first started i was at a 6 or 7.

then my new favorite machine is a Precor climber or something. iTs a funky elliptical where its like you are running uphill, works you legs and bootay! i do about 10 minutes on that baby.

As far as lifting, i switch from machine to machine, following my entire workout at least twice a week. Bored? Baby, you cannot get bored when you feel and see your body changing. You only want to get better and then you start making mini goals for yourself. I want to be 250 by my bday. BUt right now im stuck at 273-275....and i think i know why, which is why im adding new cardio to my workout, that and the fact that i'm probably pms-ing right now. Once you get into it, you will not get bored!! I promise. When you start consistently losing weight, inches, and see shoulders and feeling sexy, u will be at the gym, i dont see why not?





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GO TO THE GYM: 274.6LBS 4/5/2009

Apr 05, 2009

I answered my own question. yes. you can lose all the weight you want without ever stepping foot in a gym....but how do your legs look in that mini skirt you've been waiting to wear? how does you kneck and shoulders look in that new sundress/halter top or tank top? We have to look into and at ourselves and ask: is it all about losing the weight and being cute in our winter clothes, but dread the summer? On days when I feel like the 91lbs i've lost is slow and not enough and I feel i could be losing more, I feel liberated knowing i am doing it a different way. Maybe not the right way--but the most improved way if you ask me or anyone that does it. I strongly believe that exercise and surgery are the best route when used together. It makes things fall back into place easier.

I went to a sorority function last night, and my friend all ask me what diet am i on, what am i doing to tone up and i tell them that I had gastric bypass, then I tell them that i also workout and they are suprised. One friend said to me, " you dont look like you had gastric bypass...all the people i know have that sickly looking neck, or are all sunken in and scary looking." I didnt know how to take that, but in retrospect, I guess I take it as a compliment. I guess. But i also take that as society's response to people who've had surgery. I asked her if they worked out, she said no, but they lost the weight so soon. Then I get the next statement: "please dont lose anymore weight." When people find out i've still got about 90lbs more to go, they think of it as a death sentence. I swear that the worse thing you can tell to a wls patient: dont lose anymore weight. Like we got enough shit going on in our lives trying to be accepted and literally "fit in" everywhere. Whatever, I'll lose as much weight as i have to while the gate is still open. Same with the gym. I will go as much as I can and twice as often b/c I know that one day, I might stop going to the gym. I will stop losing weight, but I do know this: I won't get back to 366lbs, let alone, 300 anything. And if i can help it, I'll let the 200's go all together!!! Praise the Lord!!!!! So enough of my ramble......

How was your wls journey this past month!?


WK 19 366/351/277/180 (250)

Apr 01, 2009

HEY. qUICK UPDATE. 277LBS THIS AM. STILL GOING AT IT IN THE GYM. DOWN 89LBS SINCE 9/18. 75LBS SINCE SURGERY.  THIS IS NOT A GAME LADIES AND GENTS! IM BUSTING MY BUTT OUT HERE GRINDING,LOL. ANSWER ME THIS: can you really get down to your goal weight and lose all this weight without ever stepping foot in anybody's gym? can y'all respond to that please?.....

1 comment


Mar 16, 2009

oK, SO IM ALMOST 2 WEEKS LATE, no real updates, sorry. Ive been "uninspired." I'd been in a semi stall since about 2/28. Well its finally broken. Today, woke up, weighed myself 281lbs. 86 lost since journey, 71lbs since surgery. I guess thats not that bad. I guess I didnt break the record like those of you that lost 100lbs in 4 months, but oh well. There is a thin line between working out and not. So im assumming the added muscle (you should see my arms when i fold back the fat) is making it do what it do. I even have a booty now. NOt just a wide, square, get the hell out of my way i'm delivering food trays-booty. I feel ok. Im a little sore from some new workout every week. I did learn one thing: Do not go to the gym the same day as skating. Ok, the whole leg shaking thing, doesnt really work well on skates. I had 1 hour of Nazi training camp with my trainer, and then i had my 30 min skate lesson right after. NEVER THE HELL AGAIN! Oh, ok. so i did slip up, on saturday, i had a heinekin. Not a whole one, about half and i was very "nice" for about 20 mins. then i went to the mall with my friend and walked around about 2 hours. I felt fine after, but the headache today! Whew. NOt at work this very moment.

Lets see.....other than that, I'm good. My hair, although looks good from a far or even up close, dont touch it, its falling out something fierce. I guess its probably growing at the same rate, so i shouldnt complain. Im using this Optimum Oil therapy shine booster, it makes it feel thicker. After i wash, blow dry, i put that stuff on my hair and flat iron and wrap it. It does the job. jUST DONt get it wet after that, GIna Davis-all the way. Still overdosing on vitamins. Still eating healthy. I try to add something new at least once a week. This week i had brown rice. It was good. Not sure how good for me, but it was good. My favorite new snack is goat cheese and applesauce! LOVE it.

Well, nothing much, i'll let you go.

1 comment

WEEK 15 366/351/290/180(250)

Mar 03, 2009

oK SO today is week 15 post op gastric bypass surgery. This morning i am 290lbs, my goal is 180, but i want to be 250 or less by my birthday in JUNE 20, no later than the day I set foot on an airplane to go to Vegas June 25! When i began my journey i was 366 on September 18. the day of surgery 11/19 I was 351. so total loss is 76lbs. I see in one of my pics on 2/23 I was 290. 'well looka here. I didnt eat at all on Sunday b/c I chose to sleep the entire day, then go to the gym where I almost passed out in CVS...So Monday's weight was low. By tuesday of last week, i was back up to 292.6. So i think my weight for last week was that. It was steady at 292.6 until about saturday. So I've lost 2.6 lbs this week. Not bad I guess.

Sometimes i have to write it all out so as to not beat myself up about it. I went to see my therapist the other day and she goes "you say 76lbs like its nothing!" You know how we are....its never enough. but im still trucking along. Trying to eat more, b/c i dont eat enough, i think. And I know im not drinking protein shakes and trying to just get it from food might not be enough either. Recently I've added fbenefiber tablets to my diet.....I need to be more regular, HONESTLY. Other than that, I'm still about a size 22/24 in jeans. 18/20 or XXL in misses, 2x in plus size tops. Eventually I'll take some measurements, but not really sure why. My life is still ran by the scale. I'm trying to get over it but its hard. I have been weighing myself every morning for about 3 or 4 years, so its hard to break a habit. And I really see now how 1lbs can make or dictate my whole day. Its the quirks that make us crazy, but its cool. I'm still skating twice a week. I have my second lesson this saturday. Im about 3% better on skates than when I first started,lol. I'm still working on turning; that whole leg over leg thing....naaaahhhhh....maybe in a few more lbs,lol.

NOthing else going on. If something exciting happens i'll let u know!



Feb 22, 2009

can anyone tell me how to put my weightloss ticker on my page?

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