My 3 seconds of fame!

Feb 01, 2008

My neice, Laura, is on the floor at the Paul Mitchell, Ohio Academy and I've been going to her to get my hair done.  She does a great job and is moving up very quickly.  She is now in phase 2 and they have asked her to be the new student manager!  Way to go Laura!  Anyway, today was "go red for women" day for the American Heart Association, and if you colored your hair red, they did it for free.  It was a big event and the news people were there.  Well, channel 10 showed both people on either side of Laura's chair and you could see her really well.  And, at the very end for about 3 seconds, you could see the side of my face. - That's how I got my 3 seconds of fame!  I'm really glad they showed Laura.  She really wanted to be on TV.  Me-not so much!

More good news ~my scale is moving again!  Thank goodness.

Oh, by the way, I love my violet-red hair!

Today is a better day!

Jan 27, 2008

Yesterday was a very rough day for me.  I forgot to take my Cymbalta (anti-depressant) for two days.....bad, bad, bad!  It was a new prescription and I forgot to put it with my other meds.  I was so frustrated by the stall and was just ticked off that I couldn't just drink my diet pepsi and go out and eat a big meal like I used to.  I also didn't feel well.  Very tired.

Anyway, I took my Cymbalta yesterday and feel much better today.  I'm very happy I had WLS and have just been thinking about all the "little" things I am so excited and happy about.  So, in random order, here are some of them:

*Blood pressure is normal - no more meds
*I can bend over and tie my shoes
*I took my daughter to NY last weekend and I could walk! and, I didn't need seat belt extenders
*I can go up the steps normally - no more one step at a time
*I can go to the grocecry store again (couldn't do that for 2 years)
*I can breath better
Just to name a few!

Yes, WLS is a wonderful thing!

Still Stalled

Jan 26, 2008

I'm getting so frustrated by this stall.  I even gained 2 pounds, but it dropped back down to 289 again this morning.  I've been having a hard time getting in all the fluids and protein.  So, today, I'm concentrating on that!  Hopefully that will get the scale moving, plus it's what I need to do anyway!

I got the IVC filter removed Thursday.  It wasn't too bad, but boy was I scared going in for that.  I had a huge glob of gauze taped on my neck and it was very sore for about 24 hours.  Now I just have a band-aid on it and the pain is pretty well gone.  There were no blood clots in it - which is a good thing!  It sure gave me peace of mind to know the filter would catch any blood clots,  so it was well worth it.  Getting all of the IV fluids may have caused the weight gain.

I know this will pass, but it's driving me crazy right now!  Thank you to all of my new OH friends and all of the wonderful support!


Jan 22, 2008

I haven't posted for awhile, but have been good.  I took my daughter to NY for the long weekend.  We had a blast and took in 5 Broadway shows in 3 days and had 1 day of sightseeing!  It was wonderful to be able to walk to the shows!  Something I wouldn't have been able to do a couple of months ago.  I was really hoping to get on the scales this morning and watch the number drop after all of the walking I did this weekend.  But, it didn't move :(.  I've been at 289 for about 6 days now!  UGH  However, I'm chalking it up to muscle gain.  I tried on a pair of jeans this morning that didn't come close to fitting last week, and today they buttoned and zipped right up!  So, I AM losing inches!  I'll take that :).

I had one really bad day a couple of weeks ago.  I ate some baked chicken and it got stuck.  It was very painful and I had the foamies from noon until 9:30 that night.  I was miserable.  I've eaten chicken since and have had no problems.  

I'm lucky to have great support from all of my family and friends.  I'm not sure I could do this without all of their support.  

Well, one more week and I can have a salad.  It's funny, I'm craving a salad.  Never dreamed I'd hear myself say that!  

I go in Thursday to have the IVC filter removed.  I'm a bit nervous about that. I'm sure it will be fine, but the thought of them taking it out through my neck is kinda freaking me out.

I've been to and enjoyed the last two support group meetings.  Fresh Start Bariatrics' program has been wonderful.  They really are there to help you succeed long term.

I hope the scale starts moving again soon.  I know it will!

Until later ~Patty

Happy New Year! --

Jan 02, 2008

What a great way to start the new year~ I'm finally out of the 300's!  The scale read 299 on 12/31/07!  Never again will I weigh 300+ pounds.  I'm down a total of 71 pound now and feeling great!  I got into my jeans that are 4 sizes smaller today.

We had some friends over New Year's Eve and had a great time. A perfect way to start the year - laughing with good friends and under 300 pounds!

I can't stop talking about my WLS and all that goes along with it!  I'm just so excited to be well on my way in this journey.

Just under a week to go on pureed foods~I'll sure be glad to get done with this stage, 

We closed the shop over the holidays, and it was a little difficult to get back in the swing of things today.  

I  wish everyone a very happy 2008!

Merry Christmas!

Dec 25, 2007

Christmas Day and the scales moved again!  I weighed the same for a week and was starting to get a little concerned, but the scale went down again today!  2 more pounds gone for a total of 65 gone and 22 since surgery.  

We went to my parents to celebrate with all my family last night.  There were about 30 of us there!  We all had a great time.  There was so much good food and desserts.  It was a little harder than I expected, but I did fine.  I had some pureed ham and a deviled egg.  I took my own cup of SF chocolate pudding and that was good enough!

Today, we are busy cleaning and moving stuff out of the living room and dining room.......getting new carpet laid on Thursday~Can't wait!

Merry Christmas to every one!


Dec 13, 2007

Well, I went back to work part-time this week.  I get tired easily, but otherwise doing great!  I weighed in today at 307.  That's 18 pounds since surgery and 61 total!  I'm very happy with that.  Did a little Christmas shopping this week and enjoyed getting out.  

I'm still struggling with getting enough liquid in, but I keep working at it.  I'm looking forward to starting pureed foods next week.  I also have my first exercise appointment on Tuesday.  I'm anxious to get started.  

I'm so glad I made the decision to have WLS.  I know it was the right choice for me!

Until later~Patty

Post-op visit yesterday. 13 pounds gone!

Dec 07, 2007

Hello~  My follow up appointment was yesterday and I'm doing great.  I'm 13 pounds down from my surgery day weight.  Wow!  That's so exciting.  I'm feeling good and ready to start getting out and doing things. (slowly of course).  I said I wasn't going to get on the scale everyday, but I can't help goes down everyday!  I know it won't keep up that pace forever, but for now, it's fun to see.

11/30/07 4th day

Nov 30, 2007

It's Friday evening and I had my surgery on Tuesday.  I'm home and doing well.  Surgery went very well.  The pain is easing and I'm so happy to be on my journey to a healthy new me!


Today's the Day!

Nov 26, 2007

It's finally here!  Surgery day!  Seems like I've been waiting forever.  Surprisingly, I don't feel scared at all.  I really believe that this is the right doctor, hospital and time for me to have this done.  I'm going to be joining the losers bench!  Oh, I am a bit concerned as I would be with any surgery, but I'm not scared.  I'm having trouble sleeping, but that's because I have so many things running through my head.....did I get everything taken care of that I needed to.  Going over all my lists of things to do!  I have many people praying for me, and I know that today will be the start of a wonderful, healthy life!

About Me
Upper Arlington , OH
Surgery Date
Sep 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 27

Latest Blog 54
Great weekend and WOW moment!
A WOW moment for me!
Bouncing up and down!
