Where do I begin???

Dec 16, 2008

12/16/08 - I haven't been on this site for awhile so I thought that I would bring you up to date on what has been going on with me.

October 08 - Well on my last post, I explained that things did not get any better with my Lap Band, so Dr. Choban agreed to remove it and convert me over to a Gastric Bypass.  She is going to have Dr. Price scrub in for this procedure with her.  I feel very comfortable in being under the care of two amazing surgeons.  However, before we can do anything, I need to get my insurance approval.  I have MediGold now and they are pretty quick about getting things approved but as I thought that I was getting closer to finish line with a surgery date, things began to fall apart. 

On Oct. 17, I received a call from the Bariatric Coordinator, letting me know that she spoke with MediGold and all they need now in addition to Dr. Chobans information is a letter of necessity from my Primary Care Physician.  I wished they could have told me that before because I was just in to see him two weeks prior.  I began calling my PCP on that same day as well as many other days until Nov. 20 in which he persoanlly called me to discuss what was needed because all of the message that I left for his MA, she did not give him all of the information that I had provided for her.  On Dec. 1, the Bariatric Coordinator called to let me know that she did receive the letter frm my PCP; however now the insurance wants an updated Psych Eval......UGH!!!!!  What I don't understand is WHY the BC didn't ask my insurance company from the very beginning what ALL was needed.  

I told her that I would contact my doctor about getting an updated Psych Eval.  He made it possible for me to come in to see him the very next day.  After talking about everything, he wanted to ask my PCP a few questions and then he said that he would fax over the letter.  The only problem with him was that his wife was already past due to deliver thier first child.  Luckily, he was able to get everything done and faxed over by that Saturday.  He actually called me from the hospital on Tues. Dec. 9 to let me know that they had a baby girl and named her Emily Joy.  I was so very happy for them because they had been through a lot in trying to have a child.  I could hear the excitement in his voice.  I thanked him for letting me know about his new daughter and really appreciated that he took the time to call me.  I'm happy to report that his wife and new daughter are both doing fine. 

On Monday, December 8, the Bariatric Coordinator called to let me know that the insurance company has approved my surgery, finally!!!!!  So now I'm just waiting to hear back from them as to when that will take place.  I'm just hoping that I get scheduled in early to mid January for this.  Wish me luck!!

I wish everyone and their familys a wonderful Holiday Season!.......Marie


Time to regroup to determine my fate!!!

Oct 05, 2008

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to keep my info updated so I thought that I would share with you where I am at currently in having my Lap Band removed and converting to a Gastric Bypass.

I saw my surgeon today and we discussed my entire situation.  She told me that she has two patients, me being one of them in which the weight is not coming off using the Lap Band.   She noted that she just can't figure out what is going on with my Lap Band but the other person simply won't follow the plan/guidelines; therefore that is why he is not losing any weight.  I've done everything she has asked of me.  I followed the guidelines by keeping a food diary, watching which foods I was eating along with keeping my intake between 800-1000 calories but I still was not able to lose any weight.

Therefore, my surgeon is going to speak with one of her partners and ask him to assist in removing the band, then converting to a Gastric Bypass all at once.  I don't want to go through 2 surgeries.  My surgeon stated though, "that if my stomach was bruised or in bad shape, she would close me up and make me wait between 3-6 months for everything to heal.  I pray to God that there is nothing wrong with my stomach so that we can get this over with once and for all.    Since I have a different insurance company this time, it shouldn't take long at all to get an approval.

Wish me luck and please keep me in your prayers.

Upper GI Results

Oct 05, 2008

9/24/08 - Today I went to Mount Carmel West to have my Upper GI Endoscopy completed.  When it was done the doctor came in to recovery and told me that he could see an imprint of the band and that it looked to be a little bit tight.  He said that he would forward a report to my surgeon for her to see.  I was able to go home after a couple of hours; however I was really sick from the procedure over the next  two days.  I had the basic sore throat and upset stomach, nothing major.

I have an appointment to see my surgeon and to review my results on October 2.  Wish me luck everyone!


Another Update

Oct 05, 2008

8/21/08 - Today I went back to the surgeon's office to discuss how my fill worked or didn't work for me over the past month.  I forgot to note in my last post that I have a 10 cc band and the surgeon filled it up to 9 cc's with saline.  She was hoping that I would be able to tell a difference and my weight would start coming off.

Unfortunately, everthing stayed the same.  I am so very upset and frustrated about all of this.  I started this entire process in March 2007 and here it is going on 2 years later with no results.  This has really caused my depression to increase where I am constantly crying all the time.  It's very difficult to cope with something that is not happening.  Sometimes I just wished that I could reach in and pull the band out myself. 

I told the surgeon that I still wanted to remove the band and convert to a Gastric Bypass but she has asked me to at least go and have an Upper GI so that we can make sure that the band did not erode.  She said once I have it done, we will sit down and figure out our plan of action.

Please pray for me.  I'll let you know what happens after the Upper GI.

4th FILL

Jul 24, 2008

6/3/08 - Today I went in again to have another fill.  I'm still not able to tell what I'm suppose to be feeling.  I guess that is what's most frustrating about this whole Lap Band.  I'm still watching my intake by sticking to 3 meals a day and drinking water in between. 

Like I said before, you must have a lot of patience when it comes to the Lap Band.  I haven't given up yet.......Marie

3rd Fill

May 20, 2008

4/24/08 - Today I went in for another fill because I have not really noticed anything with any of the first two fills.  I've still been very hungry but continue to keep busy at all costs.  Dr. Choban gave me 1 cc today.  She debated about putting in 2 cc's or not.  However, in the end, 1 cc won her over.  She thinks that after my next fill, things will work better for me.  I hope so because I get so discouraged at times.  I guess the big thing that anyone who is considering having the Lab Band done should remember is that you must have a lot of patience because things work very slow with the Lap Band where as the Gastric Bypass allows the weight to fall off very quickly.

I did go on a short trip and I can honestly say that I never craved or even wanted for that fact any of the food that the rest of my family was eating.  I was able to remain in diet mode in which I still chose the correct foods when eating.  Till next time.............Marie

Another fill

Mar 22, 2008

3/20/08 - Well due to problems with my schedule, I went to see Dr. Choban today instead of my next fill date which was 4/17/08.  She only gave me 1cc this time though so I'm up to 5cc's.  I had it done in the office which wasn't that bad either.  It's actually very similar to how my morphine pump is filled each month.  Except that Dr. Choban has you put your arms behind your head and then come up only a quarter of the way, like when you are doing a sit up.  This allowed for her to locate the port easier and to inject the saline.  She even gives you a little bit of lanocane prior to adding more saline to your port so that you don't feel anything.  Whenever I have my morphine pump filled, I'm not given anything to numb me.  It doesn't really hurt that much either.  I guess that I have become used to it.  

I'm trying to keep my calorie intake at 1,000-1,200 a day.  I have been very exhausted for the past several months even before I had my Lap Band surgery.  We're not sure what is happening but I recently had a lot of blood tests done so I hope to get the results real soon.  Well take care everyone and have a wonderful Easter!
God Bless,


Feb 21, 2008

2/19/08:  Today I went to Mount Carmel West to have my first fill put in by Dr. Choban.  I was put on one of those X-ray tables that tilt and then positioned so that she could see the exact location of my port.  Even though my incision still has a small section that is not healed all the way, the port was actually just below the incision line.  She gave me 4cc's and told me to schedule for another one in 6 weeks.  

I was so very happy to get the fill put in because I have been fighting hunger pains that are just out of this world.  When they come on, I try to drink something to help eliminate my hunger.  I also try to read or take a nap when I start to feel hungry because I really believe that a lot of this is mind over matter.  I hope everyone out there is doing well on their own diets.  Hang in there as we all begin to look a little thinner each day.


Incision Update

Jan 31, 2008

1/31/08 - Well after I took my first rx that Dr. Choban gave me to heal my incisions.  A week later I was put on chewable Amoxicillin for a week and I saw her again on Jan. 24.    My incisions were still open so she put me on Bactrim for 10 days.  I only have 3 days left to go.  

I am happy to report though that my incision looks like it is finally going to heal.  Boy I hope so because I am due for my first fill on Feb. 19 and don't want to have to cancel it.  So keep your fingers crossed for me.

I'm also working on soft foods this week and next week I will be back to a normal diet.  Things haven't been too bad except I noticed that I am getting a larger appetite and must fight the resistance and temptation of eating just for the heck of it.  I have tried to keep myself busy with other things than food.  This transformation really makes you think about what you're eating.  
I can also tell you that I lost a total of 22 lbs. so far.  I am so excited.

Best of Luck Everyone!

Post-op Appointment with Dr. Chobin

Jan 11, 2008

1/10/08 - Today I went to see Dr. Chobin for my 2-week post-op.  I lost 14 lbs......Yeah!!  However, two of my incisions are infected, so she put me on some medication to clear up the incisions.  

I finished my full-liquids for 2-weeks and yesterday I started my pureed diet for 2 more weeks.  At least on the pureed diet you can add a few more items.  

I also wanted to mention that I'm one of those people that will miss a meal if I'm doing something and not paying attention to the time.  I really want to be successful on this diet so I went online and found a timer called the "Invisible Clock".  It looks just like a small pager and comes with a clip so  that you can put it on your belt.   It allows you to set up to 12 alarms in which I scheduled all of my meals so that I will not forget to stop what I am doing and go to eat.  

Well, I better go for now.  Take care everyone and have a great weekend!

About Me
Pickerington, OH
Surgery Date
Mar 11, 2007
Member Since

Friends 22

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