Update 02/21/07

Feb 22, 2007

I had my 3 month checkup yesterday and it went very well.  I'm down a total of 82 lbs in 3 months.  Just a little loose skin but no sagging.  I got the ok to eat citrus fruits now.  Down my first glass of OJ in months and it tasted good.

The wow moment for me was in the doctors office and they went to put the blood pressure cup on my and I was getting ready to tell them that they needed the large cup but she put the regular size on and it had room to spare. Wow  

The surgery has been a tremendous blessing.  I feel it has added years to my life.  No regrets whatsoever.
My next set of pics I will post at the 100lbs mark.

As always, Lisa, Ayana, Kyra, Amara, and David you are the air that I breathe and I love you always.

1/28/07 Update

Jan 28, 2007

Hi All

Its been about a month since I've posted.  I'm still losing weight but its slowed to about 2lbs a week since I have been unrestricted on what I can eat.  I think some of it is testing the right foods to see whats right for my body.  

I've also been on the road for 2 weeks and get limited access to the internet.    

The past month has been extremely stressful for me there are a lot of things going on in my life right now.  The power of prayer is helping me get through it although there are some days I don't think I'm going to make it.

I've lost a total of 75lbs.  so far.  I have a little bit of loose skin but no sagging of the skin.  I really need to go and get me some transition clothes I've taken my original clothes about as far as they will go without looking like JoJo  the railroad bum.

The one food that I found I can not tolerate is greasy fat foods.  I dump right away with greasy hamburgers and chicken from fast food joints.  Oh Well those were good for me anyway. Everything is pretty good.

Well thats all for now

As always, Lisa, Ayana, Kyra, Amara, and David  you are the air that I breathe and I'm forever thankful for every second with you.


12/26/06 Update

Dec 26, 2006

Hi All

Just reflecting back on some changes that our occurring in my life.  I'm down a total of 54.5lbs.  It has been 12 years since I have been at or under this weight.  The marvels of modern medicine what took me a lifetime to put on is taking only days to come off.  Kinda goes against the theory of change in time.

My energy level is getting stronger everyday.  I'm continuing with my walks.  I'm averaging about 6000-8000 steps per day (national recommended average is 10,000).  Some comments that I've have noticed at work are people are starting to say I look shorter now with the weight gone.  I'll take that as a good thing.

I think I've got maybe a couple more weeks with my work clothes before the the appearance starts to look pretty bad and then I will need to get those transition clothes.  

Mentally I don't feel a change.  I wasn't unhappy with my original size until I started looking closely at myself in the mirror.  I am more concerned and happy with the medical changes that are occurring with me.  My knee pain has all but gone away except for some occasional Arthritis.  My blood pressure is coming down more and more each week and my energy level although it was strong in the past for short burst is stronger now for longer burst.   Those are the things that I'm estactic about.  I'm not saying that I'm unhappy with the new me, I am happy, its just not a pebble that tips the scales either way.  I want to be around to see my grandkids and to grow old with my wife.  I think the rest will take care of itself.  I believe that if the heart is happy years are being added to your life.

Other little things that I'm starting to notice are sliding in and out of the car is a lot easier, bending over to tie my shoes without getting in some awkward position to do it.  Things like my watch and and belt buckles are on their last hole instead of being at the end.  I said this before although I liked my size as a big guy it takes that moment of reflection to actually see what my size was doing to my health.  I'm very glad that I did not ignore all the warning signs that God was giving me to turn my life around before it was to late.

Everyone have a great week.

Lisa, Ayana, Kyra, Amara, and David you are the air that I breathe and I love you for that.



Dec 25, 2006

Good Morning All

And Merry Christmas to all.

This morning I hit the 50lbs lost mark.  Its been about 25 days since my surgery.  Things are going well.

Everyone have a great day.



Dec 16, 2006

Hi All

Just an update from my first week back to work.  I started out on Wednesday but didn''t get those full days in.  My work was so backlogged that I eased back into it with half days Wed through Fri.  Next week I have to tough it out for a week then I'm on vacation for a week.   

I'm down a total of 41 pounds and if I keep this pace I will hit the 50lb mark by Christmas.  If that happens that will be 50lbs in a month.  I'll have to check with my doctor to see how safe that is.  I'm getting all medicines, proteins, and vitamins and everything feels good.  I'm working my way up to the reccomended 10,000 steps per day right now I'm about half way there.

My next set of pictures will come when I hit the 50lb mark probably by Christmas.

Happy holidays to all.

12/11/06 Update

Dec 11, 2006

Hi All

I've uploaded some 2 week Post Op pics.  Starting to see a difference.  I'm down a total of 34lbs and no problems so far.  I'm starting to cheat a little bit by starting with cottage cheese  and a egg here or two.  I can actually start those foods in about 24 hours.  The honeymoon is over also, I have to take my butt back to work on Wednesday.  I guess you all noticed I picked the middle of the week to sort of ease back into the work thing.  I'm using the twin labs protein drinks.  They're nasty also but a couple of teaspoons is a lot easier to take than those big drinks.  I'm able to get all my protein in each day now.  I eat exactly what I'm supposed to but I don't get that feeling that I'm full.  My wife sez it might be because I'm taking to long to eat my food.  

I was out driving around for the first time and had some memories I had to fight off.   I drove by a lot of my old hang outs.  Red Robin, Outback, Sonics.  It wasn't that hard though driving on by but it did bring up memories LOL.

12/07/06 Update

Dec 07, 2006

Hi All

Just came from my one week post op appt.  The scale was generous.  By their records i've lost a total of 23 lbs.  They pulled out the drain and the staples.  

A couple more days of liquids and I can start transitioning to soft foods.  The rest of the checkup went well also.


Dec 05, 2006

Hi All

Just a little update.  I'm down a total of 15 lbs and I broke the 300 lb barrier.  I haven't been under 300 in about 8 years.  Theres been some blood coming out my drain but the medical staff believes I may had hit a blood pocket that forms after surgeries.  We did another leak test to confirm and still no leaks.  Theres no pain associated with it.

I've started to notice a little change.  My knees don't seem to hurt when I walk now.   My blood pressure is still a little on the high side but its still early and a whole lot of pounds to go.  

I'm trying to decide between those high protein drinks and the powders they are both pretty nasty.  Right now I'm doing a mix of them both  Man are they NASTY.  

Some other people along with my outstanding wife Lisa, kids, and family that I want to thank for everything are my boys.  Dennis, Vernon, and Orlando, we have been boys since we played that first football game in the school yard years ago in Omaha, NE in grade school.  Not many people can say they have been friends for 30 plus years.  You guys have always had my back and I love you for it.  Also, for my sister in law Sylvia thank you for being there.

3 days post op

Dec 02, 2006

Hi Everyone

The surgery went well there were no problems.  I had a little pain in the mid section but that was controlled with medication.  I want to thank everyone for their support especially Lisa for helping me get through this.  I wish I could give her a rose that never wilted and let the sun shine on her face always.  Home scale sez I'm already down 5 lbs.  But we all know the difference between the doctors scale and our home scale don't always seem to be in sync.

The taste of my meds grounded up are pretty nasty.

Time to go

Nov 28, 2006

I just wanted to thank all the people that have emailed me this past week in support of my surgery today.  also, I would like to be added your friends list but I'm not sure how to do it.

I'm feeling that excitement you get before the big game and then right after tip off everything is alright.

Thanks for everything.  I'll update everyone in a few days.


About Me
Wentzville, MO
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2006
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 13
Update 02/21/07
1/28/07 Update
12/26/06 Update
12/11/06 Update
12/07/06 Update
3 days post op
Time to go
