February 06

Feb 03, 2006

FEBRUARY 06 (4 months post)
PBSeal.gif picture by LaraNicole
02/03: Had my 1st PB today! Dear God please don't ever let that happen again. It was the most intense pain I have ever experienced, and I have had 3 kids by natural birth. I knew as soon as I swallowed that it was going to be major trouble for me too. It took a few minutes for it to catch up to me, so I had time to make it to the rest room before 'all the fun started'. My mouth started watering and I thought I would drown from all the saliva, but I guess once there was enough saliva swallowed for me to really be in danger of drowning, I coughed and up it came. Not pretty, not nice, but 'Thank you Jesus,' it was an immediate relief.
02/06:My weight is fluctuating between 220-230 the past couple of weeks. I am hungry more often so I think it is time for another fill. Today I hate the scales and want to blow them up...wrong time of the month for me to step on them and hope to see a lower number, lots of fluid retention for me. My monthly friend came and the Super Bowl was yesterday, lots of salty stuff in the house for me to eat.***Still in a size 22 jeans, and I am able to wear a size 2x tshirt. I need to go be fitted for new bras, mine are getting too loose lately. I have been going to aerobics twice a week since the 19th, but am failing at getting the 4 miles walking in. I am averaging between 2-3 miles 2 times a week though.
02/14: Happy Valentines Day!
02/20:I am finally back to 225;I had lots of fluid retention from my monthly visitor this time. I am still retaining fluid and had gained up to 235 again. I don't see myself making it to 200lbs in the next 7 days.
2/21: I got stuck and PB'd on a stupid bite of chicken! It hurts like heck, not to mention the fact that my family was home this time. How embarassing to have them witness that. They were worried for me, and I couldn't really tell them what was going on because I was suddenly drooling like some crazy dog. Just like the last time it just had to run it's course and after it came up I felt soooo much better. You are going along just fine for awhile and then 'wham', the Band Police come screaming in yelling about slowing down and chewing better.I was in a hurry and I KNOW I didn't chew well enough. My fault and I certainly had to pay the piper for my inattention. All liquids for the rest of the night, no problem though. I made a great smoothie and it was thick like a slushie, it took me some time to get it down, and that is NOT what I was giving myself when I wound up PBing my chicken.This is NOT something I want to do regularly, in fact, I would be completely satisfied if I NEVER have to do it again. Common sense tells me that I will have to deal with it again and that just SUCKS.
2/22:The scale says 220 today! WOW I am so excited! It's not 200, but you know what? I am OK with that. Still retaining fluid so maybe if I can deal with that issue, I can start seeing some real movement in the scale.
02/27 is mine and my Grandma's birthday!! and 02/29 is my DH's birthday!!! I have set a mini-goal to weigh 200 lbs. by my birthday.

January 06

Jan 03, 2006

JANUARY 06 (3 months post)
Happy New Year!!!
01/03/06: Accountability is something I don't really have yet and routine is something I desperately need. I have resolved to put this plan in place for myself for the new year.
1) I will work out M and Thurs. at aerobics class and Tue., Fri. and Sat. I will walk a minimum of 4 miles.
2) I will make a conscious effort to drink my water. I've failed miserably at this part of the band experience and its time I did better.
3) I will ask myself everytime the urge strikes me to eat, "Am I really hungry?"
4)I won't allow myself a 'treat' or sweet unless I have followed my plan for 2 weeks.
5)I'd like to have my new plan in place by the time I go to my next appt. on Jan.12.
01/09/06: I am doing better at exercise and getting my water in!! My youngest son is being my walking partner and motivation to get moving!! Scale is stuck and hovering between 230-235, but the bright side is that I am moving better than before surgery. My knees don't hurt so much anymore.
1/12/06: Down 31.6 pounds, 2 pant sizes and 1 shirt size!

December 05

Dec 02, 2005

DECEMBER 05(2months post)
12/02/05: 1 month 3 weeks post op. I am going to use my scales to show weight loss at this point because it matches the scales at the hospital. I weighed 11/30. I am still not doing so well with exercise!
12/17: 28 lbs. down by my scales!! Busy and hectic this month!!12/23:Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. Down 34 pounds!!! My scales show I weigh 233lbs., my exercise is still not where I want it. Such a busy month and NO TIME for me to slow down and take time for ME.
12/28 Today is my baby boys 10th birthday!!! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Still no ME TIME, but I have found that my libido is awake!! I have gone from absolutely NO DRIVE to OVERDRIVE!!

November 05

Nov 05, 2005

NOVEMBER 05(1 month post)
11/05 Is my 17th anniversary!!!No frills, nothing fancy, we just went and played cards with some friends.
11/10/05: I am 30 days post-op today! Still have some sore muscles but it is minor stuff. Part of my largest incision is still not completely healed. I have to go and see a liver specialist now that my liver biopsy has come back...it shows potentially serious liver damage. I will have to wait and see what the doc says and go from there, I am just focusing on not panicing until after I see this specialist.
11/15/05 I have lost a whole pants size!!! I went from 26w to 24w, that's not a lot, but it is a start!!!I see my Dr. for my 1st appt. since surgery on 11/21...my scales say I have lost 30lbs. so far...and that is pretty exciting.
25Pound.gif picture by LaraNicole
11/16 Saw specialist today...we are taking a wait and see approach to the liver problems. I go back in 6 months and we will see what we are going to do then. I may have to have another biopsy, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. One thing is for sure...I have got to get SERIOUS about exercise. The fat in my liver is going to cause me some really serious health problems otherwise. One suggestion I would make is ask your Dr. if s/he does a liver biopsy. I think it would be well worth the cost of requesting one if your Dr. doesn't perform it as a standard part of the surgery.
Found this on another profile and loved it...thanks Bette.

"People are like stained-glass windows.They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,but when the darkness sets in,their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."
~~ Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

11/21 Called and got my blood work info today- All normal, THANK GOD!!! Saw Dr. Woodman today also. The bad news is that I only lost 20 lbs. by his scales, the good news is I lost 20 lbs!!! I am retaining fluid like crazy for some reason right now, but I have to go with what his scale says. 20lbs. is still great, so I am not dissapointed with my results so far.
We had a great Thanksgiving! Although I am begining to regret telling my extended family about having surgery. They were all trying to police what was on my plate and I even had 1 uncle inform me that I was only supposed to have 1 tbsp. of food at each meal and that I must have a death wish with that much food on my plate. (I had less than 1 1/2 cups of food total!)

October 05

Oct 13, 2005

10/13/05: I am 2 days post-op and starting to return to normal I suppose. I am still sore and not running any races anytime soon but I feel better the more I move around.
A REAL SPECIAL THANK YOU TO MY ANGEL Debbie for checking up on me and posting to the site about my progress.
10/19 I feel better day by day. I still have pain but it is tolerable and not too bad. I am walking everyday, not far yet but the equivelent of the length of my street. I think I am down 21 lbs. but not really going to count until I hit 30 lbs. My 1st goal is to loose 66 lbs. My plan is to get down to 150 lbs., so I am going to have to work hard to get there. My desire is to see 130 just once, but DH, mom and kids think I would look sickly at that weight, so we are compromising on 150 as my goal weight.
10/30:I am doing more everyday! I have been trying to get my walking in everyday and have walked 3 miles a couple of times!!! I feel better with about 25 pounds gone, not so much on my knees so i can actually walk 3 miles.

September 05

Sep 05, 2005

9/05/05 We are now post Hurricane Katrina and my heart goes out to anyone affected by this tragedy. I read the paper or listen to the news and all I can do is cry over the sad things I hear and see. I pray for those affected by this terrible storm. Things in this country have changed for us all and we can only get through it with God's help and a little compassion for our fellow man.
9/08/05 I HAVE A DATE!!! October 11,2005. I am so excited!!!
9/11/05 The count down begins!!!1 month, and I can't wait!!! I have a Special Angel:Debbie Castillo. God sent us into each others lives for a reason, we both needed support for this surgery. Thanks Debbie.
9/28/05 My angel, Debbie is having her surgery today! Congratulations Debbie, many prayers are comming your way.

August 05

Aug 05, 2005

8/5 I found this site of a live lapband surgery and thought I would share it. It was certainly informative and allowed my family to see the procedure I will be having.

8/13 I found this poem written by Faith Parker on the lapband message board and thought I would share it with everyone. Faith, thank you for putting into words what a lot of us on this journey are feeling and thinking.

If you could see beyond my skin
to deep inside and well within,
Then you would see that you and I
are not so different, but you won't try.
You stand there mocking making fun
"how could she do what she has done"?
But just beyond that thin veneer,
there lies a person filled with fear.
For I am more than just my weight,
but still your words are filled with hate.
I long to make you understand
to share my journey hand in hand,
A life is more than bone and skin,
and worth much more than being thin.
Just look beyond the numbered scales
and see our lives and hear our tales.
Don't be so quick to laugh and judge
not all of us got here by eating fudge.
No matter how we got this weight
you have no right to try and rate,
our right to be here as we are
to seek the light and reach the stars.
No being fat is not a sin,
it simply means we are not thin
and though we may look very large
we have a strength and are taking charge.
Our journey may be short or long,
but one day we will sing our song.
So just because my face is round,
it does not mean I can't get down
and do a dance or slap a hand,
'Cause baby now I have the BAND!
Faith Parker

I went and did the barium swallow and x-rays and EKG and oxygen saturation tests today. EEEWWW how gross & NASTY!!! But on the upside it is over with.

July 2005

JULY 2005
July3: I hope that eveyone is enjoying a wonderful 4th of July this year. I am off on vacation with my family for this next week and then I'll be home for 2 weeks and then go off to Church Camp with my youngest son for a week the last week of July. HOW HOT IS IT GONNA BE THEN??? Like a million degrees probably.
I have to WAIT until the last week of July for an answer from insurance and you KNOW they are going to wait until the last second to give me an answer too...So I am at the impatient phase of this journey. 7/8/05:I am home from part of my vacation!!! WOW did we have fun in Hot Springs!!! 7/12 We have been struggling to get back on the 1500 calorie diet since we have been home.
7/21 I am going to go to church camp on Monday for a week! Now that the news is calling for over 100+ degree days. Still HAVE NOT HEARD from insurance yet!!!! I will give them a call when I get back from camp...
7/29: I am home!!! WOOHOO camp was so awesome!!! I have never experienced anything as awesome as seeing kids from the ages of 7-12 worship God as freely and with sooo much emotion!!! WOW is all I can say!!! God was awesome in more ways than just that too! The weather was supposed to be 100+ everyday and we had 99 on Mon.,110 on Tues.,95 on Wed., and like 87 on Thurs. and we had a nice breeze everyday with lots of shade trees so it was NOT awful like I expected it to be!! I was amazed in so many things this week.
I called ins. as soon as I could get to the phone when I got home...I AM APPROVED!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!!I have so many emotions right now!!!

May/June 2005

Jun 05, 2005

May 16,2005 Went to seminar on WLS. I know this is what I want to do. I have to do this for ME!
JUNE 2005
Saw Dr. Woodman's staff today, pre-op weight is 266.8 pounds. 6/03 I saw the nutritionist and did my psych. eval. today!(I know I have my hopes up really high that they won't deny me on the first try.) 6/06 Started my 1500 calorie diet this morning- it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. 6/07 Day 2: I seriously wanted to go get chips and dip but I didn't. I made it through the day with minimal problems. 6/08 Day3: I still want those chips and dip! but I haven't gone after them. I actually feel like this is more food than normal for me. I just have to pig out on my chips and dip or Mexican foods or Chinese foods once in awhile. 6/09 Day4: I AM EXCITED!!! Cyndy is waiting on psych. eval. and then everything is going to be sent to Ins. for approval.
They(DH and kids)are ordering Chinese take out!!!SO not fair!!!I plan to stay strong and keep this diet plan for at least this one week. 6/11 Day6:OK so I cheated but I don't think I did too bad...went to movies with the Girls. We went out for dinner but I ate sensibly. 6/12 Day7:OK so I blew it again today...went to Mexican restaurant and had nachos my way...way over ate and it was mainly all meat. But on the up side that is all I ate all day long. 6/15 I went for an appt. with a urologist yesterday and I have to go back on Friday for more tests(just what I wanted someone to run a camera up there and look at everything I own). I have a mammo today(yayy) just what I always wanted.Seems I am working on so much with my health all at once lately! We are all going on the 1500 calorie diet on Saturday. Kids will be more calories and less restrictive than me and DH. June 24:Kids are NOT likeing this diet plan! I think that my DH is rethinking it as well.I am doing fine on it with more variety in foods. The insurance company finally shows that they have recieved the letter for surgery approval.

About Me
Marion, AR
Surgery Date
Mar 27, 2004
Member Since

Friends 46

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