First Set of Labs

Aug 16, 2006

So I got my first set of labs back. Everything is normal except my liver enzymes are slightly elevated. This is normal with significant weight loss, so for now we are just watching it. So far I take 3 bariatric advantage vitamins for DS'ers and 2 tablespoons of tropical oasis liquid calcium citrate per day.

I feel terrible!

Aug 05, 2006

My whole family has stopped being supportive. They are ready for me to have been "back to normal" three weeks ago. I spent six hours today vomitting after eating six french fries and a few sips of a vanilla shake. Both of those seem like soft foods, but I guess I didn't chew the fries well enough. I am dehydrated, my head hurts, and today is a bad day. One of the worst. I feel a little better though now that I have been able to rant.

Random Thoughts

Aug 02, 2006

- Quick update on the stomach upset situation: Feeling better. Staying away from meat. Eating little bits frequently. Haven't gotten sick in three days!

Random Thoughts:
It is so strange how people who know me notice how "small I look." I am still fat. People who never knew me before would undoubtedly still think that I am fat. I think I am getting an artificially inflated (no pun intended) sense of how good I look because I am comparing it to before and because so many people close to me are impressed with "how thin I look." It is going to be a big adjustment when I go to my new law school in the fall and I will have to deal with just being a fat girl again - since none of those people will have known me previously and will not see me the way my friends and family currently view me.

Staple Removal

Jul 27, 2006

My staples were removed today. My incision is healing well. The place where my drains were has healed well and I have no drainage. I am on a liquid diet until next Monday ( 2 weeks from surgery ). But I have been cleared to eat yogurt, applesauce, pudding. I think I may try some of that tomorrow. I have started taking short walks around my block and I am generally feeling good. My back has been hurting because I think I am holding it strangely to protect my stomach or something.

Medicine might be working?

Jul 23, 2006

The anti-nausea medicine seems to be working. I have had far less vomitting lately. I also bought one outfit in a smaller size (14/16 top and 20 non-stretch jeans from Lane Bryant.

One Month Update

Jul 18, 2006

I am one month out and I have lost 29lbs from my starting weight of 249. I am happy with my progress so far. I haven't been able to eat much solid protein yet. Most times when I try, I end up throwing up for hours. So I called my surgeon today and he confirmed that that is strange for someone who has had a DS. So, for the next 3 days, I am eating only liquids and tiny amounts of food I am sure I can eat without throwing up and then I am supposed to try to reintroduce solid protein foods over the next week. I have been eating really soft foods like blenderized tuna fish salad and scrambled eggs and even they have been bothering me if I eat more than a few bites. So if it doesn't work then I will have an upper GI series/endoscopy to make sure I don't have a stricture - but they don't think I do because then I would also have trouble with carb foods and they haven't been giving me any trouble. 

Luckily I have found a bunch of protein shakes that I like so I have been able to keep my protein up.  Anyway, I really hope I can eat more by the time I go back to school in the fall. Otherwise, I am doing well, I am slowly getting more energy and my incision is totally closed and healing very well.

Feeling a little Better

Jul 12, 2006

My food pattern for the last week has been two liquid protein meals and one solid food meal, perhaps with some snacks like jello/cool whip/ or a popsicle during the day as well and maybe a single bite of one or two other foods.

The last two days I vomited up all of the solid food I ate. The first day I had 2oz tuna with four wheat thin crackers for lunch and it seemed to sit well. At dinner I had about 1 oz ground beef and my chest got very tight, I vomited the ground beef up in the bathroom of the restaurant. Later that night I vomited for about 2 hours straight until the tightness in my chest went away. It was NOT a fun experience.

Yesterday, I ate canned beef stew as my solid food meal. About five minutes after eating my chest began to feel really tight. I tried not to vomit, but for the next two hours everything came back up. At first it seemed like only what was going into my stomach from my post-nasal drip was coming up. I was wondering if it couldn't make it to my stomach because I was full of solid food and that was why I was vomitting. Eventually, the beef stew came up as well.

Today I ate scrambled egg beaters with a mushroom in it as my solid food. I did feel tight in the chest, but not as badly, and I did feel nauseous for a little while, but it stayed in. An hour later I tried a bite of several different foods and they stayed in as well. Eating made me feel tremendously better and it made me have more energy.

What was weird about the whole things was that I was tolerating solid food for several days before the two days during which I had issues, and it didn't seem to me like I overate. I was also taking care to chew my food well and not drink before or during my meals.  I am now feeling better and I hope I keep feeling better.

Two Weeks Post-Op

Jul 07, 2006

I have been following my surgeon's advice of trying one new food per day.

Foods I ate on my two days of mush food: mashed potatoes (went down very well) and refried beans (no gas but lots of DHR the next morning)

Foods I have eaten since I have been able to eat solid foods:

    meatloaf (maybe 1oz) sat well, didn't taste good

    hamburger (maybe 2oz) sat well, tasted yummy

While I was on liquid foods I was going to the bathroom 3-4 times in the morning once in the afternoon and twice at night.  Since I have been on solid foods it is 2-3 times in the morning and sometimes 1-2 in the afternoon or evening.

My incision is healing really well - no draining and it is totally closed.

I have developed a small hemorrhoid, but I don't think it will be a big deal.

I am also really dizzy when I stand up. My heart rate flutters. My doctor said it could be too low blood pressure, too low blood sugar, or dehydration.

Overall I feel really good. I can walk 20min slowly and do some errands. I get really tired around 5pm each day. Not back to normal, but I am making progress.

Surgery Experience

Jul 06, 2006

Click here for the long story
Short story:
Surgery itself went well - spent 5 hours in recovery because bp, temp, and pulse were elevated; they stayed elevated all week. Given lots of anti-nausea meds which worked. Pain meds worked well. Slept a lot. Walked a lot. Had lots of gas pain in my chest. They tested it to make sure I did not have a leak. Stayed 4 days in the hospital then was driven 2 hours home no problem.

Day Before Surgery

Jun 17, 2006

- JUNE 18, 2006. So I have a surgery date tomorrow Monday June 19th. I am very nervous. Wish me luck please!
Reasons for nerves:

          -General apprehension about surgery

          -Weirdness of EKG at the last minute

-Resistance to pain meds in the past (I have been given Tylenol w/ codeine, vicodin, and percoset for prior surgeries and they were like drinking water – I ended up taking a lot of advil which helped a little at least. In general I am a baby who is very resistant to narcotic pain meds.)

About Me
Greater Boston, MA
Surgery Date
Aug 14, 2005
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critically low hemoglobin
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april 08
