
Say What?

Dec 04, 2008

I have lost 50lbs.....which isn't much to some of you...but it's a whole lot to me!!!  The closer I get to my goal, the more I realize that I need to set another goal cause it's not enough.  I'm glad that people are noticing.  I need to start exercising....I've noticed some saggy skin...especially on my arms....ewwwww not cute.  So, I need to start using the hand weights.  I'm excited....I'm finally below my pre-pregnancy weight and that was 8 years ago...LOL.....anyhow Be blessed OH. 

Peace and Love


Jul 11, 2008

I came across a photo that I had my cousin take for me so that I could submit it for WLS......OMG is all I can say...take a peek at it for it you'd like....not sure how long I'll keep it up there.....~~giggle~~


Jul 05, 2008

This has been a short holiday.  It really doesn't feel like much of a holiday though.  Anywho, I'm out....I've lost 6 additional pounds.  that puts me about 5 pounds from my goal and a total weight loss of 30 pounds.  I'm trying to stay focused...but Lord knows it is hard.  Be Blessed....

It's my burfday, it's my burfday....

Jun 18, 2008

I'm gonna party like it's my burfday.....WHEW!  I've been on this site over a freakin year!  This time last year, all I was saying was I couldn't wait until 2008....I wanna be fine for my 33---I mean 25th b-day...LOL.  But I didn't make that this don't get me wrong...I'm so glad I've lost the little weight that I have.  Hell I was walking by one of the buildings at work and caught my reflection and had to say Damn she fine...on the real...I wouldn't change this last year for NOTHING.  Whenever I do have surgery---if it's meant for me to have it....I will be grateful for the long road I've traveled to get there....and be thankful for the lessons I've learned on the way.'s buying me a Mojito???  Peace & Love

Weighed myself yesterday...

Jun 16, 2008

I've lost 6 more pounds....I've lost 25lbs total...if my calculations are right.  I am so thrilled....words cannot express.  I am 11 pounds away from the goal that my dr set for me when I asked her about surgery.  But since I couldn't have the surgery, I had to go a different route.  It's not falling off like it would if I had the surgery....I see so many profiles and I get so envious of some people.  But in a good way...because they look so freakin good to's amazing....almost like you're not looking at the same person.  That's the kind of transformation I was looking for when I first looked into having surgery.  But I can still have my transformation...just not as quickly and not the way I wanted it to happen.  I'm committed to changing my life for the better...even if surgery NEVER happens for me.  I think I'm beginning to accept that...finally.  It's going to take a while for me to get where I want to be....but I guess anything this good is worth waiting for.  Peace & Love

Still no scale

Jun 14, 2008

SON OF A GUN!  Went to the Bullseye Boutique(Target) and forgot to buy a freakin' scale.  So, not sure if I've lost anymore weight.  I have been walking with my cockapoo---it's so hot here in Atlanta that one day he just laid down under a shade tree---LOL....I just turned back around and dropped his lazy behind back off at the house and started my walk.  I would like to take up running, but I don't want my last moments of my life kissing the pavement.  I guess I need to start off with the walk/run thing I read about.  Maybe I'll build up enough nerve to start trying to run one day.  I'll let you guys know if that happens.  Peace & Love


Jun 11, 2008

I have no clue how much weigh right now.  I need a scale dammit!  Why do I always forget to buy the thing when I get to the store.  Anyhow, I've gotten a few people asking if I'm losing weight....although I haven't lost alot, it is great to have people notice!  My hubby asked if I wanted to go price some treadmills this weekend.  I'm hoping that we can find one on display that's for sale....or a discontinued model...something.  Joining a gym is not an option right now unless the monthly fee is extremely discounted.  Anywho, I will be back to update this profile with weight loss, once I find a scale...LOL.

Peace & Love

My struggle---My Vent

May 22, 2008

The other day I was lurking on a message board and came across a post.  Someone in that post mentioned that they felt a friend was competing with them as far as weight loss, blah, blah.  And another person made the comment that she should tell her friend that because she had surgery her weight would stay off, and the friend would probably gain all of her weight back because she didn't have it(not exactly word for word, but you get my point right?)  Being a big girl, I have emotional issues about my weight.  I've been embarrassed to eat in front of people, didn't go to a gathering because I would be the only "fat chick" there.  But sometimes it just pisses me off when people say stupid things.  That was just some stupid sh*& to my opinion.  I have heard people say that they want to go up and tell someone who's obese about the surgery and share their story....that's great, but what makes you think that person doesn't know about gastric bypass.  Have you ever stopped to think that some people CAN'T have surgery...I SAID CAN'T...not does not want.  The last thing someone who can't have surgery wants to hear is that well she'll probably gain the weight back because she didn't have surgery.  So I guess bypass patients don't gain weight?  If that's the case, they should just do away with revisions, I mean---who needs those right?  I mean I've seen people get so upset when they think bypass patients have "taken the easy way out"  So why would you then make insensitive ass comments like "they'll probably gain the weight back because she didn't have surgery"  Obesity is a word I hate...because it's used to describe the shape my body is in now.  Although, I CAN'T have the surgery at least I haven't just given up and thrown in the towel.  I'm motivated by a lot of people whose profiles I read.  I get up and walk because of those people, I watch what I eat becuse of that motivation.  I've lost 19 pounds since February because of the motivation I receive from people that have no clue that they've inspired me.  I'm not posting this for anyone to give me their opinion or co-sign to what I've said....I just needed to vent for a change.  Excuse me while I go get my walk on.....Peace & Love


May 19, 2008

Make that 6 pounds!!!  WOOHOOO!  UNFREAKINBELIEVABLE!  When I got on the dr's scale today, I just knew it wouldn't be what I thought.  Imagine my surprise when I saw that I had lost dr couldn't be happier right now...and I am over the moon.  I go back on June 30.....hmmm....wonder if I can squeeze out 10 more pounds by then....let the games begin!

Peace & Love

Four Pounds GONE!

May 14, 2008

Now, although I can't do like some of you and say 4 lbs gone forever!  They are at least gone for now.  And I'll take it.  I'm hoping when I go to the dr. tomorrow it'll be more than 4 pounds.  But I'm going by what my Granny's scale says(no I don't have my own).  I have a burning desire to join the gym...but I'm afraid I won't stay committed. I need to exercise least walk!  Peace & Love

About Me
Apr 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 45

Latest Blog 46
Say What?
It's my burfday, it's my burfday....
Weighed myself yesterday...
Still no scale
My struggle---My Vent
Four Pounds GONE!
