11/23/06 Update

Nov 23, 2006

Just a few days away from the surgery.   My date was moved up to 11/29/06 I have been reviewing all my materials and getting prepared. 
Ready to do it.  As I look at the pics I've uploaded I see my size a lot differently then I have always imaged.    I think because most of the time I felt strong physically my size did not bother me.  However, these pictures that i have recently taken have me re evaluating the way I look.  In short its not as appealing as I thought it to be.  In a strange sort of way I'm glad i had these rash of injurys that took to long to heal.  I think thats what triggered me that I was not winning in the war of weight and health.

Surgery Date Scheduled

Oct 29, 2006

My date is scheduled for Dec 13, 2006.  It was a little later than what I wanted but such is life.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Oct 15, 2006

On Thursday I go in for my Pre-op testing.  I'm looking forward to it.  Everything has seems to be going smoothly, so I hope that trend will continue.  The authrizations and pre test and applications have went very well.  

I'm going to ask my wife to be my angel she has went through the surgery about 4 years ago.  Here surgery went very well however they were not able to do it orthoscophic and had to do incisions.  Although I don't tell her enough she is the love of my life.

A little history about me most people say I tend to carry my weight well but I think what got me here was poor training habits for sports.  I would wait til about 2-3 weeks before the start of a sport and then train like the dickens and soon as the season was over I would go back to junk food and every other bad nutritional habits.  As I got older what took 2-3 weeks to get in shape started taking longer and when I got kids it got to the point well maybe I won't play this year.

My job also keeps me on the road a lot and we all know that doesnt conduce to healthy eating habits.  For the most part I was able to maintain a good competitive level in sports but  I was noticing that whenever I got injured it was taking longer and longer for these injuries to heal.   

I have all but destroyed my knees over the years from basketball and really need to take the pressure off of them.  I have high blood pressure because of the type of work I do.  Right now I seem to be on a lucky star and want to keep it that way.  I don't have diabetes  and my arteries are wide open.   

By the timetable that my doctor is performing the surgery I should be the week before thanksgiving.  My only restriction would be not to have te surgery on November 16.  That was the day my mother passed last year and mentally feel uncomfortable about doing it on that date.

About Me
Wentzville, MO
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2006
Member Since

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Update 02/21/07
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12/26/06 Update
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12/07/06 Update
3 days post op
Time to go
