Staples!! ahhhh!!

Jun 07, 2008

Surprise to me...I actually have 10 staples! I took the dressings off and there they were...and they hurt! I am a little weak today and am trying to get all of my protein in and drink enough fluids but I don't feel like I am. It sort of hurts as everything goes down, sort of like heartburn, but different.


Jun 04, 2008

I had my surgery yesterday at 10:30am and I was home by 12pm today. I feel great! Haave not been hungry yet at all. I really don't have any pain other than the gas pains. I'm a little sore when getting up and down but other than that, I feel fine. My port incision is a little more tender than the rest but I don't have any staples or stiches, so that's good. I only have dermabond. Anyway, I will keep you all updated after my post op visit with the Dr.

1 day to go!

Jun 01, 2008

Ok, I am one day away from being banded. I am a little nervous today but I am very excited!!! We are going to spend the night in Columbia tonight so we will be there in the morning and will be ready!!! Please remember me in your prayers and I will update when I get home.


May 29, 2008

Ok, so whoever said working out is fun...was LYING!! I went to my first Spinning class this morning at 5AM and that was almost the death of me! I only lasted 15 minutes and that was actually pretty good. I thought I would fall out after 5! So, now the next class is Tuesday and that is the day of my surgery so I guess I get to take 6 weeks off....haha! Take that Dan!

1 more week!!

May 26, 2008

Only one more week until my surgery. I made it through the Memorial Day weekend without being hungry. I am getting pretty anxious and ready to get this done. I'm not so much nervous as I am excited now!

05-19-08, Preop w/ surgeon

May 19, 2008

Went for my preop visit today w/ Dr. Antonetti. We went over all of my labs and he said everything is fine. He decided that since I was doing so well on my preop diet he would not put the IVC filter in. This is the ultimate answer that I could have hoped for, as I was scared to death to do that! I have honestly had nightmares about that thing! We decided that I would be getting the Realize band. He said he would see me on June 3. I came home and went and joined a gym today. I will go to my first fitness class tonight and walk on the treadmill...

2nd week on preop diet...

May 16, 2008

Ok, so I made it through week 2 of the preop diet and I have to say that I have really not been hungry at all. Well, I have heard my stomach growl 2 times, but both times it was time for my shake. I drank it and was then good to go...

Pre-op appt at the hospital

May 15, 2008

Well, I went to my preop appt at the hospital on Wednesday, 5-21. It wasn't too bad, considering that I hate needles!! Did bloodwork, a chest x-ray, and an EKG. I also had to have DVT study on my legs via an ultrasound. That was very strange. I mean, I've had ultrasounds before when I was pregnant, but this was really different. It was just strange to have that on my legs and I could hear the blood swishing thru there...does that mean no blood clots? Sounded pretty smooth to me...
I go for my preop appt. on Monday w/ Dr. Antonetti..

Pre op Diet

May 10, 2008

WooHoo! I made it thru the first week of the preop diet and did not cheat AT ALL! I am motivated and ready to lose!

Pre Op Class

May 06, 2008

Attended the preop teaching class today. Very informative about what will happen before, during, and after surgery. Put my mind at ease, a little! Still doing very good on my preop diet...I'm actually pretty proud of myself...

About Me
Surgery Date
May 04, 2008
Member Since

Friends 51

Latest Blog 31
A Long time...
Race for the Cure is done...
Race for the Cure
Walk from Obesity
2nd Fill...whew!
50 pounds down
Scale is stuck...again!
