hello everyone.  i would be willing to bet money that my story is almost the same as many of you. one day about 6 years ago it finally dawned on me that my life was out of control.  as a matter of fact i had gained so much weight that i couldn't walk very much and i was almost wheelchair bound. i had to buy a 3 wheeled scooted to get around, if i wanted to go places etc.  then came the yearly stays in the hospital and my diabetes was also out of control.  it came to the point that my heart and lungs were working overtime and i needed oxygen too.  you name it it seemed to be going wrong.  i have a husband and son that have been very good to me, they waited on me hand and foot but they were enabling me to become dependent on them for everything.  my mother lives with us so she also was helping with my personal needs as my weight kept climbing.  in 2006 after many attempts of trying to diet during this period i finally started to think of having the RNY i talked to the doctor and went to a few meetings and decided that the surgery was not for me and i simply walked away from it.  then my little cousin had the lapband surgery with the same doctor and sugested that i look into it, less evasive too.  in march 2008 i went into the hospital for 3 weeks and i was in ICU for 3 days with complications from diabetes and a few other things that i started to think about the lapband surgery as i felt that i just couldn't do the diet thing all by myself. it took me to may to finally make that final decision to go for it.  i called the dr's office and started the ball rolling. the rest is history and my insurance issues went quickly it was a matter of life or death for me and i chose to live. on aug 28, 2008 i got the call from the dr's office my surgery date was sept 23,2008.  what a surprise  that was my 54th b'day and i was going to re start my life.  i also must say that i restarted the process without telling anyone about my decision. maybe around june i finally told my family what i had decided to do and they have been so supportive.  i am 8 month out and have lost 62 pounds and sure feel so much better, it doesn't matter the type of surgery you have it is that you did it!!!!!!!!!!! good luck to all who read this  keep focused and smile if i can do this you can too!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me
pinellas park, FL
May 05, 2009
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