Holiday update

Dec 29, 2010

I have been at 194 +/- 5 pounds for quite awhile. I have made appointments with some plastic surgeons to explore my options.  I suspect that I have 30-40 pounds of excess skin (since my highest weight was almost 500 pounds!) which would put me in the neighborhood of 155-165 pounds after all is said and done. That would have me at a normal weight. AMAZING! Life surely has changed over the last few years! One of the most noticible changes is the fact that as I have lost weight I have become more active. However some things don't change. People look at me now and it still makes me think that something is wrong or that I look funny, ugly or just odd. My husband says it is because I "look good" and I believe I do, relatively speaking, but the fat baggage is still there and I can easily fall back into "stinkin thinkin".
The support group in the Winston-Salem area started, but quickly fell apart.  At least 6 people told me they wanted a support group in W-S, but only 2 ever showed up. They were not always able to attend so it was often just me or me and one other. I decided that the 45 minute drive one way was too much.  The last meeting was canceled because neither of the others could attend and I haven't rescheduled.  And you know is not my failure.
I have gotten a part-time job teaching developmental biology at Forsyth Tech Community College since my graduation from Salem College and I am looking for a full time job and taking additional classes in Chemistry and Criminal Justice. I am not so sure I still want to pursue a graduate degree. Who knows what the future holds, but I bet it will hold greater possibilities than the past!
I am still looking for an agility group to get involved with in my area, but have not had any luck so far. My vet dosen't even know of any. I did ride a horse without anyone calling PETA!!! so maybe I will take riding lessons until I find something to do with my dog.
I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!


Feb 10, 2010

I can't beleve it, but making that last post has made me cry!!! I don't know yet if it's relief, shame, frustration, determination, or what!!!


Feb 10, 2010

I am 11 months out and have fallen back into some of my old habits. I eat in front of the TV. I make poor food choices. I am not excercising. I don't measure or even consider portion size! My weight has been wavering fron 223 to 228. I have come a long way from my presurgery weight of 333 and my highest of 480, but I am not at my goal of 170. I have got to get a grip and use my tool (ie. WLS) and lead the change not be a bystander!
My issues are surfacing and I haven't dealt with them, I've started eating them again. I am guilty of grazing. I have started getting sick...really sick... after eating because of my poor choices. This has got to change and only I have the power to make the change. Why do I continue to do things that feel soooo bad? God grant me the serentiy to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
I have been less-than-half-heartedly trying to start a support group in the Winston-Salem area of North Carolina. My biggest hurdle is finding a location. I have contacted a few venues, but no one has returned my calls. I even have about 5 or 6 people interested in participating in this group! I have got to get a grip and take control!!!!! I need others who share my experiences, who can hold me accountable, and life me up. People who I may be able to help and gain satisfaction in the knowledge that I can make a difference in the lives of others!
I feel better now that I have confessed my "sins" and gotten it all out. Guilt and shame will NOT force me to go quietly back into a life of misery!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just an update

Jan 13, 2010

I am continuing to lose weight although it has slowed down alot!! I have lost from about 400 pounds in May of 2008 to 229 in January of 2010. I lost about 70 pounds before surgery and over a hundred since surgery in March 2009. I had hoped to be in onderland at New Years, but didn't make it. My goal is to reach 170, my goal weight, by the time I graduate from college in May 2010. Dr. Cook said I have already done enough to be considered very successful, but I want more!!!!!   or less????

Anyhow I am very happy with my new physical condition. The weird part is all the little things I didn't expect like not being the biggest person in the room, being able to park further away from the store, even just having the option of walking. I can reach all my parts without straining! I have noticed people looking at me, I ask my husband "do I look funny or have spinach in my teeth?" He replies that people are looking at me because I look good, not bad or funny. I have never known that before.
I can wear heels, I bought a pair of red suede heels, and sorta strut when I wear them. I can't believe this is me. Part of me thinks I will wake up and it will have all been a dream. I really thought my life was about to end, not that I was going to experience this second chance!

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Walk from Obesity

Sep 25, 2009

I'm headed off to Hickory to participate! Yeah!!!!! I hope to see some friends there!   

Also, we will be starting support group meetings in Winston-Salem, NC. let me know if anyone is interested or wants more information.


let's go!

Jul 08, 2009

I am 4 months out from RNY and I want to accelerate my weight loss. I am thinking about doing the mostly liquid diet and get the pounds to start melting away again. I am down to 264 and would like to be at 200 by January 1, 2010. I know I need more excercise and water.

Does anyone know how to change the BMI as it is posted on your profile? I have updated my health tracker and it hasn't changed.

1 comment

WOW Moment!

Jun 10, 2009

I had a wow moment today. I climbed stairs from the first floor to the second floor and wasn't breathing hard! WOW! 

June update

Jun 01, 2009

Well finally, my weight loss has started again. I remained within about 5 pounds for about 2-3 weeks! I know what a plateau is, but I couldn't help getting a bit concerned! I have lost another 6 pounds in the last week, so it has started again. I am glad! I am getting rid of my fat-est clothes. What should I do with them; I am not in a support group where I can give them to someone else. Should I take them to my bariatric clinic?


6-week check-up

May 12, 2009

I went to the doc last Friday for my 6 week check-up. Everything is fine. They said that since my first visit and class, last May, I have lost 104 pounds! Although, I have been between 292 and 296 for the past 2 1/2 weeks! I guess it is an adjustment period. No complaints here!

I'm one month old

Apr 19, 2009

I had RNY one month ago and am no longer "super obese" now I am only "extremely obese"!
I had intestinal adhesions that Dr. Cook corrected during my surgery and it took almost twice as long as it should have, but I am so much better for it now. I had a lot more pain  than I had expected during the first 3 weeks. This last week has been great. I am loosing about 1-2 pounds a day! My official pre-surgical weight was 333 and I gained 18 pounds in the hospital (go figure, Ice chips and clear liquids! Ok, I know it was fluids from the IV, but still!). I weigh 298 now! That is 180 down from my highest weight (480 in 2001)! Everyone comments on the change and how good I look. I am amazed with the way I feel and the "too small" clothes that I never threw away and  I'm now wearing!
Thanks to Shauna, Dale, and the other friends who have encouraged me! I know that God has carried me through this journey so far and I know he will never leave me or forsake me.
I am excited about the possibilities my future holds. It is hard to believe that a few months and years ago I was waiting to die without any hope of recovery. Thank you Jesus, you are my source of hope and joy!


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 04, 2008
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