Jul 12, 2009

It finally happened~ Onderland!  YAY!  I've lost a total of 170 pounds now and am feeling great! 

Today when I got on the scale it read 198.9!  It's been a rough couple of months and my eating hasn't been the best.  So, I was thrilled to see 198.9 on the scale - got off and on 3 times to make sure it didn't change. 

I definitely feel like I have my life back.  Thanks to Dr. Myers, the Fresh Start staff and all of my family, friends and Fresh Start support group friends for helping me get to this point.  I weighed 199 all through high school and it's a great feeling to reach this goal.  

Hope you're all doing well.

Until next time~

1 comment

16 Months

Mar 27, 2009

It's been a long time since I've posted.  Today I'm 16 months post op.  Haven't weighed for over a week.  We've been on vacation and had a great time in Florida. Just got home a few hours ago!   It has been a tough winter.  Business was extremely slow and many stressful things going on.  I really needed this break!  Last time I weighed myself, I was 207 which is 161 total pounds lost!  I'm happy where I'm at right now in a size 16 (from a tight 34/36) but I'd love to get below 200. 

Erik and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary on March 18th!  We went to a cabin over the weekend and left  on the 19th for Florida - The whole family went to Florida to celebrate my in-laws 55th anniversary.  We did lots of fun stuff and had a great time!  My eating could have been better, but I did a lot of walking!  I love walking on the beach and feel very fortunate that I can do that again!  We'll see what the scale says tomorrow. 

I spoke at the Fresh Start Bariatrics seminar on Feb. 14th.  I was so nervous, but anxious to share my story with others.  This surgery has given me my life back! 

I'm going in for the results of a bone density scan next week.  My mom and my sister that is just 2 years older than me both have Osteoporosis.  They called and want me to come in to get the results. 

Caught myself doing a lot of stress eating this winter and started seeing Dr. Goldberg again - she is so helpful!

Hope you are all doing well.  I'm going to try to get some pictures posted.

Until next time~Patty



Dec 25, 2008

Hello - Wow, another month has gone by so quickly.  We're having a great Christmas and looking forward to the New Year.  I wish you all the best. 

I spent last Friday in the ER with a kidney stone.  I had called Dr. Myers that morning, worried the pain was related to my surgery.  After asking me a few questions on the phone, he assured me it didn't sound like a complication of surgery but advised me to go to the ER.....boy are kidney stones painful!!!   I felt much better after getting hooked up to an IV and good pain meds! 

Erik and I are getting packed up to go to Vegas for a few days!  I'm really looking forward to getting away - just the 2 of us! 
We're using our miles to fly out for free - got 4 free nights at the Rio, a free buffet, a free show and a $50 cash voucher -  That's my favorite kind of vacation!!!  Maybe we'll be lucky this trip!  Keep your fingers crossed!

Thank you all again for all of the support during this past year. 





Nov 27, 2008

I sure hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We went to my mom and dads and enjoyed dinner with my family.  My husband flew to Atlanta to visit.  His parents drove up to Atlanta to his sister's house from Florida. 

It's weird, in some ways it seems like it's been a very long time since I had my surgery.....I barely remember the liquid diet, pureed food and soft food...Yet, I can't believe it's been a whole year!

Today is the perfect day to be my surgiversary - I have so much to be thankful for! 

I was hoping to be down a total of 150 pounds by today but didn't think I would quite make it --- Well, when I stepped on the scales this morning, I weighed 218 - 150 pounds down!!!  43 pre-op 107 post op.  Need to take my 12 month picture now.  Didn't think to do it earlier today.

Today I realized when I got out of the shower that I could wrap a regular towel around me - before it had to be a beach towel and even then it was a tight fit. 

I just got word from my doctor after a recent sleep study that my sleep apnea is all but gone. YAY!!!  My blood pressure is normal!  My joints don't hurt like they used to!   I am so much healthier! 

What a difference a year makes!  I'm so thankful to all my family and friends who have supported me throughout this amazing journey. 

Thank you to all of you!



Oct 27, 2008

I'm going to try again!  I typed up a long post yesterday and somehow deleted it!

It's been a long time since I last posted.  October has been a very busy month!  We have gotten back to normal at work and are busy again - hope it lasts for awhile. I did the Walk from Obesity, went to Fresh Starts Fashion Show, had a garage sale, working on getting my Stampin Up business going and we just spent our last weekend at the cabin until spring.   Just to mention a few!  WHEW! 

I was so happy to be able to participate in the Walk from Obesity!  I walked a mile - which is good for me considering I could barely walk a year ago!  Sue and her sister, Kristy, were there - they lapped me! LOL

It was a beautiful day and my husband, Erik, walked with me.  Pics are posted!

The scale finally moved again  - I've been stalled for a long time - I know it's because of what I was eating, not drinking enough and not exercising enough....I'm getting back on track! 

I'm down a total of 143 pounds now!  43 pre-op and 100 post-op!  I'm very happy with that , and I'm down about 10 sizes!!!  I feel so much better and am so much healthier now!   

We had a very enjoyable, relaxing weekend at the cabin.  I walked with Clay on Saturday and Sunday, Erik and I took a long walk - we walked about 2/3 of the way up a huge hill -- I couldn't make it to the top, but I will next spring!  We came back down the hill and kept on walking.  It was so pretty there. 

I was excited to get my Stampin Up order today!  Lots of fun stuff to play with.  Sue is awesome!  She is hosting a workshop for me on Sunday - I'm so nervous though!  If anyone is interested, let me know - or check out my website at 

Hope everyone is doing well.  Until next time~Patty

Great weekend and WOW moment!

Sep 22, 2008


I had a great weekend.  I went to our cousins house in Cleveland and went to an all day "stampede"  - a Stampin Up scrapbook, card making workshop.  It was so fun.  I'm doing a scrapbook on my weight loss journey.  I decided to sign up to be a Stampin Up demonstrator.  I can't wait to get my kit and get started.  I'll even have a website available for people to order online and have the product shipped directly to them anywhere!

Ok, now for my WOW moment!  We went to the mall tonight to get the kids new shoes.  While we were there, we went to Helzberg to get our jewelry cleaned.  I asked them to size my ring finger - it was a 7-1/4 to 7-1/2. WOW!  I think my rings are a size 11.  What a difference!  Not to mention the fact that I had no trouble walking the mall! 

This weekend was really relaxing even though it was a long day. 

Hope you're all doing well ~Patty


Sep 17, 2008

Hi all!

Last Sunday was a windy day!  We had 70 mph winds causing a lot of damage and power outages.  We were very fortunate.  We did not lose our power at the shop or home. A big tree limb fell on the house, but caused no damage.  I just can't even imagine what it was like on the coast.  The kids have been out of school for 3 days due to no electric.  Two of the city schools will also be closed tomorrow since their electric has not yet been restored.

I just signed up to participate in the Walk from Obesity.  You can walk as much or as little as you want.  I'm thrilled, first of all. to be able to walk, and to be able to help fight obesity which has greatly affected my life.  Please join me or support me in this fight if you can.  The website is and they have walks all over the country.

I've been bouncing around between 229 and 230  I joined the OH Halloween mini challenge.  I'm hoping it will help get me in gear and get me exercising more so I can get some more pounds off!  I set my goal to weigh 220 at halloween - it's going to take some work!

Hope you are all doing well. ~Patty


Sep 13, 2008

I just got home from going to a "Tea" at church with my mom.  It was done beautifully.  I'm really glad I went.  I was supposed to work until noon today, but my wonderful daughter went in to help her daddy so I could go! 

The theme was "Tea for two.  Living in Christ.  Good to the last drop"  The speaker, Ruth, did a great job.  One of the things she did was read the following poem.  I really liked it, so here it is:

How Do You Live Your Dash?
I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend; 
He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning to the end.
He noted that first came her date of birth and spoke the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth. 
And now only those who love her know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not how much we own....the cars....the house....the cash.
What matters is how we live and love, and how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard....Are there things you'd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough to consider what's true and real,
And always try to understand the way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives like we've never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect, and more often wear a smile....
Remembering that this special dash might only last a while.

So when your eulogy is being read
with your life's action to rehash......
Would  you be proud of the things they say
about how you spent your dash?
                                                            ~Linda Ellis

Have a wonderful weekend~Patty

A WOW moment for me!

Sep 11, 2008

Last night was the open house at the high school.  You go to school and follow your childs daily schedule with each class lasting about 10 minutes.  The last 2  years, I couldn't go to Cassie's open house because there is no way I could walk all over the school and go up and down the steps.  Well, last night, I went to Clay's classes and Erik went to Cassie's classes.  I walked all over that school and up and down the steps repeatedly!  It felt so good to be able to do my "motherly" responsibilities! 

Bouncing up and down!

Sep 07, 2008

UGH, I've been bouncing up and down between 230 and 232 for the last  couple of weeks.  Trying to increase water and do better about eating.  I've caught myself grazing a lot.  I know it's stress related.

Clay had to have minor surgery to get his nose cauterized to stop nose bleeds on 8/28.  Everything went very well.  I take him in for a follow-up visit today.  They called me to pick him up from school last Thursday - he was dizzy, lightheaded and nauseated.  I had to go in and help him out to the car.  Took him to the Dr. Friday morning and he was dehydrated.  She had to give him 2 bags of IV fluids.  His meds and the heat caused it.  He drinks a lot of water, but I guess when it's that hot, he needs gatorade or G2.  He looked so much better Friday evening.  He was worse than Cassie was last spring - they laughed and told him he just couldn't let his sister get one up on him!

Business is picking up a bit, and that's a good thing. 

Went to the thrift store with Sue and found some long sleeve shirts and sweaters.  I'm not looking forward to winter, but I love fall weather.  I'm also looking forward to long sleeves to hide my very large batwings!  One of these days I'm gonna take off flying!LOL

The kids are off to a great start in school.  We have a few meetings to attend this week..  Also trying to get things together for a garage sale I'm going to have with my neighbor.  Lots to do and I keep procrastinating!  Have to stop that!!!

Hope all is well with all of you~Patty

About Me
Upper Arlington , OH
Surgery Date
Sep 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 27

Latest Blog 54
Great weekend and WOW moment!
A WOW moment for me!
Bouncing up and down!
