Do addictions run in your family?

Jan 13, 2011

I posted this in response to someone elses post about addiction, but I wanted it here on my blog also. So here it is:
Oh my goodness, yes. Alcohol, gambling, shopping and sex, drugs to a lesser degree. I personally love to gamble, but realize that I am prone to addictions because of my family history, so I make sure that I am very aware of what's going on while I'm doing it. Instead of being distracted by the lights, I try to pay attention to what I'm actually winning or losing. As far as drinking, I drink when I choose to, but not because I have to. And, I make a point of never ever never ever having a drink when I'm upset or when things are going wrong because I know you need a clear head to deal with things and no matter how much you abuse your drug of choice, eventually you still have to deal with the issue.

Wish I had understood that with food, my parents were awesome cooks and they made everything from scratch. Unfortunately, sometimes that also meant that eating was our quality time. So in some ways, it eventually translated into food being love and comfort. The food was soooooo  good, and I was always encouraged to have seconds and thirds. It never occurred to me that the most important function of food was for physical nourishment because it nourished the big hole that I felt in my heart ,and I would eat until I just couldn't hold anything else, and if it was extremely good I would start planning when I could eat some more later. Luckily, this didn't happen all of the time, but enough for it to have created a weight problem.

However,  one day a friend said, you know you're not supposed to eat until you're full; you're supposed to eat until you're not hungry. That was a stinging blow because all I could do was stare at him before finally uttering, "Really?" Gosh, I wish I had learned that sooner. I'm not a foodie per se, but when the food is good, I have a real hard time stopping.

So, I would imagine more often than not, for a lot of the people in our situation, there is some sort of predisposition to addictive behavior. A lot of us turned to food, instead of other things, but sometimes the food can be just as damaging. It just takes longer to see the harmful effects.

I was worried about the possibility of transfer addictions, but someone at a support group meeting, said you could choose to replace food with something positive like exercising or meditating. I added cleaning and writing to the possibilities since those are two things that I hope to do more of.

Sorry for such a long post, but I think being aware of the tendency towards addiction, gives us yet another tool in this battle.



I Couldn't Help Myself the Tacos Were Calling Me

Jan 10, 2011

So, as of last night, I've been home for a full day, when my darling babygirl decided that she was going to cook dinner for everybody. I really thought that I was prepared for that until, low and behold the smell hit me. Now, I love me some ground beef, and after eating a post-surgery diet that consists of water, chicken stock, nasty-tasting protein, and sugar-free popsicles, you have to know that that smell kicked up something terrible. I kept repeating to myself that I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry, but that was in vain. I crept closer and closer to the kitchen and found myself staring down into the skillet that contained these beautifully browned morsel of ground beef. I picked up a spoon and then put it down, and then picked it up again and before I knew it I was holding a some of the ground beef mixture on the spoon. Now let me clarify, it was never my intention to eat it. I just wanted to examine it a little closer. My child was like, "Ma," and I was like,  "I know. I'm not going to eat it. I can't remember." Except for at that moment the remembering was beginning to get a little fuzzy. So the next thing I knew I put the spoon to my lips and licked the ground beef mixture. Now before I go any further, let me clarify, it was never my intention to eat it. At the most, I wanted to put it in my mouth and taste it, and spit it right back out. I would never risk sabotaging surgery so soon. Besides, I think it's far more important to heal up as best I can. In my mind, ground beef is protein, and protein helps heal. So, you see how easy it is to get things twisted. Well, my pouch had different plans. Almost as soon as I put the mixture to my lips, my pouch started to grumble something terrible, and then I didn't feel too hot. All this because I was seduced by the smells. Anyway needless to say, I put the spoonful of beef right back in the sink and quickly sought out my allotted one ounce of water. There's a reason you're supposed to take things slow. And, this is true in life too. Sometimes we get eager and excited to try new things before we're ready for them. Slow down, and enjoy where you're at as much as possible, no matter how small the allowable things may seem. It will help prepare you for the bigger things that are right around the corner and in the process will give you a better appreciation for the little things along the way.

Warm hugs and laughter,


Four Days Post Op and Soooo Thirsty

Jan 10, 2011

In life there are lots of things that you tend to take for granted. For me, the biggest one right now is being able to drink a big glass of water. Yup, H20, old agua, it never really cried out to me before, but now it would be great to be able to quench this thirst. Per the nurses order, I'm supposed to drink 1 ounce every 15 minutes. By the time I drink one serving it's time to start on the next one, but wow it seems like I'm staying perpetually thirsty. I did drink almost 2 ounces at once last night and then freaked out because I remembered that I now have a one ounce pouch. I don't want to push things too soon.  I did try adding sugar free popsicles and that helped some, but I'm still thirsty. Hope it won't be long before I can drink more.  I guess all things considered it could be a lot worse.

Oh well, have a sip or two for me.


Woohoo! Finally on the losers' bench

Jan 09, 2011

Just got home. And although the bench is a little uncomfortable, it's not as bad as I thought. On the agenda: rest, relaxation, and recuperation.
Better days are definitely right around the corner.


Heidy Ho, It's Off to Surgery I Go!

Jan 07, 2011

The Losers bench is almost in reach. Be there sometime after 2:30 today. As one other poster said, say a prayer, do a dance, or whatever it is that you do, but send positive thoughts my way.

And, for anyone struggling with anything, know that troubles don't last always!

Have a fabulous Friday and an even better weekend!


Last, last supper Before Surgery for Real This Time

Jan 06, 2011

Hi my Fellow OH'ers,
I have 48 minutes to get some broth before I'm cut off. Even though my surgery is not until 2:30, the anesthesiologist said absolutely nothing to eat or drink after midnight, not even a few drops of water. I'm not staying on here long because I don't want to miss my window of opportunity. I'm making lasagna for my children--one of the few last suppers that I didn't indulge in. At least my babies get lasagna, and for me I'm looking forward to some undeniably delicious chicken broth. Yes, chicken broth.   Who would have ever thought that the thought of broth could be so appetizing. I guess when compared to mostly water, it's not too shabby.

All of those that are beyond this point or not quite here yet, eat two bites for me.




I Gotta Be Me

Jan 04, 2011

If you've seen my replies to posts on this board, they tend to be really encouraging and positive. I think some might take it to mean that I'm all pie in the sky and everything is right with the world all of the time. And, that's simply not the truth. I understand that things can be going along smoothly and life will snatch you. I simply try to look for the proverbial silver lining in things. Bad things happen. That's part of life, but on the contrary good things happen too. That's what I prefer to shine my light on.

It's actually quite simple for me, when things are going bad, and I focus on the bad, I tend to feel worse. When things are going bad, and I focus on something more positive, I tend to feel better. I do have moments when I can't shake that bad feeling, and I must say those are pretty tough, but all in I try to look for the good whenever I can. Afterall, I feel there's enough negativity without me having to add my two cents. But, by the same token I understand that there are those that might find it a little annoying. Sorry about that, but just like you've got to be you. I have to be me.

May all things wondeful, happy, and healthy be yours in this new year. (That is if you want them, of course. lol.)

Peace, blessings, and happiness,
