Another update 8/16/07

Aug 16, 2007

Four more pounds and then it will be 100.  Please let them melt away!!!  I was in a slump but got rid of some garbage and I feel a lot better.  Haven't done much with the dating thing.  I'm kind of hesitant because of all of the skin.  And let's face it, the pickings are kind of slim in my age group.  I just need to focus on the right environment.  Wish me luck!!

Still doing it

Jul 27, 2007

:I am anxious to begin this new step in my life

I've been overweight all of my life and even dieted when I was in grade school. It was horrible. Now that I am an adult I am at the heaviest I've ever been and the pounds just keep coming. I lost my right leg in a car accident and walk with a prosthetic. At this weight it is difficult to get around and walking is limited. Time to change all of that and get moving again.

The clinic has been helpful in getting me prepared for surgery, however I must admit that ObesityHelp has been a godsend for information and reading what others are going through. I don't feel so alone with my decision.

July 12, 2006

Nine days until surgery and I am getting a little nervous. I have been busy reading other journals of people that have made the jump and their information has been so very helpful. My thanks to all who have e-mailed me in response to my frantic questions.

I have collected some of the things that I'll need for after surgery at home and will finish up this week. I'm still testing protein powders and am on my preop diet. I cheated a little and ate some crackers and cheese but realize I'm only cheating me and have decided to stop the nonsense. I just needed to chew something.

I won't have anyone to help me out after a couple of days so everything that is not on the diet goes out of the house. I don't have much but I just don't want the temptation. Just cat food and the post-surgery food will be there.

July 17

I am counting the days...4 more to go. My anxiety is starting to go away and I feel prepared. I haven't packed my bag for the hospital but will get my apnea machine ready. I haven't been using it and I don't know how it will work at the hospital but I have to bring it so I will.

I have read so many wonderful journals of people who are pre-op and post-op and all of the wonderful stories. I keep thinking in the small part of my mind that this will fail too, but after reading the successes I just have to be one too. That is my motivation to go through with the surgery. I talked to my brother today and told him what I was doing and he said Great! That means something too.

August 5
Its been two weeks since my surgery and I am still getting adjussted to everything. I can't seem to coordinate how I am suppose to get all of the protein in and still eat so very little. I will call the dietician on Monday to see what is what. I fell the third day home from the hospital and skinned myself up pretty bad. It knocked the wind out of my sails and so my progress was set back a little. I am up an around but my walking is limited. I was kind of depressed after I came home and I just chalk it up to the surgery and such. This really is a life change.

August 6
Had my first experience with dumping syndrome. Not fun! I thought I was having a heart attack and called the Dr. Told me what was going on and it did pass. Whew! Thought I'd be smart and add aditional protein to my shake but it was too much for me too handle. I'm just going to keep doing what I have been doing and look forward to week three. I have lost 12 lbs. since surgery. I'll take em! YaY

September 23
As of the 21st its been two months since I had surgery (rny) and I have lost 45 pounds. I feel really good about this because I just wasn't sure that I was going to lose anything at all with this surgery. It seemed almost hopeless and I am so glad that I did it. I started out at 275 and now I am at 230.
My clothes are starting to hang and I am able to wear some things that I saved from a trimmer time. My energy is good, in fact I just have to keep moving. This whole thing has been a godsend to me and I give thanks everyday.
I'm going to the Coast for a mini-vacation next weekend and am treating myself to a one-hour massage. I can hardly wait. Everyone, keep up the good work!

July 24, 2007

Ok, time to update. I am almost to the year anniversary and just about 3 pounds shy of the 100 mark. What a year it has been. 3major surgeries: gastric bypass, appendix and a hernia repair. I am currently recouping from the hernia operation and I am not a good patient.

My clothing no longer fits and I really need to find some things. I thought I would try the thrift shops but what we really need here is a clothing exchange. I am not going to invest anything into a wardrobe until I am finished and stabilized. These last 35 pounds are very hard to lose. I am kind of discouraged but won't give up. I have come too far down this road to turn around now.

There is a support group that meets in my area everyother Tuesday night. While I can't make it tonight my goal is to make the first one in August.

Hospital Reviews
  • (Portland, OR) - Legacy Emanuel Hospital

    Weight Loss Survey Responses
    Click Here To View

    Surgeon Info:
    Jay Jan
    Dr. Jan is young but very good. He has been a tremendous help and his staff are very knowledgeable. He is strictly business but does have a sense of humor. His bedside manner is comfortable and is very tuned into the sensitivities of the morbidly obese. The clinic at legacy emmanuel is top notch.
    Insurer Info:

    About Me
    Aumsville, OR
    Surgery Date
    Jun 29, 2006
    Member Since

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    Latest Blog 2
    Another update 8/16/07
    Still doing it
