
Shameless Plug

Apr 30, 2008

I need you guys to vote for my bag's design.  With gas & grocery prices going up, I could really use a gift card from Kroger...LOL.  Please vote...and continue to vote everyday!


Apr 30, 2008

Went in for a dr's visit...I've lost...drum roll please...13 pounds!  Although, that not much compared to WLS's alot for me.  I haven't seen the scales move this much since 2003 when I had a breast reduction.  My dr. was very very pleased.  13 pounds lost since February 7th...I'll take it anyday.  Now I must incorporate more exercise into my routine....she thinks if I do that....I'll notice a big difference.  And I know I must consume more water.  I feel sooooo motivated...I just hope it stays.  Holla!

Peace and Love

Better Days

Apr 08, 2008

I figured I needed to update this profile.  Although my surgery is indefinitely postponed right now...I think I'll survive.  It's not the worst thing in the world.  I figure this gives me time to try and change the way I do things...eating & exercising.  So, for now I look forward to whatever the future may hold.  I've decided to take up sewing next month.....maybe I'll be a fashionista....LOL...yeah right.  Anywho...check you guys lata!  Peace, Blessings, & Love

In the dumps

Feb 07, 2008

The surgery has been put on hold indefinitely at the moment.  I have some health issues going on that I need to tend to right now.  Sometimes I see women with such slender faces--although body wise they're big girls like me and I get sooooo envious.  I know I shouldn't....but I do.  I feel ill when my clothes don't fit me right or my stomach is so freaking round--like I'm 4 months pregnant.  I've even stopped visiting OH because seeing people's progress just made me more depressed.  But I know everything will soon be fine.  Peace & Love

Happy Holidays!!!

Dec 24, 2007

Merry Christmas OH!  Wow this year has flown by.  I would've never thought that in 07/08 I would be considering gastric bypass surgery.  I think I have learned a helluva lot from reading different profiles, BAF, & of course someone very close to me whose had the surgery.  Other than my husband, she is definitely my biggest cheerleader.  So I guess she is my Angel...even though she may not know it.  I love ya to death ballerina girl! LOL!  Anyhow, I probably won't sign back on until 2008, so you guys have a Happy new year...make it a prosperous one and definitely a Happy one!  Peace & Love


Dec 17, 2007

Could I be relocating to a new city?  SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!  I should know by the end of the week if my family will be relocating to Chicago, IL.  I'm excited at the possibility.  It makes me wonder the impact this could possibly have on the surgery journey...but it's not like Chicago doesn't have bariatric surgeons right?  LOL.  Still patiently waiting for Jan 1st, that's when the new insurance kicks in.  I will be calling and making an appointment to see the head doctor.  Anyhow, Merry Christmas OH & Happy New Year.


Dec 03, 2007

I found a lump in my breast a few months ago.  It was actually on my incision(I had a breast reduction & lift 3 years ago).  Turns out it was an abscess and it had to be incised and drained------OHMYGOD!  The PAIN was not what I was expecting today.  I think I'm mentally scarred for life.  Seems that the abscess came from the underwire in my bra rubbing against the incision.  Well, NO MORE WIRE BRAS!  I like for the girls to sit up and all, but I'll never buy a bra with underwire again.  Okay, I'm signing off because my arm feels all funny and I'm hurting....Peace & Love


Dec 02, 2007

It's December already....unbelievable.  This year has flown by!  I'm ready for 2008 as I stated in several other posts.  I'm ready for a new me.  I have started to consider RNY.  I found out recently that I have PCOS.  I go for my official wellness checkup on 12/17 and hopefully the dr will confirm her suspicions.  But I have all the tags, dark patches on my neck, under arm, facial hair(although unnoticable to most, I know it's there and I'm constantly taking the scissors to my face)...the last time I went to the dr, my BP was very high, but it had come down before I left.  I also, have all the signs of becoming diabetic.  I think RNY is the only thing that is going to help me at this point.  I must admit though, I'm scared out of my FREAKIN MIND.  But I'm just going to pray and hope that God helps me make the right decision.  Losing 100 lbs would put me at about 125....a number I haven't seen since high school.  It's kind of scary to think I'd be that small.  I was hoping for about 145.  We'll see what the DOC thinks.  Until then....Peace & Love

Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 23, 2007

Well, I am back from Vegas BABEE!!!  It was a great trip.   Some much needed R&R with the hubby.  I will post photos soon.  Nothing much too report, just waiting for 2008 to roll around so I can get this surgery thing on and poppin'.  Peace & Love


Nov 12, 2007

I will be on Cigna Jan.1 2008.  Peachtree Bariatrics has told me they will keep me on file and then submit my paperwork to Cigna.  I have so many emotions....and I don't even have a date yet.  But I really feel that I am making the right decision.  My husband and I have talked about this, and he supports me.  I already know that we both will have to pray for strength & endurance.  Hopefully 2008 will be the road to the new me.  
Peace & Love!

About Me
Apr 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 45

Latest Blog 46
Say What?
It's my burfday, it's my burfday....
Weighed myself yesterday...
Still no scale
My struggle---My Vent
Four Pounds GONE!
