9 months and a loooonnnnnng plateau

Aug 02, 2010

I hit 95lbs loss, then the scale has stopped moving, going on 3 weeks at the same weight.  Just discouraged, but still thrilled at 95lbs gone.  I am still consuming 900 or so calories, drinking fluids, and taking my protein...so is it exercise??? Ok, so I will have to get into some structured excercise program the walking isn't doing it.  I thought I could eat 1000 calories and still loose weight but not true.  I am maintaining quite well.  I get this question all the time from people asking me about my journey, and they always ask, "so when will you stop loosing"  "what if you can't stop loosing"   well, I guess your body can adjust at 9 months and stop loosing is my answer right now.  I wanted to achieve my next big goal of 100lbs but it just won't move!!!.


About Me
Maplewood, NJ
Surgery Date
Mar 27, 2009
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