2 year update

Feb 26, 2011

I just received my 2 year anniversary (since my surgery) email and realized I hadn't been here in a long time.  Since I was last here I have achieved my goal and am feeling fantastic!  Having the gastric bypass surgery was the best decision I ever made.  Now I am in the maintenance phase.  This phase is harder as after 2 years I have stopped losing weight without trying.  However, the 2 years gave  me time to change my attitudes and behaviors towards food.  I have no intention on ever going back to the self-destructive habits I used to have.

10 months

Dec 26, 2009

It's been 10 months since my surgery and I am about 90 pounds lighter.  What a trip this year has been!  I have gone from a size 24-26 to a size 10...which is now getting big.  I am sooooo happy I have taken this journey!  I both look and feel better than I ever have.

7.5 months

Oct 11, 2009

It has been over 7 months since the surgery and I am feeling GREAT!  I have lost over 80 pounds, am no longer in plus or even "teen" sizes, and I don't mind posing for pictures anymore.  Most importantly, I am healthy and getting closer and closer to my goal.  Having this surgery was the smartest thing I have ever done!  I am only sorry I didn't do it years ago.  I both look and feel great and am looking forward to getting into more physical activities that I haven't done in years!

5 1/2 months and feeling good

Aug 11, 2009

I don't know if anyone even reads these...hahaha...but it feels good to post them!   I am a about 5 1/2 months out from surgery and feeling great!  I have lost over 70 pounds and have resumed pretty normal activity.  I am sooooooo happy I had this surgery.  Losing is slower now I am getting closer to my goal of 155 but I am trying not to focus on the scale but rather how I look and feel.  Even if I don't lose another pound I am glad I had this.  I can now shop in regular stores, as opposed to plus size stores, and people comment about how I look and how much more confidence I have. 

I am leaving for a beach vacation in a less than 2 weeks and can actually wear a regular bathing suit while I am there!  I am hiking and lifting weights and looking forward to the rest of my life.

Summer Update

Jul 10, 2009

It's been a while since I updated here.  It has now been 4 1/2 months since my surgery and things are going very well.  I was 259 pounds before surgery and am now down to 194.  I feel fantastic and am having no complications as a result of the RNY.  Having the surgery was the best decision I have ever made!

Not much to say...just wanted to keep everyone posted on my progress.  Boy is it nice to be wearing clothes that aren't plus size!


May 20, 2009

My surgeon was so wonderful!  However, I've been getting weird mixed messages from his office even though they have been nice to me.  The problem is that my surgeon was new and the other surgeon in the office only does lap band surgery.  They have this whole plan built on the lap band but that is not necessarily appropriate for RNY.

Anyway, today I went for my 3 month follow up only to find out my surgeon has resigned.  It doesn't surprise me because of the differences in what he does and what the office does...but now I am TOTALLY confused as to how to move forward and where to go for follow up.  The office I've been going to has no knowledge or experience with RNY outside my surgeon.  I can't trust what they say.  And I don't know how often I should follow up or where to go. 

Does anyone have any advice?

Almost 10 weeks

May 03, 2009

I haven't been here in a while because I have been incredibly busy and haven't had much to say.  Since my last posting I had hit a frustrating plateau!  Everyone had told me that it was normal and not to panic...but after 2 weeks I did get a little panicked because in the past diets would work for me for a few months and then stop working.  I was so afraid this was what was happening with my surgery.  However, today I checked my weight and am 2.7 pounds down from my plateau.  Thank God!  During that time I was trying to focus on how good I feel and telling myself that even if I didn't lose any more weight I was still happy to have had the surgery because I was almost 45 pounds lighter.  I still really want to focus on health rather than the numbers on the scale because I don't want to be obsessed and have my emotions affected by the scale all the time.  This is really important to me!

But anyway, I am over the plateau and still feeling great!  Also, checking in here today reminded me that although I had almost a 3 week plateau, I am still ahead of the game in terms of how fast I am losing and in comparison with other diets I have been on.  I am very happy and I hope all my friends here are feeling good and doing well.

7.5 weeks

Apr 16, 2009

I haven't written in a while.  Been busy back to normal life.  Last I checked I had lost 43 pounds total.  However, my weight loss is now slowing down a little and I am trying not to weigh myself everyday so that I don't get discouraged.  I am walking every day now and am feeling great!  I am actually starting to tone a little and my clothes are fitting even better now that I am exercising. 

I'm trying not to be in too much of a rush and to just enjoy this journey.  I am also trying to focus on long-term lifestyle changes and appreciate feeling good as opposed to just looking at numbers on the scale.  I am so glad I had this done!  I feel like a new person already!

Weekly update - 4/4/09

Apr 03, 2009

Hey Everyone!

Well, this week has been quite the journey.  I am adding foods, trying to figure out what I can tolerate and what I cannot.  I haven't weighed myself since Sunday because it is that time of the month and I didn't want to be discouraged if I gained water weight.  Things are well over all.  I feel fantastic!  

I hope you all are well!  Write me when you can.


2nd surgeon appointment

Mar 27, 2009

I saw my surgeon yesterday.  Am doing as fantastic as I feel.  I've been released to solid foods.  I'm 35 pounds down and ready to start exercising. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2009
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 14
