A Long time...

Dec 09, 2008

Ok, I haven't blogged in a very long time! I am doing great! Not losing as fast as I would like, but not being as good as I should be either! The holiday snacking is kicking my butt! I work in a Call Center and there is always something to eat in there. I need to gain control and get some willpower. I go tomorrow for a fill and I can't wait! I definitely need it. I am not as hungry today, in fact I am never hungry. I just eat because I am bored and out of habit I guess...With my last fill, I did not feel any more restriction than what I had before. I hope this time I will be able to tell a difference. I read so much on here about people getting stuck and sliming. I have never done that. I sort of wish I would so that it would scare me into not eating so much! Anyway, I wouldn't be where I am at had I not had this done so I think all in all I am doing pretty good. Until next time...

Race for the Cure is done...

Oct 19, 2008

I got up at 4am Saturday to go to the Race. Got to Daniel Island at about 5:30am and it was warm and raining. I walked in a coffee shop, had a skinny latte and sat and talked to the owner for a while and when I walked back out at 6:45 it was pouring down rain and cold. I had to go buy a fleece jacket and an umbrella. My feet got wet but I walked anyway. By mile 2, I started to feel a little tingle on the bottom of my feet. By 2.2 miles I started to feel a burn...I was getting a blister, make that 2 blisters. By the end of the race, I hobbled to the finish line and made a beeline for my car! These blister were caused by my favorite size 7 walking shoes that are now too big because my feet have shrunk to a size 6....Talk about an NSV!!!! Anyways, I had a great time and the cause is well worth it!!

Race for the Cure

Oct 13, 2008

Saturday is the Race for the Cure! I am so excited! I am walking in memory of my grandmother who had breast cancer and fought it for 5 very long years and in honor of a friend that just found out that she has breast cancer and is determined to fight it! She is only 40 years old and has 3 young children! So many people are affected by this disease and this "cancer beast" doesn't care about age or race. So I will be getting up very early and lacing up my pink and white tennis shoes and hitting the pavement on Saturday! Yippee for me!!! I can't wait!!!

Walk from Obesity

Sep 27, 2008

Woohoo! Today I did the Walk from Obesity in Myrtle Beach. This was my first 5K since surgery and I made it! And I wasn't even winded. Yay me! I stayed up too late last night and got up really early this morning so I was VERY tired when I got home. So, I came home and crashed and now I feel great! Anyways, can't wait til the morning so I can take another walk. I'm motivated now!


Sep 25, 2008

I had a fill on 09-09. At first I didn't feel a difference, but then on 09-22 I felt like someone had tied a knot around my stomach. I took like 2 bites of food and then felt like I couldn't take another bite. I have felt like this since then. I am still able to eat, small portions, and have not PBed or anything. Is this what restriction feels like? Hmmm...I wonder???


Sep 14, 2008

Woohoo!! I made it to onederland!!! I have been struggling for weeks and was very surprised when I stepped on the scale! Yay!!!

2nd Fill...whew!

Sep 11, 2008

So, I had my 2nd fill this past Wednesday. I have to say that this one was more uncomfortable than the last one. I could feel the numbing shot alot more and the actual needle that went in the port was a lot more pressure this time. It really felt like he punched me in the gut!  

Anyways, I have not weighed yet since the fill but I feel like I have lost a little. I will weigh Monday and report.

Things are going really good and I love my band! I have gotten thrown off of my schedule since school started and haven't been going to the gym like I should be. I am hoping to change that really soon. My daughter and I went and played tennis last night for the 1st time. I think she is really going to like it and will be starting tennis lessons soon.

Will check in again soon. Hope everyone is doing well!

50 pounds down

Aug 31, 2008

Woohoo! I finally hit the 50 pounds lost mark! I was so excited when I stepped on the scale...onederland, here I come!


Aug 18, 2008

We got a WiiFit Friday night and it is so much fun! I have been looking for it for about a month and found it at Blockbuster, of all places! We played ot so much this weekend and I am so SORE today! Anyway....it is fun! Get one if you can!

Scale is stuck...again!

Aug 13, 2008

My darn scale is stuck again! I was so happy that I had lost 45 lbs. but now I have been stuck there for over a week.  I have come up with a plan though...no more bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. for me!! I am going to see how this goes. I have to admit that I am a carbaholic. I also haven't been to the gym since last Wednesday and I feel awful about that. I set my alarm clock to go the gym yesterday but I fell down my back steps and did not go. I am now so sore from the fall and I didn't go this morning either. Hopefully I can motivate myself for tonight. Hope everyone is doing great!

About Me
Surgery Date
May 04, 2008
Member Since

Friends 51

Latest Blog 31
A Long time...
Race for the Cure is done...
Race for the Cure
Walk from Obesity
2nd Fill...whew!
50 pounds down
Scale is stuck...again!
