
Mar 12, 2009

well i went back to school today, and wow i was sooo exhausted after walking from the parking lot to class! but honestly, today wasnt so great. the psych class im taking is so hard to catch up in and ive been gone for a little over a week i was like ummmm what are you talking about?! so i came home and def. had a moment to myself to freak out and my mom just happened to call at the wrong time! not to get into detail but i did apologize a lot after my little moment. so after i had completely exhausted myself once again, i ended up taking like an hour nap and my mom woke me up with a piece of paper in her hand saying....i got into EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY!! im sooo excited! atleast something went right today! well, i went back to school around 4 just to find out that my class is cancelled...i was pissed! so now im at home until 5:30 where i have to go back to school AGAIN. im starting to think i may have went back a little too early. im tired and noticed that i dont feel like i did the past few days. i woke up feeling sick and havent eaten as much because i dont have the time. getting everything together is just not my thing, and i seriously feel like an idiot carrying around a little bowl of jello and crackers and lemon water! hopefully tomorrow is better, since i dont have classes on friday! oh did i mention the 10 freakin page paper i have due next thursday???? yeah...like thats going to happen! and that teacher [psych once again!] is the only one who had a problem with me having surgery//taking off days. oh..im sorry....ill put my personal needs aside for your class that i don't even need! well its time for dinner haha, then class with a teacher whose actually pretty awesome....so maybe this class will make my day!!

have a good day//night!!


buh bye 22 pounds!!!!

Mar 11, 2009

so i went to see my surgeon and nutritionist today and i was soooo nervous about being weighed! i havent seen much of a difference even though my family has. so i step on the scale and im pretty much shakey by this point....what pops up? 22 POUNDS LESS THAN LAST WEEK!!! i was like what?!!!!! im sooooooooo happy!
22 pounds ill never see again ==
oh&& they moved me onto a soft foods diet, no more nasty, pureed junk! today was seriously such a good day, i think it's time to finish my sugar free chocolate pudding....take a walk...and go buy some sunglasses for all my hard work! [so much better than rewarding myself with food!!!]

have an amazing day everyone

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 08, 2009
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